
  • 网络zombie economics
  1. 银行不计后果的放贷行为,使得出现重大亏损,或者日本式低增长僵尸经济的可能性大大增加(除非进行激进的改革)。

    Reckless bank lending makes hefty losses or a Japanese-style slow-growth zombie economy much more likely ( barring radical reforms ) .

  2. 僵尸题材在经济衰退、不幸福感普遍蔓延的时期在流行文化中大行其道。

    Zombies thrive in popular culture during times of recession , epidemic and general unhappiness .

  3. 另一个看起来更有道理的观点是,超低利率政策有可能产生“僵尸”公司,并因此导致“僵尸”经济。

    Another , more plausible argument is that a policy of ultra-low interest rates risks creating zombie companies and so a zombie economy .