
jí zhì
  • ultimate attainment;highest achievement;highest degree
  • extreme;infinite;super;perfect
极致 [jí zhì]
  • [altitude;the highest achivement] 最高的造诣

  • 圣人之极致,治世之要务也。--何休《公羊解诂序》

  1. 大胆是一种将自己展示到极致的意愿,它不是一夜之间就能获得的。

    Boldness — a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme — is not one that can be acquired overnight .

  2. Self语言将消息传送这一概念发挥到极致。

    The Self language takes this message-passing concept to the extreme .

  3. 这两座建筑物体现了爱尔兰建筑风格的极致多变。

    These two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture .

  4. 他想说服自己他已经发挥到极致了。

    He wanted to satisfy himself that he had given his best performance .

  5. 这虽然不是什么新想法,但是我将它发挥到了极致。

    It 's not such a new idea , but I carried it to extremes

  6. 她因在著书上追求极致之美而享有盛名。

    She has gained a reputation for creating books as perfect as is humanly possible

  7. 他们的策略是扩张性的、带有帝国主义特色,当没有抗衡力量的时候自然也就被发挥到了极致。

    Their strategy is expansionist and imperialist , and it is greatest in effect , of course , when there is no countervailing power

  8. 它为应对全球衰退而实施的扩张政策,把凯恩斯主义发挥到了极致,也令经济恢复了高速增长。

    Its super-keynesian expansionary response to the global recession has put the economy back into top gear .

  9. LOLTM是laughoutloudtothemaximum的英文首字母缩写,也就是“放声大笑到极致”的意思,是LOL的升级版,多用来表示某件事实在太好笑,简单用LOL已经不能够表达其欢乐程度。

    LOLTM , an abbreviation of " laugh out loud to the maximum " , is a term used to express a great deal of humor where a simple LOL cannot get the message through .

  10. 工业光魔(industriallight&magic)在视觉特效领域做到了极致。

    Industrial Light & Magic was the last word in visual effects .

  11. 它将Web编程中的可重用性发挥到极致,能够显著加速开发进程。

    It enables maximum reusability in Web programming and can significantly accelerate your Web application development process .

  12. 不过,就办公室而言,企业吸烟区的极致非总部位于英国的英美烟草工业公司(batindustries)所莫属。

    In offices , though , the ne plus ultra of corporate smoking areas belongs to bat , the UK-based tobacco company .

  13. 2008年,在德克萨斯的Humble,有三个少年用一种极为残忍的方法达到了制作吸烟工具的极致。

    In 2008 , three teens in Humble , Texas used a truly ghoulish method to get high .

  14. 然而,当代右翼将这种不信任发挥到了荒唐的极致,不仅寻求将时钟拨回到罗斯福“新政”(newdeal)之前,而且还要退回到20世纪伊始的进步时代之前。

    The contemporary right has taken this , however , to an absurd extreme , seeking to turn the clock back not just to the point before the new deal , but before the progressive era at the turn of the 20th century .

  15. 为Kinect开发《迪斯尼乐园大冒险》(DisneylandAdventures)和《精英:危险》(Elite:Dangerous)的开发商在ScreamRide中,将主题乐园经营发挥到了极致。

    The developer behind Kinect Disneyland Adventures and Elite : Dangerous is taking the theme park business to the extreme in ScreamRide .

  16. 理想的面料配合DEVERLI一贯的精心设计与完美做工,将DEVERLI始终坚持的细致与体贴发挥到了极致。

    Together with fine fabrics , careful design and perfect workmanship , DE VERLI develops his consistent meticulousness and thoughtfulness to the greatest extent .

  17. 近年来,游戏的图形质量已发展到近乎极致的地步,人工智能(AI)已经成为决定一款游戏以及游戏开发工作室命运的重要因素。

    Recent years , because of perfect development of graphic hardware and rendering quality in video games , artificial intelligence has become a more and more important factor for success of game developing studios .

  18. 虽然我不太喜欢黄瓜三明治,却仍然期待一场极致的《俏妞茜茜》(FancyNancy)式体验,哪怕身旁这个女孩早已不再迷恋公主梦。

    Despite not particularly liking cucumber sandwiches , I was looking forward to what I conceived as the ultimate Fancy Nancy experience , even for a girl well past her princess phase .

  19. 今年1月在拉斯维加斯举行的国际消费类电子产品展(CES)上,物联网的概念更是被渲染到极致,900多家公司展示了联网产品。

    It reached a peak this month at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas , where more than 900 companies exhibited connected products .

  20. 但由于PTT纤维的物理性能与PET纤维有较大差异,必须采用适宜的新的染整加工方法,才能将PTT纤维纺织面料做到极致。

    However , due to a big difference in physical properties between PTT and PET , the new appropriate dyeing and finishing methods should be adopted to assure the quality of final products .

  21. 2015款阿斯顿马丁V12VantageS继承了这个品牌的经典外观,同时将性能推向了极致。

    The 2015 Aston Martin V12 Vantage S takes that classic look and pushes it to an extreme level of performance .

  22. Intersil的房委会,2539代表了高转换率,宽频带,单片运算放大器极致。

    The Intersil HA-2539 represents the ultimate in high slew rate , wideband , monolithic operational amplifiers .

  23. 祖母绿色顶级老坑玻璃种翡翠在标准光源D65光源和A光源下显色都能达到极致。

    High-grade jadeite jades should use light source A , because it can enhance the color green .

  24. 作为一个具有一定能力的用户,我希望能够将程序对我的AthlonXP处理器的使用发挥到极致;我可以在编译时完成这一任务。

    Being a bit of a power user , I like to be able to tell programs to make maximum use of my Athlon XP processor ; I am able to do this at compile time .

  25. 所以,我可以想象,当PDAA-1更透亮时,更多人会认为它达到了音色的极致。

    So , I could imagine many more people thinking it is on the extreme sig when it comes to bright .

  26. BrunelloCuccinelli则推出了外部有两个口袋的貂皮双肩包,尼曼(NeimanMarcus)对其定价为7830美元,这样的双肩包或许不在小朋友返校需添置的物品之列,但却将奢华发挥到了极致。

    Brunello Cuccinelli 's mink backpack with two exterior pockets , priced at $ 7830 from Neiman Marcus , might not make many children 's back-to-school lists , but it marks the height of the trend .

  27. 这就是冰岛,一个冰火交织的极致王国。

    This is Iceland , a land of fire and ice .

  28. 并使品味咖啡有更完美的极致表现。

    And to taste the ultimate coffee a more perfect performance .

  29. 作为一个完美主义者,她的艺术达到了极致。

    A perfectionist , she reached great heights in her art .

  30. 答案就是:你的能量会释放到极致!

    The answer is : Your energy will release the acme !