
yōu líng
  • ghost;spirit;phantom;specter;wraith;apparition;wight
幽灵 [yōu líng]
  • [ghost;specter;spirit;apparition] 幽魂;人死后的灵魂(迷信);泛指神鬼(迷信)

幽灵[yōu líng]
  1. 他把那艘旧船漆成白色和金色,使它看起来像一个幽灵。

    He painted the old ship white and gold so that it looks like a ghost .

  2. 乳白色的孔雀幽灵般消沉。

    Now droops the milk white peacock like a ghost .

  3. 是不是他的幽灵回来找她了?

    Was he a spectre returning to haunt her ?

  4. 旋转木马的幽灵只不过是当地的迷信说法。

    The phantom of the merry-go-round is just a local superstition .

  5. 死去的孩子们的幽灵常在该村出没。

    The village is haunted by the ghosts of the dead children .

  6. 这个森林黑暗寂静,经常有幽灵和看不见的鬼怪出没。

    The forest was dark and silent , haunted by shadows and unseen presences

  7. 那个幽灵过去常常出人意料地出现,但是大多在冬季。

    The phantom used to appear unexpectedly , but mostly during the winter .

  8. 他们像两个幽灵似的消失在了楼下。

    They vanished down the stairs like two phantoms

  9. 病人认出其中一个女的是她曾见过的幽灵。

    The patient recognized one of the women as the apparition she had seen .

  10. 那个孩子像幽灵一样飞快地跑来跑去。

    That child flits about like a wraith .

  11. 孩子们的幽灵缠上了查尔斯。

    Charles is haunted by ghostly children .

  12. 用他的话来说,新法西斯主义的幽灵正在索非亚和其他大城市中游荡。

    The spectre of neo-fascism , as he put it , was stalking the streets of Sofia and other big cities .

  13. 幽灵常出没于这座城堡。

    A spirit haunts the castle .

  14. 某些西方国家对接连发生的货币与能源方面失调的反应又使自给自足政策的幽灵复活了。

    The reactions of some western countries to successive currency and energy disorders have resurrected the spectre of autarky .

  15. 我发现自己瞪大眼睛看着她,好像她是一个幽灵。

    I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom .

  16. 他们像两个幽灵似的消失在了楼下

    They vanished down the stairs like two phantoms .

  17. 我唯一的问题是关于幽灵的。

    My only question right now involves the wraith .

  18. 有时他好像很正常,有时又难以捉摸,甚至像个幽灵。

    At times he seems rather ordinary.At other times ethereal , perhaps even spectral .

  19. 一绺绺散乱颤动的头发使她那幽灵似的面容显得更加可怕

    The apparitional look of her face was reinforced by the waving tendrils of hair .

  20. 真爱就如同幽灵显现:所有人都谈论它们,但很少有人见到过一个

    True love is like ghostly apparitions : everybody talks about them but few have ever seen one .

  21. 但是作为丹尼尔·克雷格的最后一部邦德电影,距离上一部《007:幽灵党》已经过去了整整6年。

    But Daniel Craig 's final Bond movie is here – six whole years after the previous one , Spectre .

  22. “幽灵出价”指的是购房时并不存在的买方出价,目的是迫使人们做出真实出价,抬高房价。

    Phantom1 offer is a nonexistent offer to purchase a house , used to coerce2 people making real offers into raising their prices .

  23. 科学家们需要用这台大型太空望远镜来探测宇宙中最隐蔽的秘密,即中微子,别名“幽灵粒子”。

    This massive space telescope is what it takes to detect the Universe 's best kept secrets – neutrinos – also nicknamed ‘ ghost particles ' .

  24. 直到今天,我还不明白为什么“幽灵”会在家里如此对我。我觉得也许我将永远不会知道。

    To this day I do not know why these " spirits " are here doing this to me and I have a feeling that I will never know .

  25. 据澎湃新闻报道:国内优步用户叫车时遭遇刷单行为,这些刷单司机被称为“幽灵司机”。

    Chinese customers of ride-hailing app Uber have been getting their ride requests answered by scammers who have come to be known as " ghost drivers , " The Paper reported Sunday .

  26. 那马飞快得向荷兰人奔过来,他惊恐地尖叫了一声,拔腿就跑,他全速向河边跑去,因为他知道鬼魂和邪恶的幽灵都不敢穿过流水。

    The Dutchman let out a terrible scream as the horse leapt toward him at a full gallop5 . He took to his heels , running as fast as he could , making for the bridge since he knew that ghosts and evil spirits did not care to cross running water .

  27. 这位天才变成了数学系大楼的幽灵(PhantomofFineHall),逐渐为众人所知。

    The genius turned into the Phantom of Fine Hall , as he became known .

  28. 他创作了一些新歌,把它们收录在了“画布幽灵”这张CD里面。

    He co-wrote some new songs and recorded them on a studio CD called Ghost on the Canvas .

  29. 是次推广只适用于购买《幽灵奇侠》DVD之客户。

    The promotion is only applicable to customers who bought The Spirit DVD .

  30. 他的设计灵感来自警察乐队(ThePolice)的专辑《机器里的幽灵》(GhostintheMachine)。当年这张专辑很流行。

    Mr. Wood took his inspiration for the logo from a popular rock album at the time , ' Ghost in the Machine , ' by the Police .