
  • 网络English Puritanism
  1. 《失乐园》的题材取自《圣经旧约·创世纪》,但并不是对这一经典的简单描摹和扩写,而是在英国清教影响下进行的阐释,充分体现出英国清教的教义和信条。

    The subject matter of Paradise Lost comes out of Genesis in the Old Testament . It is not a simple description and expansion of the classics . Instead , under the influence of English Puritanism , it illustrates and fully embodies the religious doctrines and convictions of Puritan .

  2. 英国清教运动的起因及性质

    Discussion on the origin and nature of Britain Puritanism Campaign

  3. 英国的清教运动兴起于资本主义上升时期的16世纪,直接发端于加尔文教,并且突破了宗教的范畴,与英国资本主义的发展息息相关,在历史上扮演了重要反封建角色。

    Puritanism campaign in British was rising at the ascending period of capitalism in 16 Century , and it was begun on Calvinism .

  4. 在英国形成的清教思想与北美大陆的现实相融合,清教成为基督新教文化的主流,对早期殖民地时代乃至此后美国的政治、经济、文化等方面起了极其重要的作用。

    Puritanism shaped in England was fused with the American reality . Puritanism became the mainstream of Protestantism , and played a very important role in politics , economy , culture , and so on , in the early colonial period even afterward .