
  • 网络anglo-american relations
  1. MarkGlancy是伦敦玛丽女王学院英美关系的专家。

    Mark Glancy is an expert on Anglo-American relations at Queen Mary , University of London .

  2. 从冲突到和解:近代英美关系考察

    From Rivalry to Compromise : An Examination of Modern Anglo-American Relations

  3. 这两个事件突显出英美关系中两个非常敏感的问题。

    The two incidents highlighted two very sensitive points in US-UK relations .

  4. 1945年英美关系中的苏联因素

    Soviet Union 's Function in the Relationship between Great Britain and US in 1945

  5. 朝鲜战争与英美关系

    The Korean War and Anglo-American Relations

  6. 1939年以前,英美关系并无特殊之处。

    Prior to 1939 , there was almost no hint of anything special for the UK-US relationship .

  7. 英美关系是国际关系史上的重要课题,也是现代社会的热点问题。

    The Anglo-American Relations is an important subject in international history and a hot topic in modern society .

  8. 英国传统外交政策的两根支柱,即英欧关系和英美关系,都被我们抛弃了。

    So we have kicked away both props of our traditional foreign policy – Europe and the transatlantic relationship .

  9. 然而,在印美关系和英美关系中,最能够看出英印两国各自地缘政治角色的变化。

    Yet changes in India and Britain 's respective geo-political roles can be seen most obviously in their mutual relationship to the US .

  10. 在笔者看来,冷战结束后英美关系依然特殊并得到了加强,这种特殊关系是无可替代的。

    The author holds a positive view on this issue , and proves this point by listing aspects of post-Cold War UK-US special relationship .

  11. 为了解决外交与经济上的双重困境,麦克唐纳上台后,把英美关系放在非常重要的位置。

    In order to solve the dilemma of diplomatic and economic , after Macdonald came to power , the Anglo American relations in a very important position .

  12. 然而冷战结束后,围绕这一问题出现了一个主要的争论:英美关系是否依然特殊?

    However , after the Cold War , with the passing of common enemy , a debate concerning this issue arises : Whether the UK-US relationship is still special ?

  13. 英美特殊关系:文化基础与历史演变

    UK & U.S.A Special Relationship : Culture Background and Historical Development

  14. 从1942年印度问题看英美特殊关系

    British-American Special Relationship-A Study of the Case of India Problem in 1942

  15. 美国的政策、英美特殊关系与第二次台湾海峡危机&兼论联盟关系对美国外交决策的作用和影响

    American policies , Anglo-American special relation , and 2nd Taiwan Strait crisis

  16. 试论二战后的英美特殊关系

    Try to Discuss Anglo-American Special Relationship Post World War ⅱ

  17. 苏伊士运河战争后英美特殊关系的变化

    British-American " Special Relationship " since the Suez Canal War

  18. 冷战后英美特殊关系的特点(1991-2006年)

    The Characteristics of Anglo-American Special Relationship ( 1991-2006 );

  19. 在撒切尔夫人执政时期这一特点表现得更为明显,同以前的各届政府相比她执政时期的英美特殊关系发展到了一个新水平。

    It is key to consolidate and develop this special relationship for every British government .

  20. 就印度问题看二战时期的英美特殊关系

    Analysis of British-American Relations in World War ⅱ from the Angle of the India Problem

  21. 试析英美特殊关系

    Analysis of Anglo-American Special Relationship

  22. 因此,在威尔逊政府时期,英美经济关系呈现出非常复杂的局面。

    Therefore , in the Wilson administration , the Anglo-American economic relations showed a very complex situation .

  23. 冷战结束后,围绕英美特殊关系问题产生了两个主要的争论:一是冷战后英美两国应该放弃还是继续保持特殊关系?

    After the Cold War , two main debates took place about the special relationship between the U.K.

  24. 而在现实中,英美伙伴关系的重要性不断下降,与个人毫无关系。

    In reality , the declining significance of the US-UK partnership has nothing to do with personalities .

  25. 他们不愿抛弃自己想象中的英美特殊关系。

    They are reluctant to abandon what they imagine to be a privileged relationship with the US .

  26. 克林顿当政后英美特殊关系的变化

    Great Britain : the Change of Its Special Relations with the US since President Clinton Came to Power

  27. 如今英美同盟关系承受着压力,即便共同利益最终会压倒目前的争执。

    Today , that alliance is under strain , even if the common interests ultimately prevail over present tiffs .

  28. 英美特殊关系在战后国际关系中扮演着重要角色。

    Anglo-American relationship , being formed in World War ⅱ, plays an important role in the post-war international relations .

  29. 新首相是一位大西洋主义者,但对鼓吹英美特殊关系并不那么热衷。

    The prime minister is an Atlanticist , but a less than devoted spokesman for a special relationship with Washington .

  30. 本文将从英美特殊关系着手,在吸收和借鉴前人研究的基础上,对冷战时期英国所面临的外交困境进行分析。

    This thesis started from Anglo-America special relationship , based onpredecessors ' research results , and analyzed the dilemma of British diplomacy .