
jí yè
  • polar lobe
  1. 茎围和最大叶的面积在施用135kg/hm2以上的处理与CK之间的差异性达到极显著水平,叶面积指数也存在显著差异;

    When the K level was above 135 kg / hm2 , the stem girth and maximal leaf area differed significantly as compared with CK , so did LAI .

  2. 叶含Ca量发病后期早衰叶极显著高于健康叶,发病晚期显著高于健康叶;

    Ca content in healthy leaves was very significantly higher than that of healthy leaves in the later stage of the disease . Fe content in healthy leaves was very significant higher than that of presenility leaves in the middle and later stage of the diseases .

  3. 基于双向极角的植物叶凸包生成算法

    Algorithm of Constructing Convex Hull for Plant Leaf Based on Bidirectional Polar Angle

  4. 方差分析表明,不同成熟度和不同烘烤温度对烤后烟叶淀粉含量的影响极显著:脚叶、腰叶、上二棚以低温烘烤、成熟这个处理烤后淀粉含量最低,烟叶可用性最强;

    Variance analysis results showed that different maturities and different flue curing temperatures have remarkable effect on starch contents of tobacco leaves .

  5. 烟叶部位间总糖、还原糖比较差异极显著,中部叶>上部叶>下部叶。总氮含量中部叶、下部叶比较差异不显著,但与上部叶比较差异极显著。

    There obtained a best significant difference among total sugar and reducing sugar at different stalk position , which was lower leaf > middle leaf > upper leaf .

  6. 结果表明:各药剂极显著提高椭圆叶花锚种子发芽率(P<0.01),其中以CaCl2溶液促进效果最佳(发芽率70%以上,出苗率50%以上);

    The results showed that each treatment significantly increased germination rate of Halenia elliptica seeds , CaCl_2 was the most effective with more than 70 % germination rate and 50 % seedling rate .