
  • 网络Transactional leadership;transactional leader
  1. 结构方程模型结果表明:变革型领导、交易型领导与团队情绪智力显著相关。

    Transformational leadership and transactional leadership correlated with group emotional intelligence significantly .

  2. 企业伦理与领导效率研究&从交易型领导到转换型领导

    On Corporate Ethics and Leadership Efficiency : From Transactional Leadership to Transformational Leadership

  3. 社会取向与个人取向自我观分别强化了转换型及交易型领导对员工之工作表现的正面影响。

    Subordinates'individual-oriented self views also strengthened the relationship between transactional leadership behavior and job performance .

  4. 在快速发展阶段,交易型领导对人力资源管理实践有显著影响;

    In the rapid development stage , transactional leadership have significant impact on human resource management practices ;

  5. 改造型领导相对于交易型领导来说,能有效的预测员工组织公民行为。

    The transformational leadership can more effectively foresee the OCB of the employee than the transactional leadership .

  6. 但是,交易型领导对程序公平与工作满意度之间的关系不产生调节作用。

    But Transaction Leadership is NOT a moderator of the relation between Procedural Justice and Job Satisfaction .

  7. 以往的研究关注的仅仅是变革型领导对员工创造力的影响,而没有结合交易型领导的方式。

    Former researches only focused on transformational leadership 's influence on creativity , while were not combined with transactional leadership .

  8. 高度分散的股权结构下变革性领导行为效能高于交易型领导行为。

    The effectiveness of transactional leadership is higher than that of transformational leadership under highly concentrated ownership structure . 4 .

  9. 交易型领导有四个因素,即权变奖励、积极的例外管理、被动的例外管理、自由放任。

    Transactional leadership has 4 factors , that is , contingency reward , active exemplary management , passive exemplary management and laissez-faire .

  10. 本研究引入调整焦点理论,以下属调整焦点为中介变量,解释变革型领导和交易型领导对于氛围的影响机制。

    This study introduces regulatory focus theory , and employes regulatory focuses as mediators to explain how transformational leadership and transactional leadership affect climate .

  11. 研究结果显示,1、在虚拟团队中,变革型领导风格比交易型领导风格带来更高的绩效。

    Results indicated that : 1 . Transformational leadership results in higher levels of team performance than transactional leadership in virtual teams . 2 .

  12. 国内在最近几年也开始关注变革型领导的有效性,但是很多研究忽略了与其对应的交易型领导、放任型领导的影响作用。

    The effectiveness of transformational leadership has been researched in China in the last several years , while less researches on transactional leadership and laissez-faire leadership .

  13. 由于组织愿景、下属认知、自我认知和激励图式等认知图式的差异,导致交易型领导与变革型领导行为及其有效性存在差异。

    As there are differences in organizational vision , follower-schemata , self-schemata and motivation-scripts , transactional leadership and transformational leadership have their own characteristics and effectiveness .

  14. 巴斯提出的交易型领导和变革型领导现在已成为领导理论研究的新范式,得到学者们的普遍认同。

    The transactional leadership and transformational leadership which proposed by Bass is a new hot issue for examine the leader theory and accepts by other researchers .

  15. 然而从权变的观点出发,变革型领导与交易型领导的有效性还要受到情境因素、被领导者因素的影响。

    However , the effectiveness of transformational leadership and transactional leadership was influenced by the situational and followers ' variables in the view of contingency theories .

  16. 回归分析发现变革型与交易型领导风格对员工职业满意度有正向的预测作用,放任型领导则相反。

    The regression analysis found that the transformational and transactional leadership has a positive prediction to career satisfaction of employees . Laissez-faire leadership draws an opposite conclusion .

  17. 也就是说巴斯的交易型领导行为特征维度在中国文化背景下是有效的。第二,中国文化背景下企业交易型领导行为特征还有关系支持,典型示范和中庸之道。

    Second , the characteristics of the transactional leadership behavior in the background also including the Support of Relationship , Demonstration of a Model and Golden Mean .

