
  • 网络exchange economy
  1. 本文认为,市场经济的本质,在一定意义上是交换经济。

    The essentiality of Market Economy , is exchange economy .

  2. 数理经济中一类纯交换经济的需求映射及应用

    Demand Mapping of A Class of Pure Exchange Economy in Mathematics Economic

  3. 两期交换经济Contingent资产市场的指标公式

    The Index Formula of Contingent Asset Market

  4. Riesz空间上的非标准交换经济

    Nonstandard Exchange Economies on Riesz Spaces

  5. 证明了大多数的交换经济(在Baire分类的意义上),其所有平衡价格都是本质的。

    In this paper , the writer proved that in " most " exchange economies ( inthe sence of Baire category ) all equilibrium prices are essential .

  6. 一个交换经济核心的极限定理

    A limit theorem on the core of an exchange economy

  7. 纯交换经济竞争均衡存在的一种构造证明

    A Constructive Proof of the Competitive Equilibrium Existence in a Pure Exchange Economy

  8. 交易成本与纯交换经济的竞争均衡

    Transaction Costs and the Equilibrium of Pure Change Economy

  9. 纯交换经济环境中的双人贝叶斯机制研究

    2-Person Bayesian Implementation in Pure Enchange Economic Environments

  10. 不完全资产与现货市场的两期交换经济的非套利均衡的存在性

    Existence of no arbitrage equilibrium in Incomplete Markets

  11. 纯交换经济的单调轨线

    Monotone Trajectories for a Pure Exchange Economy

  12. 从理论上讲,市场经济的实质就是交换经济。

    Theoretically speaking , the nature of market economy is just to be the exchange economy .

  13. 本文讨论并证明了纯交换经济中超需函数若干性质。

    The article deals with a few properties in pure exchange economy of the super requirement function .

  14. 然而,市场经济的实质是交换经济、货币经济、金融经济。

    However , the essence of market economy is commutative economy , money economy , finance economy .

  15. 在交换经济理论中,交换的权利是一个较为重要的概念。

    In the theory of exchange economy , the concept of the exchange right is very important .

  16. 本文主要研究多期的具有不完全金融市场的纯交换经济一般均衡问题。

    In this paper , we consider the general equilibrium in multiperiod , pure exchange economies with incomplete financial markets .

  17. 本文将要讨论纯交换经济的背景下,以效用函数定义的近似核的效用收敛到需求集的效用。

    The classic theorem on the core of the pure exchange economy is that the core allocations convergence to Walras equilibrium .

  18. 心理契约则是以员工一定的忠诚、创造力等交换经济契约以外的期望,如寻求工作安全感、公平合理的待遇以及企业支持发展的愿望等等。

    Psychological contract gets expectation such as secure work , reasonable treatment and enterprises ' help by loyalty , creativity of employees .

  19. 在最基本的交易出现之后,更为复杂的交易形式在物物交换经济的基础上产生,新的风险形式也应运而生。

    After basic exchange came into existence , more complex forms developed beyond a basic barter economy , and new forms of risk manifested .

  20. 本文首先用一种新的解析几何方法在易货经济(即两种商品的纯交换经济)条件下的一般均衡框架下揭示了价格与消费者的马歇尔需求之间的函数关系。

    The functional relationship between the price and consumer 's Marshallian demand will be directly revealed by a new geometric method in general equilibrium framework .

  21. 研究无穷维商品空间不完全实物资产市场两时期交换经济现货&金融市场平衡和合适伪平衡的等价性。

    This paper studies the equivalence between the spot-financial market ( FM ) equilibrium and proper pseudo-equilibrium with infinite-dimensional commodity pace and incomplete real asset markets .

  22. 因此,加强交换经济的理论研究,对我国市场经济建设具有重大的现实意义。

    Therefore , it will have great realistic significance for the construction of China market economy if the theoretic study of exchange economy can be strengthened .

  23. 在现代的交换经济中,当价格、成本和工资彼此之间呈现最佳的关系时,完成的工作才最多。

    In a modern exchange economy , the most work will be done when prices , costs and wages are in the best relations with each other .

  24. 市场经济是交换经济,也是风险经济,抵押是防范乃至化解交易风险的重要法律制度之一。

    Market economy exchanges economy , is the risk economy too , the mortgage lightens and even dissolves one of the important legal systems of the trade risk .

  25. 安德森说,业余爱好者由于免费提供其作品,因此将在“长尾巴”中占相当大的比例,于是最终会形成一种“物物交换经济”模式。

    Amateurs offering their work free of charge will contribute a significant portion of the long tail , so at the very end there will be a " non-monetary economy ," says Mr Anderson .

  26. 近代中国的转型,使得交换经济渗透到社会生活的各个层面,社会需要新的组织方式,国家也需要通过重构新的政权形式来实现目标。

    The reforming of the modern China , causes the commodity economy to seep to the social life . The social need new organization way , the country also needs through to restructure the new political power form to achieve the goal .

  27. 凯恩斯理论最值得肯定的方面,在于它突破了西方主流经济学长期将市场经济视为实物交换经济的货币面纱观,探讨了微观经济得以正常运行的宏观环境。

    Keynes ' greatest theoretical achievement was that he broke through the view of Western mainstream economics who saw the market economy as a monetary veil over the economy of barter and that he studied the macro-environment necessary for the regular operation of the micro-economy .

  28. 我们确实希望看到两岸经贸关系正常化,(但)如果政府判定大陆市场是我们的未来,而且我们必须以政治资本交换经济利益,就会导致台湾内部严重分裂,她警告称。

    We do want to see a normal trade relationship with China [ but ] if the government decides that the China market is our future and we need to exchange political capital for economic benefit , it will lead to a very divided Taiwan , she warns .

  29. 在不完全的实在资产市场的纯交换经济模型中,证明了存在初始持有空间和资产结构空间的乘积空间的稠密开集,在这个开集上,伪拟均衡集是固有的光滑流形。

    In pure exchange economic models of the incomplete market with real assets , we proved that there exists a dense open set in the product space of endowment space and asset structure space such that the pseudo quasi equilibrium set is proper and smooth manifold in the open set .

  30. 仅当货币交换其它经济财时,它才是一种营利工具。

    Money is an acquisitive instrument only when it is exchanged for some other economic good .