
bào guāng
  • exposure
暴光[bào guāng]
  1. 然而,这个行为改变与暴光无关。

    However , this change in behavior was independent of light exposure .

  2. 这通过快速地定义高质量的过程来向资源受限的小国家提供减少的审计暴光。

    This provides small countries with limited resources reduced audit exposure by quickly defining high-quality processes .

  3. 我们关联分析发现伽玛暴光学与x射线余辉的相关性可分为三类。

    Our analysis shows that the association of the afterglows in the X-ray and optical bands are classified into three groups .

  4. scandal:丑闻blowup:爆发要想丑闻完全的暴光,unexpected:意外的turn:转折需要的只是一个偶然的转折点。

    Gossip girl : And for a scandal to really blow up , All it needs is an unexpected turn . -

  5. 第一个工作是γ暴光变曲线脉冲的衰减段存在反S曲线预言。我们首先详细列出了Qin模型的推导过程。

    The first is the prediction of there exists a reverse " S " - feature curve in the decay portion of the light curves of GRBs .

  6. 结论:骨转移癌和代谢性骨疾病在常规骨显像图上呈过度暴光表现的患者99mTc(V)DMSA显像证实有骨摄取增高。

    In the All patients with metablic bone disease had increased bone uptake on TC-99m ( V ) DMSA scans .

  7. 本文综述了γ暴当前的观测特征和理论成果,详细介绍了本人在攻读博士学位期间基于Qin模型的多普勒效应对γ暴光变曲线脉冲的影响的三个研究工作。

    We summarize the observational and theoretical results of Gamma-ray bursts ( GRBs ), and present in detail the results of our three researches on the Doppler effect of fireballs on the light curves of GRBs based on Qin model .

  8. 暴光制度&欧盟环保执法新模式评析

    Spotlighting : Analysis on the New Mode of EU Environmental Law Enforcement

  9. 在这个基础上,分析了光刻物镜的畸变特性,对研制完成的物镜我们检验了其暴光分辨率和畸变特性,达到了系统设计的指标要求。

    Base on this , the distortion characteristic of lithography lenses is analysed .

  10. 你为什么要找机会给我们暴光?

    Whywould you take a chance on exposing us ?

  11. 她是最终兵器的事已经暴光了。

    Macross ? The fact that she is the ultimate weapon was exposed .

  12. 心理学者运用的仪器;为简单暴光呈现视觉形象。

    An instrument used by psychologists ; presents visual stimuli for brief exposures .

  13. 他已经将一些无可争辩的证据暴光了。

    He has brought some indisputable evidence to light .

  14. 队伍创立人(富商们)将会竭尽所能提高他们队伍在电视上的暴光率。

    The team organizers will do anything to make sure their teams appear on tv .

  15. 老种鱼的侧面影象。今天阳光很猛烈,照片似乎是过度暴光。

    A side profile of the old brooder . Photo is over-exposed due to today 's strong sun .

  16. 幸好经过电视台和报社的侦缉记者细心发掘,许多贪污案件终于暴光。

    Fortunately , many corruption cases come to light through the work of investigative journalists in TV and newspapers .

  17. 报纸对不合格的药品进行了暴光。对不合格品的处置分返工、报废(或退货)。

    The disposition of non-conforming products may be one of the following : rework , scrap ( return to vendor ) .

  18. 我曾经拍摄过太阳镜头,有或没有镜头阴影,太阳眼镜似乎有助于暴光。

    I 've taken sun shots before , with and without lens shading , and the glasses seem to help exposure .

  19. 发现宾主盒吸光度的减少几乎正比于暴光时间和强度。

    It was found that the decrease of absorbance of guest-host cell is almost proportional to the exposure time and light intensity .

  20. 他在支票上伪造他哥哥的签名,以不正当的手段得到了这笔钱,但是却被媒体暴光了。

    He got the money illegally , by forging his brother 's signature on a check , which was exposed by the media .

  21. 本文研究的重点是风险导向审计下风险的识别和评估,随着一系列严重的财务丑闻暴光后。

    This study focused on the identification and assessment under risk-oriented audit technology , with the exposure of a series of serious financial scandal .

  22. 通过有效暴光时间修正,做出了月亮阴影的二维图。最深格子的显著性达到-14。

    The 2-dimensional moon shadow was made via effective exposure time correction , and the significance of the most significant bin is - 14 o .

  23. 二十一世纪初,随着一些上市公司舞弊案的不断暴光,人们对会计的诚信问题给予了极大的不信任。

    At the beginning of21st century , the people began to doubt the accountant 's good faith question along with some public companies'corrupt case unceasing exposure .

  24. 皮损仅局限于暴光部位的36例,主要表现为水肿性红斑,少数患者有丘疹、丘疱疹;

    The lesions in36 patients were localized on sun exposed area , and mainly manifested as edematous erythematous plaques , and less frequently as papules and papulovesicles .

  25. 新闻界的鸽派人士认为:对政治家工作之余的所作所为,不应该暴光,除非这些作为干扰了他的工作。

    The doves in the press maintain that a politician should not be exposed for what he does after work , unless it interferes with his job .

  26. 请记得,让顾客记住你的网站的最佳方式是长期地经常暴光你的站点。

    Do remember that one of the best ways to make sure customers remember your website is to expose your site constantly over a long period of time .

  27. 但近年来上市公司与审计合谋造假案的频频暴光,不仅使资本市场中的财务公信力下降,同时也使独立审计出现了空前的信任危机。

    But recently the frequently exposure of frond made by listed company and auditors makes not only the decreasing of financial public reliability , but also the honesty crisis in independent auditing .

  28. 显然,经过审题,我们发现题目探讨的是公众人物“是否应该”预料到自己隐私的暴光。

    If your answer to this question is no , you should agree that we are obliged to do something to change the current situation about the private lift of public figures .

  29. 友好相处,俨然一个和睦的大家庭这就是眼前的乐购所以网络上问题暴光又成了他们对比的对象反正又不是说我一个!

    Friendly coexistence and harmony like a family that is so immediate purchase music network exposure on the issue and become the target of their comparative anyway is not one that I !

  30. 结果:两组暴光时间、手术时间、造影剂用量、一次性穿刺成功率、手术成功率等均无明显差异。

    Results : There were no significant differences in the exposure time , procedure time , contrast medium dose , success rate of first puncture and operative success rate between TRG and TFG .