
  • 网络Cross-listing;cross-list;cross listed;cross-listings
  1. 交叉上市是指同一家公司到两个或多个证券市场上市的行为。

    Cross-listing is that one security is traded in many markets .

  2. 从理论上分析交叉上市企业在交叉上市事件发生时对于同行业纯国内上市公司产生溢出效应的原因。

    Theoretical analysis why cross-listing has spillover effects on domestic listed companies .

  3. 境内外交叉上市企业IPO价格差异研究

    An Empirical Study on the IPO Difference of Companies Listed both Abroad and Domestic

  4. 贝莱德发现,亚洲交叉上市的125只ETF中,93%的第一上市地是在美国或欧洲。

    BlackRock found 93 per cent of the 125 ETFs cross-listed in Asia had their primary listing in the US or Europe .

  5. 由于这个原因,再加上欧洲投资工具收到普遍认同,欧洲etf的交叉上市通常比亚洲更为容易。

    Because of this , and due to the broad acceptance of European investment vehicles , it is often easier to cross-list a European ETF than an Asian one .

  6. 两家交易所在一份联合声明中表示,它们将逐步扩大在债券和黄金ETF产品开发、以及交叉上市等领域的合作。

    In a joint statement , the two exchanges said they would would gradually extend their co-operation to the development of ETFs on bonds and gold , as well as cross listings .

  7. 去年12月巴西矿业集团淡水河谷(vale)在这座中国城市交叉上市时,该公司称这是一座里程碑,“对流动性、股东基础和股票价格形成都有积极作用”。

    When the Brazilian mining group vale cross-listed its shares in the Chinese city in December , it claimed that it was a milestone that would have " positive effects on liquidity , shareholder base and pricing of our shares " .

  8. 中国公司交叉上市的资本成本效应研究

    Research on the Cost of Capital Effect of Chinese Cross-Listed Corporations

  9. 然而历史上的交叉上市案例中,失败却多于成功。

    But the record of cross-listings is littered with more failures than successes .

  10. 不同货币体系下,交叉上市价差现象的成因及其趋势

    The Cause and Trend of Price Discrepancy in Cross-Listing under Different Monetary Systems

  11. 交叉上市日益成为国内上市公司一种流行的融资方式。

    Cross-listing is becoming a more popular mode of financing for domestic listed companies .

  12. 值得注意的是,实现交叉上市的公司大部分都是其所在行业的龙头。

    Worthy of note is that most of cross-listing companies are the industry leader .

  13. 本文主要对A+H交叉上市公司股票的跳跃现象进行研究。

    This paper studies the jump behavior based on the A + H cross-listed stocks .

  14. 能有效的研究当前交叉上市所导致的溢出效应并根据结果提出改进资本市场的建议。

    I can effectively study on the cross-listing spillovers and suggest improvements based on the results .

  15. 在上世纪90年代和本世纪头十年,纽约成了交叉上市的首选目的地。

    In the 1990s and 2000s , the number one place to cross-list was New York .

  16. 交叉上市是指同一家股份公司的股票在两个或两个以上的交易场所上市流通。

    Cross listing refers to the listing of the same company on two different stock exchanges .

  17. 许多交叉上市的案例取得了成功。

    Many cross-listings have been successful .

  18. 上述研究结果说明交叉上市在一定程度上改善了公司治理与公司绩效之间的关系。

    The results suggest that cross-listing does not fundamentally improve the relationship corporate governance and corporate performance .

  19. 交叉上市与公司成长&来自中国A+H股的经验证据

    The Development of Cross-listing Companies : the Evidence from " A + H " Share in China

  20. 在这种诉讼频生的环境下,《萨奥法》对意图在美交叉上市的外国上市公司构成了一种威慑。

    In this litigious environment , Sox is a deterrent to foreign issuers considering cross listings in the US .

  21. 同样,1998年至2006年期间,美国在已上市企业交叉上市方面所占的比例也不断下降。

    Similarly , the US share of cross - listings of already public companies has declined from 1998 to 2006 .

  22. 本文证实在香港进行交叉上市具有资本成本效应,并为这一结论提供证据。

    Second , I document that cross-listings on HK exchange have cost of capital effects and provide evidence on them .

  23. 所以研究2006年后的交叉上市的溢出效应是具有极高价值的。

    Therefore , study on the spillover effects of cross-listing , which after 2006 , is a very high value .

  24. 所以一些研究人员开始研究这些交叉上市企业是否会对国内资本市场有影响,是否会对其他并没有交叉上市的纯国内上市企业带来正面或者负面的效应。

    Therefore , some researchers began to study whether these cross-listed companies will affect the domestic capital market or not ?

  25. 三个方面层层递进,构建了一个研究中国公司交叉上市影响的相对完整的新框架。

    These three aspects are progressive relation , which construct a new research framework on the influence of cross listing in China .

  26. 许多应用数学程序(而不是部门)组成,主要交叉上市培训班和共同任命的教师代表在各部门的应用。

    Many applied mathematics programs ( as opposed to departments ) consist of primarily cross-listed courses and jointly-appointed faculty in departments representing applications .

  27. 投资者市场反应主要体现在同行业公司和交叉上市公司本身的股票价格变化上,因此也可称为同行业公司的市场反应和交叉上市公司的市场反应。

    The market reactions of investors are mainly embodied in the changes of stock price of the other same-industry companies and cross-listing companies .

  28. 许多公司在香港交叉上市,与其说是出于财务原因,不如说是作为某种形式的广告宣传。

    Many of the companies cross-listing on Hong Kong appear to be doing so less for financial reasons than as a form of advertising .

  29. 实证研究表明交叉上市公司的高管薪酬和公司业绩之间的相关性要强于内地上市公司。

    Empirical studies have shown that the correlation between executive pay and company performance of cross-listed companies is stronger than the listed companies in China .

  30. 其次,检验了我国交叉上市公司与无交叉上市公司现金股利支付率的差异,进一步证明了现金股利法律保护结果模型的适用性。

    Secondly , by testing the cash dividends payout differences of the horizontal crossing-listed firms , the outcome of legal protection of shareholders is more appropriate .