
  • 网络the polar vortex
  1. 极地涡旋是冬季风形成的一个风系。

    The polar vortex is a system of wintertime winds .

  2. 南半球10hPa极地涡旋的多尺度变化特征分析

    Analysis on 10 hPa Polar Vortex Multi-Scale Variable Characteristic in the Southern Hemisphere

  3. 在阿拉斯加的它通过将温暖的热带空气与极地涡旋混合形成。

    It built up to Alaska mixing warm tropical air with the polar vortex .

  4. 极地涡旋将继续带来持续低温,美国东部大分部地区经历强风天气,温度在0度以下。

    The polar vortex continues to drive temperatures down as much of the Eastern United States battles wind-chills below zero .

  5. 极地涡旋是一种寒冷,密集的低气压系统,气流以逆时针方向转动。

    A polar vortex is a cold , thick low pressure system . The air turns counter-clockwise when on the move .

  6. 该极地涡旋首先形成于加拿大,穿过(美加)边境后,它进一步深入到了美国东南部区域。

    The polar vortex started up in Canada . After crossing the border , it moved deep into the southeastern United States .

  7. 本周,被称为极地涡旋的天气系统为美国大部分地区带来了危险的寒冷天气。

    A weather system known as a polar vortex brought dangerously cold weather to large parts of the United States this week .

  8. 冬天的时候,北极由于全天24小时被黑暗笼罩,因此极地涡旋的力度更强。

    During the winter season , the northern polar vortex typically increases in strength as it is blanketed in 24 hours of darkness .

  9. 在遭遇极地涡旋两周以后,芝加哥又将面临另一股严寒的侵袭,这迫使芝加哥官员关闭了学校并调整了火车时刻表。

    Only two weeks after the polar vortex another round of Arctic weather has led officials in Chicago to close schools and modify train schedules .

  10. 极地涡旋本身并不是一个新的现象,它已经存在好几年了,而且还会继续存在,克里斯说。

    The polar vortex itself is nothing new . It has existed for many years , and it will continue to be there , says Vaccaro .

  11. 在经历了激动人心的颁奖季、超级碗及恼人的极地涡旋后,我们似乎失了对奥运会那份迫切期盼的心。

    With the excitement of awards season , the Super Bowl , and that pesky polar vortex , we almost forgot to be crazy excited about the impending Olympics .

  12. 格罗廷说,数年前,他就已开始这样做了。当时,极地涡旋凶猛来袭,气温降至极低水平,特别适合冷冻裤子。

    Grotting says he started creating his frozen artwork a few years ago when the area was hit with a Polar Vortex , causing extremely low temperatures , perfect for pant sculpting .

  13. 想想有多少工作由于极地涡旋而被耽误飞机无法起飞火车无法离站汽车无法开动

    Think how much work didn 't get done because of the polar vortex the grounded flights , the trains that didn 't leave the stations and the cars that wouldn 't start

  14. 极地涡旋,又叫环极涡旋,是环绕在南极和北极上空的一股气流,它就像一顶在极地上空不停旋转的草帽一样。

    A polar vortex , also known as a circumpolar vortex , is a wind current that circulates above the North and South Poles . The currents sit like spinning hats above the Poles .

  15. 另一方面该风应力旋度变化也可增强副极地海洋涡旋,从而引起黑潮及其续流区(KOE)海温降低。

    On the other hand , the wind stress curl anomaly also strengthens the subpolar gyre so as to cool the Kuroshio / Oyashio Extension region ( KOE ) .

  16. 其中副极地海洋涡旋异常持续时间要比副热带海洋涡旋长,因此KOE区海温负异常持续时间长于黑潮及其东面区域的海温正异常,强度也要显著。

    Since the anomaly of the subpolar gyre is found persisting longer than that of the subtropical gyre , the negative SST anomaly in the KOE region is thus more prominent than the positive SST anomaly in the Kuroshio region .

  17. 在西风应力异常持续10年的情况下,副极地海洋涡旋异常导致的KOE区负海温异常还可以影响到北太平洋中部,因而对北太平洋中部海温的负异常起着维持的作用。

    When the westerly wind stress anomaly is prescribed maintaining for a decade , the cooling of the KOE region induced by the subpolar gyre anomaly is subsequently able to influence the central North Pacific , accordingly maintaining the initial negative SST anomaly over there .

  18. 北太平洋副热带海洋涡旋和副极地海洋涡旋对风应力异常的响应

    Response of the Subtropical and subpolar gyres to wind stress anomalies in the North Pacific