
  • 网络The Undercity
  1. 亲爱的日记,你可曾将暴风城的奶酪跟幽暗城的辣椒混在一起吃过?

    Diary , have you ever put cheese from Stormwind on Undercity chili ? HELLO ?

  2. 洛丹伦废墟得到扩建,有一个开放的通道通往幽暗城。

    The ruins of Lordaeron are being expanded , with a pit opening into the Undercity .

  3. 把它们交了,飞去幽暗城。

    Turn them in , then fly to the uc .

  4. 幽暗城,那些腐烂死尸的家园得到一章,哦,这儿还曾经盛产我最喜欢的辣椒。

    Undercity , home of the fetid rotting dead and possibly the best chili I 've ever had , got one chapter .

  5. 亡灵们统治了提瑞斯法林地,幽暗城是他们的家&一个正适合亡灵居住的地下迷宫。

    The Undead rule Tirisfal Glades and The Undercity is their home ; it is a creepy underground maze fitting for those who are no longer alive .