
jiāng shī
  • corpse
僵尸 [jiāng shī]
  • [corpse] 僵硬的尸体,比喻腐朽的事物

僵尸[jiāng shī]
  1. 关于出租、倒卖僵尸网络行为的入罪化思路

    The Crimes of Leasing and Scalping " Corpse Networks "

  2. 求求你了,是维克特,他娶了个僵尸。

    Please , it 's victor . he 's married to a corpse .

  3. 星巴克里潜伏着很多“笔记本僵尸”。

    There are many laptop zombies lurking3 in Starbucks .

  4. 许多人将无法付清贷款,有可能会沦为“僵尸贷款人”。

    Many will be unable to pay off the loan and risk becoming “ zombie debtors “ .

  5. “僵尸负债人”指的是每月仅能偿还负债利息的欠债消费者。

    Zombie debtor1 is an indebted consumer who is only able to pay the debt interest each month .

  6. 尽管屡次被驳斥,但还是频频出现,这样的假话就是“僵尸谎言”。

    Zombie lie is a false statement that keeps getting repeated no matter how often it has been refuted1 .

  7. 交警表示,居民可以向他们报告这些“僵尸车”,有关部门将联系车主或把车辆拖走。

    Traffic police said residents can report the " zombie cars " to them and authorities will either contact the owners or tow the cars away .

  8. “僵尸负债人”是指无法偿还贷款本金,只能偿还利息费用的人。

    Zombie debtor refers to someone who is unable to pay off the capital of the loan , and whose repayments2 only service the interest charge .

  9. 在“罪恶之城”中,他们必须经过一头僵尸老虎、一个僵尸钢琴演奏家,还有数百名僵尸投机者。

    Sin City being what it is , they must get past an undead tiger , an undead Liberace impersonator and hundreds of undead gamblers who stack the odds15 against them .

  10. 在咖啡馆等免费提供无线网的场所,那些对一切人事不闻不问,只对着自己的电脑屏的人就叫做“笔记本僵尸”。

    At a coffee shop or similar establishment that offers free wireless1 Internet , a person who is oblivious2 to everyone and everything except the screen in front of them is called a laptop zombie .

  11. 有组织的或受控作为僵尸网络,这些系统本质上是Internet大规模杀伤武器。

    Organized and controlled as botnets , these systems are essentially Internet weapons of mass destruction .

  12. 设计并实现了一种基于社会网络分析的P2P僵尸网络反制策略。

    P2P botnet control strategy based on social network analysis was designed .

  13. 利用基于含有IP地址域名的僵尸网络检测方法,可以检测出采用不同协议的僵尸网络。

    Botnet detection method based on domains which have IP address can detect botnet based on different protocols .

  14. 一种新颖的P2P僵尸网络检测技术

    A Novel Technology of P2P Botnet Detection

  15. 在蠕虫传播模型的理论基础上建立了P2P僵尸程序传播模型。

    Based on the worm propagation model theory , a P2P bots propagation model is established .

  16. ;还有一项是给iPhone开发僵尸题材游戏。

    ; another is a zombie game for iPhones .

  17. 然而,对等网络(P2P)结构的僵尸网络作为一种新型的高级僵尸网络已经逐渐的浮出水面。

    However , peer-to-peer ( P2P ) structured botnets have gradually emerged as a new advanced form of botnets .

  18. AMC广播网的僵尸剧《行尸走肉》(TheWalkingDead)吸引了数百万的电视观众。

    AMC Networks Inc. 's apocalyptic zombie drama ' The Walking Dead ' has drawn millions of television viewers .

  19. 通过僵尸网络的归并算法,可以发现看起来不相干的两个僵尸网络域名或IP地址其实是属于同一个僵尸网络。

    By using the botnet merging algorithm , we can find that some irrelevant domains or IP of botnet are belong to the same botnet actually .

  20. 2008年,他还写过一部轰动的英国恐怖迷你剧《死亡片场》(DeadSet),想像出一个僵尸末日世界,发生在《老大哥》(BigBrother)真人秀片场。

    He also wrote a hit British horror mini-series , Dead Set , in 2008 , which imagined a zombie apocalypse taking place around the reality series Big Brother .

  21. 根据僵尸网络拓扑结构,可将其主要分为集中式拓扑结构、随机式拓扑结构及P2P式拓扑结构三种模型。

    According to topology structure , botnet can be divided into three models , that is , centralized topology , random topology and P2P topology .

  22. 在此研究中,我们深入检查了StormWorm僵尸网络,它是现在网络上传播最广的P2P僵尸程序。

    In a case study , we examine in detail the Storm Worm botnet , the most wide-spread P2P botnet currently propagating in the wild .

  23. 学者约翰•奎金(JohnQuiggin)发表了《僵尸经济学》(ZombieEconomics)一书,以这样一个书名来引起读者对当今经济理论糟糕状况的注意。

    The scholar John Quiggin published ' Zombie Economics ' as a way to grab reader attention about the ill state of current economic theory .

  24. RichardBoscovich:“这不只是一个僵尸网络,可能有来自这个特定代码基地的各种僵尸网络。”

    RICHARD BOSCOVICH : " It 's not just one botnet but probably hundreds of different botnets that come from this particular code base . "

  25. 因此本文从多个方面对基于P2P的僵尸网络进行了系统分析:命令控制机制、通信协议、评估模型、防御手段。

    Therefore , we systematically study peer to peer Botnets along multiple dimensions : command and control mechanisms and communication protocols , Botnet evaluation model and some defenses idea .

  26. 僵尸主机要频繁地发起DNS查询以获取命令与控制服务器当前的IP地址,因而会产生大量DNS流量。

    Bots will frequently launch DNS query to obtain current IP address of the command and control server . Botnet will produce a large number of DNS traffic .

  27. 户外用品零售商REI在销售逃过僵尸袭击的13种必备工具(13EssentialToolsforSurvivingaZombieOutbreak),每种工具都在REI的门店有售。

    Outdoor retailer REI marketed ' 13 Essential Tools for Surviving a Zombie Outbreak ' ─ each available for purchase at REI stores .

  28. 没错,赶紧把他们写在你《僵尸启示录》(zombieapocalypse一款末日类型的游戏)的队伍名单里。他们也许会救你的命。

    Yup , go ahead and write them onto your zombie apocalypse team list . They will probably save your life .

  29. 僵尸网络(Botnet)是由Bot组成的可通信、可被攻击者控制的网络。

    The Botnet is a network which is composed of bots . All bots can communicate with the attacker and are controled by it .

  30. LaurenCohan也加入了僵尸阵营。

    Lauren Cohan is joining the zombie resistance .