
  • 网络nEC;NEC Corporation
  1. 日本电气株式会社计划今年售出五千面“体温镜”。

    NEC Avio plans to sell 5000 units of the Thermo Mirror this year .

  2. 日本电气株式会社红外技术公司最近研发出一款“体温镜”,可以“照”出发烧等流感症状。

    Japanese firm NEC Avio Infrared Technologies has announced the development of a mirror that can detect flu-like symptoms , such as a fever .

  3. 日本电气株式会社表示,这款“体温镜”可在公司接待处、学校、医院、以及其它公共场所使用,而且还可以替代机场使用的更昂贵的体温测量仪。

    NEC Avio said that it expects that the device will be used in corporate receptions , schools , hospitals and public facilities , but it could also replace more expensive technology used in airports .