
  1. 尊重儿童现时生活的价值与意义。

    To respect the value and meaning of children 's lives nowadays .

  2. 因此,为人父母者,必须尽快顺应时代发展要求,尊重儿童成长规律,创造良好家庭环境,塑造儿童健全人格。

    They should create good family environment to shape the child healthy character .

  3. 重要词重要词或说明性的词尊重儿童的核心就是尊重儿童的天性。

    A significant or descriptive word . Respecting child 's heart means respecting child 's nature .

  4. 尊重儿童的本性及其个性自然成长,是活动教学的灵魂;

    Respecting the child 's nature and his personality 's natural development is the soul of activity teaching .

  5. 尊崇天性、尊重儿童、解放儿童,这是教育变革的重要内容,也是实现民族文化改良与复兴的根本途径。

    Respecting human nature , respecting children , emancipating children should be the major concern of education and culture reform .

  6. 第二,非常尊重儿童心理特点,一切以适于儿童理解为出发点。

    Second , great respect for children 's psychological characteristics , suitable for all children to understand as a starting point .

  7. 尊重儿童自由想象的教育理念,是使每个孩子都能养成独特的完美人格的必由之路。

    The philosophy that respects children and their imagination is the only way to built unique identities and health personalities of their own .

  8. 小学英语游戏教学法充分尊重儿童的心理发展规律,全面考虑教育教学中的主要因素,融合了新课程的诸多教育理念,是一种行之有效的教学法。

    In game , psychological rule is considered . So playing game is an effective teaching method to integrate main factors and educational notions .

  9. 以儿童为中心表现为尊重儿童的兴趣和意愿,以儿童现有表现能力为基础,也就是说,以儿童的文化为中心。

    Centering on children mainly means centering on children 's culture , valuing their wishes and interests and basing on their existing expression capability .

  10. 在我国社会逐步确立科学的儿童观,日益尊重儿童权益的今天,这项研究也具有较强的现实意义。

    Today our society establishes progressively scientific children conception and more respect children 's rights and interests ; this research has intense practical significance .

  11. 因此,教育应当把儿童看作儿童,敬畏儿童的天性,珍视儿童期的价值,尊重儿童的自然发展。

    Therefore , education should regard children as kids , respect the nature of children and the natural development of children , treasure the value of childhood .

  12. 杜威反对以教师为中心的传统教育对于儿童个性的压制与扼杀,提倡尊重儿童,主张教育要以儿童为中心。

    John Dewey is against the traditional education , which suppresses the individuality of children significantly . He advocates to respect children and believes that education should center on children .

  13. 进而指出学校教育应该接纳儿童文化,对此,应从两方面寻找突破口:一是尊重儿童,二是提高教师对儿童文化的理解和认同度;

    So the dissertation points out , the schooling should respect children and accept children 's culture , on the other hand , teachers should raise awareness of appreciation of children 's culture ;

  14. 把儿童视为独立的人,尊重儿童的人格与权力,这是现代儿童观的核心内容,这一现代儿童观的产生经历了长达几世纪的漫长发展。

    Looking the children as the independent persons and respecting their own human rights is the key content of the modern concept of child , which has a long course with several centuries .

  15. 教育应以需要的视野看待儿童的人性,尊重儿童的需要和选择,其价值在于引导学生构建个人需要和社会需要相结合的丰富多彩的人性世界。

    We should view children 's nature from the perspective of their needs , respect what they want and what they choose . The value of education lies in leading students to construct a colorful world which combines individual needs and social needs .

  16. 随着新的文化价值观的确立,从课堂常规自由追求的理念出发,教育面临的重要任务就是要建立一种尊重儿童自由和保障儿童权利的新的教育规范或制度、教育理念和教育实践方式。

    With the establishment of new cultural values , what is important for us is , With the idea of free pursuit , that new educational discipline , idea , practice way of respecting the children 's freedom and ensuring their rights should be established .

  17. 尊重是儿童的道德发展和社会化的一个重要部分。

    Respect is an important issue in the field of children 's moral development and socialization .

  18. 成人应当诚恳地向儿童学习,应当尊重理解儿童,培育儿童的自主精神。

    The adult should learn sincerely from the children , learn to respect and understand them , and cultivates their independent spirits .

  19. 双向尊重的儿童比单向尊重的儿童友伴数量更多,互选友伴更多;积极维度分更高,消极维度分更低,友谊质量总体更好。

    Children of mutual respect had more peer nomination , more friends and friendship quality were higher in which positive score was higher and negative score was lower .

  20. 结果表明,双向尊重的儿童比单向尊重的儿童具有更多的友伴数和更好的友谊质量,但双向尊重的儿童不一定是受欢迎儿童;

    Results showed children of mutual respect had more friends and better friendship quality than children of unilateral respect . Popular children had no more mutual respect conception than other children .

  21. 尊重和给予儿童选择权;

    Respect children and offer them rights to choose ;

  22. 本文强调:教师个体差异性是否能够得到关注和尊重,与儿童个体差异性是否能够得关注和尊重之间,存在着直接的联系。

    The researcher emphasizes that whether teachers ' personal differences can be respected or not may directly influence whether children 's differences can be respected .

  23. 你被给予能够保证尊重成人和儿童、教师和学生之间必须存在的重要界限的信任。

    You were the one in whom trust had been placed to ensure that you would respect the vital boundaries that must exist between adults and children and between teachers and pupils .

  24. 包括尊重孩子,把儿童当作儿童;更新教育观念,牢固树立游戏是幼儿园的基本活动的理念;科学安排一日生活各环节,在过渡环节减少幼儿的消极等待。

    Including the respect child , put the children as young children . Updated education concept , to establish firmly the " game is the basic activities of kindergarten " idea ; Science to arrange a life , each link , reduce the children in the transition negative wait .