
  • 网络Shaun Of The Dead
  1. 在《僵尸肖恩》中,男主角从宿醉中醒来,轻易地错把不死人当成了和他一样喝醉了酒迷迷糊糊在街上跌跌撞撞的伦敦人。

    In " Shaun of the Dead ", the hero , recovering from a hangover , easily mistakes the undead as Londoners stumbling through a drunken haze similar to his own .

  2. 扎克·施奈德的导演处女作是2004年的《活死人黎明》,该片连同《惊变28天》、《僵尸肖恩》等电影使得僵尸片成为好莱坞主流商业片。

    Zack Snyder 's directorial debut was 2004 's Dawn of The Dead , one of the films which , along with 28 Days Later and Shaun of the Dead , turned zombies into mainstream Hollywood money-spinners .