  18. 主要结论有:(1)变革型领导模式、创业型领导模式和交易型领导模式在跨国创业不同阶段的作用效能存在显著差异;

    The results showed : ( 1 ) The effectiveness of transformational leadership , entrepreneurial leadership , and transactional leadership demonstrated significant differences in the three major developmental stages ;

  19. 此外,本文还发现任务型团队的核心成员的变革型领导风格和交易型领导风格都与团队绩效显著正相关。

    In addition , the paper also found that task-based team of core members of the transformational leadership style and the transactional leadership style and team performance were significantly correlated .

  20. 分析结果表明:一,变革型领导风格对工作倦怠的影响主要集中于耗竭和疏离维度,交易型领导风格对工作倦怠的影响主要集中于无效能维度;

    Result analysis shows : influence of transformational leadership to the job burnout mainly focuses on the exhaustion and cynicism dimension , while transaction leadership style mainly influence the inefficacy dimension ;

  21. 具体包括:1.基于变革型领导理论,分析和区分企业高层管理者(负责创新实施项目)和直接管理者的变革型领导行为与交易型领导行为。

    The main results are : 1 ) Based on transformation leadership theory , transformational and transactional leadership styles of top manager ( responsibility of implementation project ) and direct managers are analyzed and distinguished .

  22. 总体来看,变革型领导与工作总体满意度的相关高于交易型领导与工作总体满意度的相关,且相关显著;个别关怀因素和权变奖励因素对教师工作满意度有正向预测作用。

    Overall , transformational leadership and overall satisfaction with the related than transactional leadership and overall satisfaction , and significant correlation ; individual consideration factors and contingent reward factors on Teachers ' job satisfaction has positive prediction .

  23. 我国企业因较长期的计划体制和行政性运行机制,使得企业领导者在思维模式和行为方式上带有较多的交易型领导行为特征。

    The schema of thought and behavior manner of the leaders of the Chinese enterprises tends to be more characteristics in transactional leadership because that the Chinese enterprises have undergone the plan system and the administrative operation mechanism .

  24. 中学校长交易型领导与教师集体效能、组织承诺及有一定的预测作用。(4)中学教师的组织承诺在一定程度上可以在校长领导方式与教师集体效能之间起到中介调节作用。

    The transactional leadership affects the teacher collective efficiency and the teacher group commitment to a certain degree . ( 4 ) The teacher group commitment can adjust the relationship between principals ' leadership and the teacher collective efficacy .

  25. 相关分析发现变革型领导及其四个维度、交易型领导及其两个维度与职业满意度之间存在正相关关系,放任型领导则与职业满意度间存在负相关关系。

    The correlation analysis found a positive relationship among the transformational leadership and its four dimensions , transactional leadership and its two dimensions with career satisfaction , and a negative relationship between laissez faire leadership and career satisfaction . 3 .

  26. 结论表明,交易型领导行为是研发团队成员满意的基础,但变革型领导行为是提升研发团队成员满意度的有效领导行为;支持型团队文化和革新型团队文化更符合研发团队成员对工作的满意程度。

    The findings demonstrate that transactional leadership behavior is the foundation of their satisfaction , while transformational leadership behavior is effective in improving their satisfaction ; supportive and innovation team culture better conforms to their satisfaction at R & D work .

  27. 自伯恩斯1978年提出变革型领导和交易型领导理论30多年以来,该理论吸引了众多的研究者进行理论探讨和实践研究,同时这种领导行为的划分已成为近年领导理论研究的新范式。

    Since the Transformational and Transactional Leadership theory first proposed by Burns in 1978 , it has attracted many scholars to take theory analysis and empirical study . Meanwhile , the classification of leader has been a new paradigm in leader theory research .

  28. 摘要交易型和变革型领导是近年来领导理论研究的新课题。

    Transactional and transformational leadership theory has been a hot issue recently .

  29. 交易型、变革型领导风格正向影响团队文化。

    Transformational and transactional styles of leadership affect the culture of team positively .

  30. 由于交易型与变革型领导行为具有不同的情境适应性,因此,企业领导应采取多种措施,培养适应企业特点的领导认知图式以提高领导行为的有效性。

    Since transactional and transformational leadership have different situation adaptability , different leaders should take many kinds of measures , and train leadership cognitive what adapts to organizational characteristic to improve the validity of leadership .