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zūn fènɡ
  • worship;revere;venerate;respectfully attend upon or obey
尊奉 [zūn fèng]
  • (1) [worship;revere;venerate]∶尊敬崇尚

  • 尊奉教义

  • (2) [treat respectly;attend respectly upon to]∶恭敬地奉行、相待

  • 尊奉遗嘱

  1. 被尊奉为权威的教条或信义守则。

    A doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative .

  2. 其次,尊奉高年也是北朝人口政策的主要内容。

    Secondly , respect for the elderly is the Northern population policy .

  3. 一个尊奉为神可以被定义为,一个主题升华到神圣的水平。

    An apotheosis can be defined as the exaltation of a subject to divine level .

  4. 在临床医学中,保密一直是医师们尊奉的圭臬和操守。

    In clinical practice , confidentiality is always the ethical criterion and conduct for clinicians .

  5. 尊奉为神因此发出一个明确的信息:乔治华盛顿是美国的基督。

    The Apotheosis sends therefore a clear message : George Washington is the American Christ .

  6. 这种哲学很好,并且为时人所尊奉,它是我们的保护。

    This philosophy was good , and stood alone in its time it was our protection .

  7. 她们心甘情愿地尊奉圣徒的典范,鄙视物质利益,道德坚韧,无私地奉献爱。

    They worshiped saints willingly , despised material gains , displayed moral tenacity and offered selfless love .

  8. 本文关于这一部分的写作主要探讨北朝尊奉高年的社会背景及其具体内容。

    This part of the writing focuses on the social background of Northern respect for the elderly and its specific content .

  9. 我想象着自己有朝一日也能在那座尊奉荷马和莎士比亚为圣的神殿之中占有一席之地。

    I imagined that I also might obtain a niche in the temple where the names of Homer and Shakespeare are consecrated .

  10. 约娜是罗马众神的皇后,罗马人同时将她尊奉为妇女和婚姻之神。

    Yuena is that numerous magical Rome empress , Roman look upon her Zun as woman and God of marriage at the same time .

  11. 现实主义是现代文学的主流,被现代作家选择与尊奉,有着功利主义的策略性的原因。

    Realism is the mainstream of modern literature . As a result of politic reasons , it is chosen and worshipped by the modern writers .

  12. 虽然安格尔继承了大卫的艺术风格,但在青年时期的安格尔的绘画作品已经表明他最终背离了大卫所尊奉的若干艺术准则。

    Although striker inherited David art style , but the striker as a youth paintings have shown that he finally deviates from David some weapons artistic criteria .

  13. 确立社稷崇拜,将始祖稷作为农业神与土地神一同尊奉,体现了以周王朝为代表的华夏农业文化和宗法文化的结合。

    The commemoration of the land gods and the agriculture gods showed the fundamental characteristic of Zhou that was combined with the agriculture and the patriarchal culture .

  14. 大峰祖师是我国宋朝一位普通僧人,因其慈悲为怀,仁义济世,受到潮汕地区人们的尊奉。

    Dafeng was an ordinary monk in the Song Dynasty , because of his kindness and benevolence , he was respected and worshipped by people in Chao Shan area .

  15. 诗人创作心态表现为追求长生、渴望绝对自由和满足男女情爱三方面,有着对现实批判与妥协的双重特征,这是唐代尊奉道教的社会思潮和诗人个人遭际相融合的结果。

    The Writing purpose of the poets was to express three ideals : the quest of a long life ; thirst for absolute freedom and satisfaction of love between man and woman .

  16. 罗马法尊奉哪里有权利哪里有救济的原则,其中对物的诉讼可以被视为物上请求权制度的雏形。

    Its embryo dates from " action of right in rem " which belongs to the principle of " Where there is right , there is remedy " disciplined by Roman Law .

  17. 始终尊奉“以质量求生存,以科技求发展,以市场为导向”的企业宗旨,立足国内,放眼世界,开拓进取!

    The company keeps adhering to the tenet of " Survival by quality , development by technology and orientation by market " Stands on China , embraces world and remains enterprising and progressive !

  18. 五代时期,钱氏始终尊奉善事中国方针,争取中原五代王朝的支持,抵御强邻的进攻,保持境内安宁和政治稳定。

    During the Five Dynasties , the Qian Pursued the policy of " waiting upon china properly " from beginning to end respectfully , won over the support of the Central Plains Five Dynasties , resisted the attack of strong neighboring country , kept internal tranquillity and political steadies .