
  • 网络The Order of Canada
  1. 除了它们,深受本地人喜爱的文化机构还有“一只黄兔”剧团(OneYellowRabbitPerformanceTheater),团里的舞蹈演员兼编舞丹尼斯·克拉克(DeniseClarke)在2013年12月荣获加拿大勋章,这是加拿大公民的最高荣誉之一。—

    They join beloved cultural institutions like the One Yellow Rabbit Performance Theater , whose dancer and choreographer Denise Clarke was in December named to the Order of Canada , one of the country 's highest honors . -

  2. 2000年,她获得“加拿大官员荣誉勋章”,并成为加拿大皇家学会的一员。

    She was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in2000 , and is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada .

  3. 加拿大皇家人道协会原计划授予沈慧刚加拿大英勇勋章,但由于他已返回中国,他们未能与沈慧刚取得联系。

    The Royal Canadian Humane Association planned to grant Shen a Canada Bravery Award , but it could not reach him because he had returned to China .