
zūn zhònɡ rén cái
  • respect trained personnel;respect educated people;respect intellectual
  1. 尊重人才,建立科学的干部人事管理制度;

    Respect the talented persons ; Establish scientific cadre administration system ;

  2. 注重人才,尊重人才。

    Treasure talented people , respect talented people .

  3. 以人为本&重视和尊重人才,关心和体贴员工,这是青岛名牌企业管理文化的核心;

    Humanism is the core of management culture .

  4. 尊重人才、尊重知识、尊重创造,是公司的基本方针。

    Respect for talent , knowledge , creation is the basic principle of Angel .

  5. 他们提倡尊重人才,敬佩老师。他们潜心佛学教育,门徒众多,才干超人;

    With unexceptional talent , they had a great number of excellent works about Buddhism .

  6. 人才是垅运的第一资本,垅运尊重人才。

    Human resource is the first capital of longyun , we respect all the personnel .

  7. 从机会成本的非货币因素谈尊重人才

    Some Thoughts on the Respect to Talents from the Non-currency Factor of the Opportunity Cost

  8. 他尊重人才、爱惜人才,对中、青年教师也十分关怀。

    He respects and treasures talented person , and also cares about middle-aged and young teachers .

  9. 创造一个关心人才、尊重人才的环境;

    For example , to create an environment of caring and respecting the person with ability ;

  10. 尊重人才,致力于创新和应用,回报客户和社会。

    Respect to talent , commit to innovation and applications , return our value to customer and society .

  11. 第六,形成尊重人才的良好风气,实施事业留人,感情留人,政策留人。

    Sixth , format a good atmosphere of respect for talent , implement " career keep people sentiments , affection management the policy of keeping talent " .

  12. 尊重人才,培养人才,善用人才,为优秀人才创造一个能充分发挥个人才能的环境,是奥生公司健康快速发展的重要因素。

    Respecting talents , cultivating talents and making talents full play of their abilities by creating an optimal condition are the important guarantees for the fast progress of OSEN .

  13. 在社会主义现代化建设中,我们应积极借鉴这一宝贵的历史经验,善于发现人才,尊重人才,任用贤能。

    So in building the modern socialist country , we should use this precious historical experience to choose , respect and make proper use of the right person of virtue .

  14. 企业要尊重人才的选择权和工作的自主权,并站在人才内在需求的角度,去为人才提供人力资源的产品和服务,去赢得人才的满意和忠诚。

    Enterprises shall stand on satisfying inner demand from talents , pay respects and provide them with product and service for human resource so as to win their satisfaction and loyalty .

  15. 建立尊重人才的企业文化、科学有效的激励机制和人才培养机制等适应石油石化企业的人力资源管理新模式,为企业持续、稳定、健康发展提供人才保障。

    The new pattern of human sources management which suits petrochemistry enterprise should be built . Healthy corporate culture and effective management regime offer talent guarantee for enterprise to develop steadily and healthily .

  16. 其中包括二元加权股权为核心的股权激励以及帮助员工开发职业锚、建立科学培训和知识共享体系、建立尊重人才的文化氛围等管理激励方法。

    Besides the " two dimensional weighting stock ownership incentive ", it also includes methods to help the workers to make the professional profession designs , to create a good training system and a system to discuss technological questions , and to form the atmosphere respecting the talented persons .

  17. 倡导知识经济尊重科技人才

    Initiate Intellectual Economics Respect Science and Technological Manpower

  18. “以人为人”&贝能认为,每一位贝能员工,都是有尊严的独立个体,“以人为人”就是将每一个在贝能工作的人视为被尊重的人才。

    " Humanism " & Burnon believes every employee is an individual with dignity and should be respected .

  19. 要真诚尊重各种人才,充分激发他们创新创造活力。

    We must show our sincere appreciation to talent of all kinds , and stimulate their creative energy .

  20. 城市广场施工养护管理的基本原则是:季节性原则、经济性原则、尊重技术人才的原则。城市广场的效益主要包括:社会效益、经济效益、景观效益、生态效益。

    The basic principles of urban square 's construction , maintenance and management : timely improvement , economy , respecting technological talents , urban square 's benefits include : social , economy , landscape and ecology benefit .

  21. 追求和谐,以人为本,尊重知识和人才,构建和谐美欣达员工大家庭。

    Pursuit of harmony : Pursuit of harmony and human-oriented , respect talents to build a big family of MIZUDA .

  22. 社会主义文化和谐发展的决定性因素是尊重和培养人才;

    He believes that the critical factor that determines the quick harmonic development of socialistic culture is to respect and cultivate persons of talents .

  23. 在新的形势下,如何尊重学生辅导员人才、留住学生辅导员人才,已成为影响独立学院可持续发展的重要课题。

    Under the new circumstances , about respecting knowledge and student counselors , retaining counselors talent , Has become independent of the institute on sustainable development is an important subject .

  24. 尊重知识,尊重人才的人才观;

    The idea of valuing the knowledge , respecting the talented ;

  25. 要尊重劳动,尊重人才。

    Labour must be valued and so must able personnel .

  26. 以尊重知识、尊重人才为出发点,创新人才环境。

    Cresting talent environment on the basis of respecting the knowledge and talents .

  27. 营造一种尊重知识、尊重人才的空气

    Create the atmosphere of respecting Both knowledge and intellectuals

  28. 第九条,概括地说就是“尊重知识,尊重人才”八个字。

    The ninth part can be summed up as'respecting knowledge and talented people ' .

  29. 进行社会主义现代化建设必须尊重知识、尊重人才。

    In our drive for socialist modernization , we must respect knowledge and talented people .

  30. 尊重知识、尊重人才;

    Respecting knowledge and talent ;