
  • 网络polar vortex
  1. 南极海冰和极涡指数的时空特征及相互关系

    Variations of the Antarctic sea ice and polar vortex index in southern hemisphere and their relationships

  2. 极涡与副热带高压、阻塞高压及季风等其他大气环流因子配合起来共同作用于天气、气候及环境。

    Polar vortex cooperate with other circulation factors , such as subtropical high , blocking , and monsoon .

  3. 在500百帕层冬季第一象限(5°W&85°E)极涡面积与夏季第二象限极涡面积成正相关。

    And vice versa . ( 2 ) At 500 hPa level , the area of polar vortex of the first quadrant ( 5 ° W-85 ° E ) in winter is directly correlated with the polar vortex area of the second quadrant in summer .

  4. 各月份北极涡对太平洋海温的响应一般滞后2-8个月。影响极涡的海温关键区一般位于Nino区。(6)CAM可以用来对极涡进行模拟研究。

    The response of polar vortex to the key region SST lag 2 to 8 months , and the key region usually locate in the area of Nino . ( 6 ) The CAM is able to used in simulating polar vortex .

  5. 当北半球极涡面积大时,欧亚大陆中、高纬度至北美洲中东部气温偏低,非洲北部和格陵兰岛气温偏高,AO异常则相反。

    When polar vortex area in the northern hemisphere is larger , it is colder from high latitudes of Eurasia to middle-east North America , and warmer in northern Africa and Greenland . However , the corresponding relationship is opposite for AO anomaly .

  6. 对于100hPa极涡分裂过程,对流层2波能量的大量上传是主要因素,其次是波与波非线性相互作用的影响。

    For the break-up of the polar vortex in the 100 hPa , the main contribution is the upward transfer of the energy of wave number two from the troposphere and the second contribution is the nonlinear interactions between the waves .

  7. 极涡显著加强(减弱),东亚冬季风减弱(加强)。

    If polar vortex remarkably strengthen , Winter East Asian monsoon weaken .

  8. 季节的极涡中心强度是持续的。

    Seasonal polar vortex centric intensity is very persistent .

  9. 平流层极涡异常及其对对流层的影响研究

    Study on the Anomaly of Stratospheric Polar Vortex and Its Impact on Troposphere

  10. 对于不同的行星波活动,极涡崩溃的形式也不同。

    Corresponding with different planetary wave activity , breakdown of polar vortex was different .

  11. 在欧亚大陆的极涡面积大小的振荡分别向东&西两方向传播。

    The oscillation of polar vortex area over Eurasia propagates separately eastward and westward .

  12. 北半球绕极涡的变异及其与我国气候异常的关系

    Variability of the northern circumpolar vortex and its association with climate anomaly in China

  13. 北半球平流层极涡崩溃过程的动力诊断分析

    The dynamical diagnosis study on the breakdown of the stratospheric polar vortex in northern hemisphere

  14. 极涡对我国同期及后期气温和降水均有重要影响。

    Polar vortex significantly impact the contemporaneous and subsequent air temperature and rainfall in China .

  15. 冬季极涡的长期预报

    Long-range forecast for winter polar vortex

  16. 此外,南极极涡的强度变化也与长江中下游地区梅雨存在某种程度联系。

    In addition , Meiyu is related to the intensity of the South Pole vortex to some degree .

  17. 极涡系数与我国长期天气变化有着密切的关系。

    It is found that the polar vortex coefficients have a close relation to the weather of out country .

  18. 每一个极涡系数就表示实际高度场与相应典型场的相似程度。

    The polar vortex coefficients represent the degree of resemblance of real height fields to the corresponding tropical fields .

  19. 北半球极涡面积、强度的季节变化及其与中国东北地区气温的关系

    The seasonal variations of area and intensity of polar vortex in northern hemisphere and relationship with temperature in Northeast China

  20. 中国气候过渡带干旱化发展趋势与东亚夏季风、极涡活动相关研究

    Correlation of drought development tendency on china 's climate transition zone and activity of East Asia Summer Monsoon and polar vortex

  21. 东北夏季气温变化与北半球温度及极涡的关系

    The relationship of variability of summer temperature between Northeast China and the Northern Hemisphere and the impacts of the polar vortex

  22. 极涡与阻高通常存在负相关作用,冬季极涡与阻高指数之间的相互作用比夏季弱。

    Polar vortex and blocking usually have a negative interaction , and the interaction are more distinct in summer than in winter .

  23. 在对流层-平流层耦合过程中一个重要的系统即为平流层极涡,作为平流层一个强大的绕极涡旋,它的变化是联系对流层和平流层过程的重要纽带。

    The strong circumpolar westerly vortex , known as the stratospheric polar vortex is a crucial component in the stratosphere-troposphere coupling system .

  24. 平流层增温期间,平流层极涡受高压挤压可能发生偏移、变形甚至崩溃,在下传平流层增温比非下传增温过程中平流层极涡的变化更剧烈;

    During the stratospheric warming events , pinched by anticyclone from middle latitude , stratospheric polar vortex will displace , distort or breakdown .

  25. 宁夏多、少沙尘暴年4月份北半球极涡和高空急流分布特征比较分析

    Comparative analysis on distribution type of polar vortex in northern hemisphere and upper jet in April between more and less sandstorm years in Ningxia

  26. 冬季的极涡中心基本位于极心附近偏北的位置,而夏季极涡中心则明显移向西半球。

    In winter the center of the polar vortex locates about the north of pole , but in summer it shifts to the western hemisphere .

  27. 太平洋海温对同期及之后北极涡的影响很强,极涡对后期太平洋海温的反馈作用也很强。

    The Pacific SST observably affect contemporaneous and subsequent polar vortex , while polar vortex feed back on subsequent SST in the Pacific in great degree .

  28. 中平流层环流转型与对流层重要系统(极涡、西太平洋副热带高压)存在一定关系。

    The relation between the transition dates in middle stratosphere and the important systems in troposphere such as polar vortex and the subtropical high in West Pacific .

  29. 一些学者已通过平流层和对流层耦合机制的研究探索极涡变化对低层环流的作用。

    The mechanisms coupling the stratosphere and troposphere have been studied by some scientists for understanding the effect of the polar vortex change on the lower circulation .

  30. 冬季极涡异常变化对应于对流层中高纬度环流异常的型为北极涛动和副热带涛动。

    The anomalous variation of polar vortex in winter corresponds to the situation that the pattern of mid-high latitude circulation anomaly in troposphere is AO and STO .