
  • 网络Stormwind
  1. 我的兄弟,你是我战士精神的化身!也是暴风城之王意志的化身

    My brother , embodiment of my warrior self ! Will of Stormwind 's king

  2. 亲爱的日记,你可曾将暴风城的奶酪跟幽暗城的辣椒混在一起吃过?

    Diary , have you ever put cheese from Stormwind on Undercity chili ? HELLO ?

  3. 直到他来到暴风城。

    Until he came to Stormwind .

  4. 因为暴风城相对来讲离黑暗之门近一点,你可以飞去诅咒之地,骑马到黑暗之门然后飞去荣誉堡。

    SW is relatively close to the Dark Portal , you can fly back to Blasted Lands , ride to the .

  5. 暴风城国王赋予你力量,提高你的总生命值、治疗量、伤害量30%。瞬发。

    The King of Stromwind lends you his strength , increasing total health , healing done and damage dealt by30 % . 0 Instant .

  6. 最近维伦和剩下的德莱尼幸存者夺得并控制了暴风城塞的一座卫星建筑,并以之逃脱到艾泽拉斯。(喏。这就是那个岛。)

    Recently Velen and the remaining draenei survivors gained control of one of Tempest Keep 's satellite structures and used it to escape to Azeroth .

  7. 撕毁条约法则,凯恩和他的执法暴风城街头,清除任何残酷打击的毒枭团队必要手段。

    Tearing up the rulebook , Kane and his crack team of law enforcers storm the city streets to clean out the drug barons by any brutal means necessary .

  8. 根据皇家一会中的普瑞斯托女伯爵的命令,年轻的安度因被授予皇冠,这样暴风城王国的皇权被留在了暴风城内。

    At the behest of the royal councilor , Lady Prestor , young Anduin was given the crown so that order could be preserved within the kingdom of Stormwind .

  9. 毕竟,是阿旦向莱昂纳斯透露了来到暴风城的暗夜精灵大使&莱库斯的堕落及其涉及部落的叛变的信息。

    After all , it was Ardan who tipped off Leonus to the corruption of the Night Elf Ambassador to Stormwind , Laaikus and his traitorous dealings with the Horde .

  10. 莱昂纳斯成长为一个乐善好施的光明圣斗士并不是意外,他最终成为了暴风城的护国公。

    It was no coincidence , then , that because of Ardan , Leonus would grow into the prodigal Paladin of Light , and eventually , a Lord Protector of Stormwind .

  11. 直到现在,我们也只能确定:这些怪出现在暴风城,但如果它们只是间歇性地出现在其他城市,我们也不会感到奇怪。

    So far our staff has only been able to verify that these mobs are present in Stormwind , however we wouldn 't be surprised if they 're just intermittently visible in other cities .