
  • 网络reinforced earth retaining wall;reinforced retaining wall;reinforced soil wall
  1. 山区高速公路高路堤加筋土挡土墙的设计

    Design on reinforced earth retaining wall used for high embankment of mountainous area highway

  2. 加筋土挡土墙是国内外广泛采用的挡土墙建设技术。

    Reinforced earth retaining wall is a widely used construction technique of retaining walls .

  3. 失稳加筋土挡土墙的联合加固技术

    United reinforcement technique on the failure of reinforced earth retaining walls

  4. 塑料土工格栅加筋土挡土墙的应用研究

    The Research of Application in Polymer Geogrids Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall

  5. 土工格栅加筋土挡土墙设计参数的弹塑性有限元研究

    Elasto-plastic finite element study for parameters of geogrid-reinforced soil retaining wall

  6. 本文讨论中,隐含讨论了工程经济性的原则和方法,最后本文对加筋土挡土墙的发展作了预测。

    In finally , development of reinforced retaining wall is predicted .

  7. 加筋土挡土墙受力及变形分析

    Analysis of Strength and Deformation of Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall

  8. 台阶式加筋土挡土墙设计方法的研究

    Study on design method of tiered reinforced earth retaining wall

  9. 无连接加筋土挡土墙土压力分析

    Analysis of Soil Pressure in Retaining Wall Without Reinforcement Soil

  10. 关于失稳加筋土挡土墙加固问题的探讨

    Study on Reinforcements of Failure Retaining Wall with Reinforcement Soil

  11. 某工程加筋土挡土墙施工及位移分析

    Construction of reinforced soil retaining wall for a certain engineering and its displacement

  12. 动载荷下加筋土挡土墙的可靠性

    Reliability of reinforced soil retaining wall on dynamic loading

  13. 加筋土挡土墙动力特性分析

    Analysis of dynamic character of reinforced earth retaining wall

  14. 高路堤加筋土挡土墙的变形和受力研究

    Testing Study on deformation and stress of reinforced earth retaining wall for high embankment

  15. 顶锚式加筋土挡土墙在坍塌体上的应用

    The Application of Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall on Coping Anchored Foundation on a Slump

  16. 网状加筋土挡土墙设计理论

    Design Theory of the Grid Reinforced Earth Wall

  17. 加筋土挡土墙安全事故原因分析及质量控制措施

    Cause Analyzing and Quality Construction Measurement to Safety Accident of Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall

  18. 差异沉降下加筋土挡土墙筋带变形特性试验研究

    Test study on deformation behavior of reinforcements induce by differential settlement for reinforced retaining wall

  19. 浅谈加筋土挡土墙的设计要点

    Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall Design Keys

  20. 失稳加筋土挡土墙喷网锚注加固技术锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范

    Reinforcement Technology of Sprayed Concrete with Bar Nets and Anchor Grouting on Failure Earth Retaining Walls

  21. 长期荷载作用下加筋土挡土墙蠕变分析方法

    A method on analysis the creep of the reinforced earth retaining walls subjected to sustained loads

  22. 着重阐述了加筋土挡土墙的结构特点,设计计算及施工监测方法。

    This paper emphasizes the structural characteristics , design calculation and construction monitoring of reinforced soil retaining wall .

  23. 有限元分析填土的物理性质对加筋土挡土墙边坡变形的影响

    Use Finite Element to Analyze the Effect of Banket 's Physical Property on Deformation of Reinforced Earth Wall

  24. 提供的试验资料对今后加筋土挡土墙的研究与设计具有参考价值。

    The test results are of great value for future studies and designs of reinforced earth retaining wall .

  25. 加筋土挡土墙的施工技术及其应用寒区装配式挡土墙的设计方法

    Construction technology of stiffened earth-retaining wall and its application Design method of assembly earth-retaining wall in cold zone

  26. 该结论可供今后加筋土挡土墙的研究和设计参考。

    The test results can be used as a reference for future studies and designs of reinforced earth retaining wall .

  27. 在此基础上,形成了网状加筋土挡土墙的设计方法。

    On the basis of these workings , the method has been formed in designing the netted reinforce earth bulkhead .

  28. 通过有限元分析,得到一些有助于土工格栅加筋土挡土墙设计的结论。

    Some conclusions which are helpful to the design of such structures are drawn based on the results of the finite element analyses .

  29. 包裹式加筋土挡土墙是以面板、填土、筋材等组成的复合支挡结构。

    Wrap-styled reinforced earth retaining wall is a composite retaining structure , which is built up with panels , fillings , and reinforced materials .

  30. 本文通过介绍加筋土挡土墙的施工实例,论述了加筋土挡土墙的材料选择及施工技术。

    This paper introduces the engineering example about retaining wall of earth reinforcement . The selection of materials and construction technology for retaining wall of earth reinforcement are present .