
lù hǎi jūn
  • land and navy force
  1. 如果战争可以废除,陆海军也就不必要了。

    If war could be abolished , armies and navies would be unnecessary .

  2. 我们应保持陆海军的适度规模,

    Our land and naval forces should be moderate ,

  3. 我们应保持陆海军的适度规模

    Our land and naval forces should be moderate

  4. 制定统辖和管理陆海军的条例;

    To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces ;

  5. 我们陆海军的官兵们!

    Men of our Army and Navy !

  6. 总统为合众国陆海军的总司令。

    The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States .

  7. 美国陆海军通用规格

    US Joint Army Navy Specifications

  8. 大厅里满是政府官员和陆海军军官,人人都穿着大礼服。

    The hall was crowded with government officials and military and naval officers , all in full dress .

  9. ph.1.(美国陆军)总司令部总统为合众国陆海军的总司令。

    General headquarters The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States .

  10. 陆海军表示,“新北京、新奥运”的口号,象征北京追求现代化的努力。

    Mr Lu touts the " new Beijing , New Olympics " slogan as symbolising its efforts to pursue modernisation .

  11. 人们开始私下议论反对美国武器、美国顾问和美国陆海军士兵进入中国。

    They began to talk among themselves about keeping American arms , American advisers and American soldiers and marines out of China .

  12. 作为陆海军,总司令,我已指示,为了我们的防务采取一切措施。

    As commander in chief of the Army and Navy , I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense .

  13. 但是在我留在伦敦的最后一天,刚从陆海军商店里买完东西走出来,却又遇到思特里克兰德太太带着她的一儿一女;

    But on my last day in town , coming out of the Stores , I met her with her son and daughter ;

  14. 最危险的因素是条顿人要主宰世界的计划和为达到此目的而建立的庞大的陆海军。

    The most dangerous element was the Teutonic scheme of world domination , and the creation of a vast army and navy with which to achieve this goal .

  15. 在中古时代,比萨是个共和国,有自己的政府,有自己的陆海军,还有很发达的商业。

    Pisa was a republic in the middle ages , with a government of her own , armies and navies of her own , and a great commerce .

  16. 1923年,陆海军大元帅大本营建立后,孙中山从革命需要出发,一手创办了广州中央银行。

    In1923 , after the establishment of the Headquarters of the Marshal of Army and Navy , Sun Yat-sen created the central bank in Guangzhou out of the needs of the revolution .

  17. 我们的孩子将被迫当兵,使他们现在还在和平耕种的土地血流成河;人民为负担陆海军的赋税而陷入贫困,

    our sons made soldiers to deluge with blood the fields they now till in peace ; the mass of our people borne down and impoverished by taxes to support armies and navies ,

  18. 两个实验都获得了成功。后来,他又被请到索尔兹伯里平原上,向陆海军高级军官和政府官员演示他的实验。

    Both these tests were successful , and so he was then asked to give a third demonstration this time on salisbuw plain to a group of high-ranking army and naval officers and government officials .

  19. 总统是合众国陆海军总司令,并在各州民团被征召为合众国服役时任民团总司令;

    The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States , and of the Militia of the several States , when called into the actual Service of the United States ;

  20. 不愿见到我们有足以应付需要的陆、海军;

    Shrink from seeing us build a navy and army adequate to our needs ;

  21. 双方陆、海军的高级军官定期会晤,六月份巴黎方面某个首脑人物要来开会。

    The most important officers in the armies and navies met regularly , and in June one of the top people was coming from Paris for a meeting .

  22. 在前者的运作过程中,陆、海军、外务省,都不具有对外政策的最终决定权,他们对外交的影响力,一般被限制在辅弼或辅翼的职责范围内。

    In the course of operation of the former , both the army , Navy and Gaimusho ( the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ) have no authority to make final decision on foreign policy .

  23. 还有海军航空兵、海军陆战队、海军基地等。

    It also has naval air force , marine corps , naval base and so on .

  24. 美国从24海军陆战队远征部队海军陆战队试图采取的前沿作战基地德怀尔的住房,从沙尘暴在阿富汗南部星期三,2008年5月7日赫尔曼德省。

    US Marines from the24th Marine Expeditionary Unit try to take shelter from a sand storm at forward operating base Dwyer in the Helmand province of southern Afghanistan Wednesday , May7,2008 .

  25. 从美海军陆战队第24海军陆战队远征部队,采取的护堤在与附近加姆塞尔在阿富汗赫尔曼德省星期五2008年5月2日镇塔利班阵地开火斗争的立场。

    US Marines , from the24th Marine Expeditionary Unit , take positions on a berm during a fire fight with Taliban positions near the town of Garmser in Helmand Province of Afghanistan Friday May2,2008 .

  26. 我的陆战队!你们的陆战队!海军陆战队!

    My corps ! your corps ! our corps ! maring corps .