
  1. 截止2002年底,境内上市公司数达1224家,总市值38329.13亿元,占我国GDP的37.43%。

    By the end of 2002 , there are 1224 domestic listed companies , the total market value of which is ¥ 3,832,913 million , accounting for 37.43 % of the GDP of our country .

  2. 在此基础上,对境内上市公司应对QFII给资本市场带来的环境变化提出一些应对建议,包括信息披露、价值管理、融资创新、主业回归等方面。

    Finally the article gives some suggestions to domestic listed companies under the market environment changed by QFII mechanism , including the aspects of information disclosure , value management , finance innovation , and strengthening the main business .

  3. 境内上市银行现实竞争力的因子分析

    Factor Analysis on the Realistic Competitiveness of the Domestic Listed Commercial Banks

  4. 境内上市公司协议收购的六种模式

    Six purchasing models agreement of enterprises entered into stock market

  5. 民营企业境内上市融资障碍研究

    Studies on Obstacles to Financing for Private Enterprises Going Public in Domestic Stock Market

  6. 中国境内上市公司网站投资者关系栏目实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Investor Relations Column of China Domestic Listing Companies ' Websites

  7. 我国境内上市银行操作损失事件披露对市值的影响分析

    Analysis of the Influence of Disclosure of Incidents of Operational Loss by Domestic-Listed Banks on Market Value

  8. 迄今这一转变的效果并不明显,在中国境内上市的多数是国有企业。

    So far , that shift has not been evident and most listings have involved state-owned enterprises .

  9. 国际板实际上是我国出于习惯对境外企业境内上市的一种别称。

    International Board is actually an alias out of habit for foreign enterprises in China domestic listing .

  10. 证券发行人和投资者分处不同的国家或者区域,由此也带来比境内上市更加复杂的法律关系和法律问题。

    Securities issuers and investor usually come from different countries or regions , which also leads to more relations and legal issues .

  11. 在会计政策变更受到严格监管的情况下,利用会计估计变更操纵会计信息输出结果已成为境内上市公司常用的手法。

    In the case of Accounting Policies was supervised seriously making use of Accounting Estimates had been a common way to manipulate profit .

  12. 首先指出我国境内上市公司的投资者关系管理正处于起步阶段;

    At first , the paper puts forward that the investor relation management of Chinese domestic listing companies is in an important phase .

  13. 当今,我国经济实力不断加强,许多的公司纷纷瞄准海外市场,陆续在国外上市;同时又有很多境外企业希望在我国境内上市。

    Today , the economic strength of China has been continuously strengthened , and many companies have targeted overseas markets , listed in foreign countries .

  14. 一汽还利用资本市场直接融资,现已拥有一汽轿车等三家境内上市公司。

    FAW has also utilized the capital market to directly finance , and now owns three domestic listed companies , such as the " FAW sedan ", etc.

  15. 最新统计表明,我国已拥有境内上市公司1232家,市价总值达47204.18亿元。

    The new method leads to revaluation of listed companies According to the latest statistics , there are 1,232 listed companies which own 4720.418 billion market value in China .

  16. 已发行境内上市外资股及其衍生证券并在证券交易所上市的公司,应当同时编制年度报告的外文译本。

    Companies that have issued domestically listed foreign-capital shares and derivative securities and have been listed in stock exchanges shall also prepare a foreign language version of the annual report .

  17. (一)在证券交易所挂牌交易的除境内上市外资股以外的股票;本准则适用于中国境内的上市公司。

    Shares listed in China 's stock exchanges ( excluding B shares ); The Code is applicable to all listed companies within the boundary of the Peoples Republic of China .

  18. 国务院证券委员会批准发行境内上市外资股的总额应当控制在国家确定的总规模之内。

    The total value of the foreign capital stocks listed in China authorized by the Securities Commission of the State Council shall be controlled within the maximum amount prescribed by the state .

  19. 柳传志表示,由于中国法律不允许子公司已在内地市场上市的控股公司也在境内上市,联想控股将不得不到境外上市,除非北京方面修改法律。

    Mr Liu said that because Chinese law excludes listings of holding companies whose affiliates are listed on the domestic market , Legend Holdings would be forced to list abroad unless Beijing changed the law .

  20. 中国的股票市场同样存在着严重的市场分割,本国企业可发行专门供国内投资者和国外投资者交易的两种股票,前者为A股,后者为B股或H股,B股在境内上市,H股在香港上市。

    In China 's stock market , a local firm issues two classes of shares : A shares are open only to local investors and B shares ( H shares ) are open only to foreign investors .

  21. 注释:没有发行(拟发行)内上市外资股的公司,无需就本条有关境内上市外资股的内容作出说明。

    Note : For those companies that have not issued ( proposed to issue ) domestically listed foreign investment shares , no description is required here with respect to the contents of domestically listed foreign investment shares .

  22. 因此,企业在我国境内取得上市资格存在一定的门槛。

    Therefore , enterprises get listed in our country there is a certain threshold of eligibility .

  23. 他曾为数十家跨国企业及国际金融机构在中国境内收购上市或非上市的企业提供过法律服务。

    He has advised dozens of multinational companies and financial institutions in acquiring both listed and unlisted Chinese companies .

  24. 熟悉上市公司财务制度、业务流程;有境内外上市成功案例者或海外相关工作经历者优先。

    Familiar with the listed company financial institution and business process , both are listed on the successful cases and oversea working experience is preferred .

  25. 兖州煤业股份有限公司作为一个在境内外上市的公司,在煤炭能源领域起着举足轻重的作用,是我国一个重要的煤炭生产基地,为煤炭能源领域的稳定供应发挥着重要作用。

    Yanzhou coal mining Co. , LTD as a listed company in China and overseas , plays an important role in our country , it is an important coal production bases , for a steady supply of coal energy field .

  26. 境内外交叉上市企业IPO价格差异研究

    An Empirical Study on the IPO Difference of Companies Listed both Abroad and Domestic

  27. 境内企业海外上市持续信息披露法律问题研究

    On Continuous Information Disclosure by Offshore Listed PRC Companies

  28. 大多数国家重点企业进行了公司制改革,其中相当一部分在境内或境外上市。

    Most key SOEs have been restructured into corporations , and a considerable number of them listed on domestic and overseas stock markets .

  29. 中国境内企业境外上市若干法律问题研究(一)中国境内外依法设立的企业法人。

    Study on the International Listing of Domestic Enterprises ; ( a ) It shall be a corporate legal entity incorporated in and outside China .

  30. 与此相关的我国目前如何监管境内企业境外上市行为,我国目前的国民待遇制度及国有资产保护等三个问题值得关注和反思。

    The three problems including how to regulate the oversea listing of domestic enterprises , the present national treatment system and the protection of state-owned assets are worth of mention and consideration .