
  • 网络turn a blind eye to;turn a blind eye
  1. 这些VIE理论上是违法的,但中国的法院对这种做法睁一只眼闭一只眼,而持股人也知道,他们持有的大量股份全都仰赖政府的默许。

    These VIE 's are technically illegal , though Chinese courts turn a blind eye to the practice , and owners know their large holding only exists thanks to the tacit consent of the state .

  2. 赵明虽然不喜欢哥哥这样做,但他从小是被哥哥养大,两个人是孤儿,相依为命,赵明只好睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    Et although don 't like brother to do so , but since his childhood was raised , two elder brother , sisters are orphans , et had to turn a blind eye to it .

  3. 今日一篇报道称,老师们对学生在学校抽烟睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    Teachers are turning a blind eye to pupils smoking at school , a report reveals today

  4. 他对她的错误睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    He turned a blind eye to her mistakes .

  5. 他声称,自己在交易所交易基金(ETF)部门的其他同事、管理层以及后台部门都知道他的所作所为,但只要他还在赚钱,他们就选择睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    He claimed that other co-workers on the ETFs desk , management and the back office knew what he was doing and turned a blind eye as long as he was making profits .

  6. 中国市场是苹果业绩增长最快的市场。在中国,苹果答应了政府提出的一些不寻常的要求,比如使用设在中国的数据中心,以及纳入中国的WiFi标准。一些人就此批评苹果是否是对政府的监听睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    In China - Apple 's fastest-growing market - the company has acceded to unusual government requests , such as using China-based data centres and incorporating a Chinese WiFi standard , drawing criticism over whether it was turning a blind eye to government snooping .

  7. 哪个法官都会睁一只眼闭一只眼的。

    Any judge would turn a blind eye .

  8. 我还不如睁一只眼闭一只眼呢!

    I 've just turned a blind eye .

  9. 此外,在某些案件中,政府似乎很乐于睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    And in some cases the government seems quite happy to look the other way .

  10. 而他们总认为自己能在公众睁一只眼闭一只眼状况下统治人民,

    who think that they can rule over us without very much prying from the public ,

  11. 我们不应该把车停在这里,但是行政管理部门通常睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    We 're not supposed to park here , but the authorities usually turn a blind eye .

  12. 观察人士表示,多数公司都睁一只眼闭一只眼,因为很多酒鬼工作都做得相当不错。

    Observers say most firms turn a blind eye , as many alcoholics function perfectly well at work .

  13. 如果他们能够不让自己的性生活影响工作,我就会睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    If they can keep their sex lives from interfering with work , I turn a blind eye .

  14. 她送蛋糕是认为我可能会仅仅因为这些免费发送的蛋糕而对她工作中的不足睁一只眼闭一只眼吗?

    Does she think I 'll overlook her professional shortcomings just because she 's offering me free cake ?

  15. 起初,西克尔斯对这些绯闻睁一只眼闭一只眼,但他的怒火一直在积压。

    At first , Sickles turned a blind eye to the affair , all the while becoming increasingly incensed .

  16. 他们发现,在无外界打扰的情况下,这些爬行动物只有不到一小时睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    They noticed that when left undisturbed , the reptiles spent less than an hour with one eye open .

  17. 许多拍卖行对此睁一只眼闭一只眼,因为价格越高,他们的佣金也越高。

    Eg. many auction houses turn a blind eye , since the higher the price , the higher their commission .

  18. 我愿意睁一只眼闭一只眼,但是你被审查后果得自己承担!

    I 'm willing to turn a blind eye , but you 're on your own if you get audited !

  19. 裕元集团的一名工人表示:政府一直都是睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    The government has been keeping one eye open , one eye closed all along , said one Yue Yuen worker .

  20. 中国管理他的私营部门通常被认为是“睁一只眼闭一只眼”。

    Chinese regulation of its private sector is often referred to as " one eye open , one eye shut . "

  21. 这可能产生另一批“收租人”,他们可能会索取贿赂,然后对盗版光盘工厂睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    That could create another layer of rent-seekers soliciting bribes to get them to turn a blind eye to disc pressing plants .

  22. Lesku表示,虽然我们认为睁一只眼闭一只眼睡觉的动物奇怪,但其实这种行为才最正常不过。

    Lesku says that while we have always called the one-eyed napping animals odd it may be that they are perfectly normal !

  23. 当地许多农民对商贩使用甲醛溶液喷洒白菜进行保鲜的现象一直是睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    Many local farmers have turned a blind eye to the dealers ' practice of treating the cabbage with a formaldehyde solution .

  24. 回忆睁一只眼闭一只眼的一笑而过,停留在想象昨日书本上的笑里藏刀。

    Memories open eyes one eye closed one eye to laugh it off , stay in the imagination of the nasty-nice book yesterday .

  25. 但由于地方官员睁一只眼闭一只眼,因此,只要太阳落了山,这里的生产就一切照旧。

    But with local officials turning a blind eye , business is going on as usual – once the sun has gone down .

  26. 总会有那么一刻或许会来得更早、而非更迟德拉吉和默克尔同时选择睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    The moment will arrive , probably sooner rather than later , when Mr Draghi and Ms Merkel will have to blink simultaneously .

  27. 到目前为止,我也只是“听之任之,和气生财”,睁一只眼闭一只眼,但心里却很不舒服。

    So far , I 've been " going along to get along , " basically turning a blind eye , but it 's making me uncomfortable .

  28. 律师们表示,在许多情况下,中国的大型国企仍不会费心向监管机构申报自己的合并计划,而商务部对此也就睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    In many cases , lawyers say that large Chinese state-owned companies still do not bother to notify regulators of their mergers , and the ministry turns a blind eye .

  29. 他还补充道,几十年前,这里的一位院长开了“养狗的先例”,所以学院现在只好“睁一只眼闭一只眼地让悠悠以猫的名义存在”。

    However , after a past master set a " dog-owning precedent " decades ago , the college " tongue-in-cheek agreed YoYo could stay as a large cat , " he said .

  30. 在毁灭性的饥荒面前,陷入绝境的朝鲜当局开始对越境进入中国,寻找食物等可以在本国贩售的物品的那些人睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    In the face of a devastating famine , desperate North Korean authorities began turning a blind eye to people crossing into China to seek food and other goods to sell at home .
