
  1. 在「仅是理性的限制内的宗教」,康德讨论极端邪恶的观念。

    In Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone , Kant discusses the concept of radical evil .

  2. 我们的熊怪朋友也出现了,他们在一次被一个极端邪恶的存在所占据,最后发现诱惑他们堕落的是一个被锁起来上古之神。

    The Furlobogs are also present , and once again , our bear friends have been corrupted by the an extremely evil presence living underneath them , which turns out to be a chained-up Old God .

  3. 这简直是毫无道理的极端的邪恶行径。

    Such evil is senseless beyond reason .