
  • 网络Japonism;Japanism;japonisme
  1. 第二部分是石桥湛山的小日本主义的演变。

    The second part is the evolution of the small Japanism thought .

  2. 日本帝国主义是我们第一个大好的反面教员。

    Japanese imperialism was our first top-flight teacher by negative example .

  3. 日本帝国主义投降的大势已经定了。

    The surrender of Japanese imperialism is now a foregone conclusion .

  4. 日本浪漫主义文学对中国创造社的影响

    The Influence of Romantic Literature in Japan on Chinese Creation Society

  5. 我们恨日本帝国主义,是日本帝国主义压迫我们的结果。

    We hate Japanese imperialism because Japanese imperialism oppresses us .

  6. 就是说决定投降日本帝国主义。

    It signifies a decision to capitulate to Japanese imperialism .

  7. 日本军国主义及其侵略扩张本质

    The Japanese Militarism and Its Nature of Invasion and Extension

  8. 日本军国主义曾经给人类带来惨绝人寰的灾难。

    Japanese militarism once caused the very grave disaster to Asian people .

  9. 不克服这个弱点,是不能战胜日本帝国主义的。

    Unless we overcome this weakness , Japanese imperialism cannot be defeated .

  10. 日本帝国主义是下了凶横直进的决心的。

    Japanese imperialism is determined to bludgeon its way deep into China .

  11. 日本帝国主义者意图趁机侵略中国等东亚国家。

    The Japanese imperialists tried to make hell while the sun shines .

  12. 第二种是被日本帝国主义和伪政权掌握着的被占领地;

    Second , areas held by Japanese imperialism and its puppet regimes ;

  13. 这场斗争在一定程度上打击了日本帝国主义,但是,它同时给东满地区的革命斗争带来了不应有的损失。

    It took due losses to the revolutionary struggle .

  14. 在沦陷区,则一切被日本帝国主义所独占。

    In the occupied areas everything is in the hands of Japanese imperialism .

  15. 日本帝国主义对松花江水电资源的掠夺开发

    The Japanese Imperialists Plundered the Water and Electric Resources of the Songhua River

  16. 日本帝国主义已经不能继续打下去了。

    Japanese imperialism can no longer continue the fight .

  17. 论日本军国主义倾向及其原因

    On the Trend and Reasons of Japan 's Imperialism

  18. 浅析日本军国主义无条件投降原因

    On the Cause of Japanese Militarism 's Unconditional Surrender

  19. 朝鲜战争与日本军国主义的复活

    The Korean War and the Revival of Japanese Militarism

  20. 日本帝国主义对中国盐业的劫掠

    The Plunder of Japanese Imperialism to Chinese Salt Industry

  21. 墨索里尼也是如此,日本帝国主义也是如此。

    So was Mussolini , so was Japanese imperialism .

  22. 驱逐日本帝国主义出中国。

    Drive the Japanese imperialists out of China .

  23. 抵御日本帝国主义的侵略,维护国家主权和领土、行政完整;

    Resisting Japanese imperialist aggression , safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial and administrative integrity ;

  24. 它采取了日本帝国主义的野心,使美国的战争。

    It took the imperialist ambitions of Japan to bring America into the war .

  25. 文化侵略是日本帝国主义对华侵略的重要组成部分。

    Cultural aggression is an important part of aggression of Japanese imperialism against China .

  26. 1931年9月18日,日本帝国主义发动侵略战争。

    On September 18,1931 , the Japanese imperialism launched the war of invading China .

  27. 反对日本帝国主义的侵略,主张焦土抗战。

    Objected to invading of Japan imperialism , performed the war of anti-Japan utmost .

  28. 日本帝国主义悍然发动对华战争,给中国带来了严重的难民问题。

    Japanese imperialism was warring to Chinese which resulted in a serious refugee problem .

  29. 首先,日本军国主义思想的核心是侵略扩张思想。

    First , the central concept of Japanese militarism ideology is the aggression ideology .

  30. 事实上,除了日本军国主义外,天皇对战争负有直接责任。

    In fact , besides the Japanese militarism , Mikado shouldered the direct responsibilities .