
  • 网络Overseas funds;offshore funds;QFII
  1. 谷歌近期向美国证券交易委员会(TheSecuritiesandExchangeCommission)提交的文件显示,它计划利用大部分境外资金进行海外并购。

    Google has said it plans to use most of its offshore funds to make acquisitions abroad , according to a recent letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission .

  2. 而北京新建奥运场馆及其相关设施的建设发挥了国内企业和境外资金的作用,筹资方式包括发行债券、建设项目股份化、项目融资等多种类型。

    Moreover the domestic enterprises and offshore funds play a role in construction of the newly-built Beijing Olympic venues and related facilities , for which financing modes include issuance of bonds , shares in construction projects , project financing and other types .

  3. QFII运作的三年中,不仅为我国吸引了大量境外资金,缓解了我国证券市场资金短缺的矛盾,还改善了我国证券市场以散户投资者为主的市场结构,使机构投资者比重进一步增加;

    In three years operation , QFII has not only absorbed a large amount of foreign capital to mitigate the capital shortage in securities market , but also improved market structure that mainly constituted of individual investors by increasing percentage of institutional investors .

  4. 近几天来,有5亿多美元的境外资金从印度股市流出。

    More than a half-billion dollars in foreign capital has left the Indian stock market in recent days .

  5. 辨认(区分)哪些境外资金是投资热钱,哪些是真正的长期投资。

    It may need some efforts to distinguish which flows are speculative and which are genuine long-term investments .

  6. 与此同时,由于政策上缺乏一致性,印度吸引更多境外资金的努力一直止步不前。

    Meanwhile , efforts to attract more foreign direct investment have been stalled by a lack of political consensus .

  7. 第三条本办法所称受益企业是指直接利用引进境外资金、技术、设备的企业。

    Benefiting enterprises mentioned in these Measures shall refer to the enterprises that directly utilize the funds , technologies or equipment absorbed from abroad .

  8. 经济增长理论与招商引资的实证研究为陕西利用境外资金促进经济发展提供了依据。

    The economic growth theory and attracting investments empirical study used the foreign fund for Shaanxi Province to promote the economic development to provide the basis .

  9. 中银国际不得向投资者提供融资、融券、境外资金存取及证券转托管服务。

    BOC International shall not provide services such as financeding funds , financed and bonds , access of foreign capitals and depository services of securities by transfer .

  10. 中国官方近年寻求让境外资金扮演更大角色,希望这有助于推动股市成为一条可信的投资渠道,构成足以替代房地产市场的选择。

    Chinese authorities have sought a greater role for overseas funds in the hope that they can help make equities a trustworthy investment alternative to the property market .

  11. 但现在,增长放缓已减少了境外资金流入,而中国各银行的净外汇购买量在去年12月和今年1月录得史上最大幅度的下降。

    But now , slower growth has reduced the amount of foreign money flowing in while Chinese banks ' net foreign exchange purchases recorded their largest-ever decline in December and January .

  12. 作为一项向境外资金开放证券市场的过渡性政策,它是我国在资本市场继续贯彻对外开放发展战略的又一重要举措。

    As a transient policy to open securities market to foreign capital , this is another major measure that embodies China 's insistence to implement development strategy of opening to the outside .

  13. 开设保险外汇资金的境内托管账户、境外外汇资金运用结算账户和证券托管账户;

    Opening domestic custody account for foreign exchange insurance funds , settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange funds and securities custody accounts ;

  14. 在人民币升值预期强烈的情况下,大量境外投机资金进入,严重影响国家经济和金融安全。

    With the upvaluation of RMB strongly expected , large foreign speculative fund has poured into China , severely affecting the states economic and financial security .

  15. 此外,外汇局对境内机构境外投资资金汇出的管理由以往的核准制调整为登记制。

    In addition , SAFE will replace its approval system for the outward remittance of capital by domestic institutions for offshore investment with a registration system .

  16. 离岸账户(洋山保税港区):允许企业开设离岸账户,为其境外业务提供资金结算便利。

    Offshore Account ( Yangshan Free Trade Port Area ): Enterprises in YSFTPA can open offshore account in the bank inside YSFTPA for payment settlement of oversea business .

  17. 作为主要外部资金供给方的商业银行和境外投资投机资金出于收益最大化的需要也有着非常强烈的意愿提供相应资金。

    As the main money supplier , commerical banks and foreign arbitrage funds have strong will to supply the money to the buyer and the seller to maximize their profits .

  18. 境外发债所得资金以参股形式注入内地公司之后,内地公司只能以税后股息的形式将资金返还离岸实体。

    Having received cash from an offshore bond sale in the form of an equity injection , the onshore company may only send money back to the offshore entity in the form of after-tax dividends .

  19. 但如果企业不能从境外投资者手中获得资金,经济增长就有可能遇到阻碍。

    But a failure by companies to get capital from outside investors could delay economic growth .

  20. 境外金融机构大量资金的注入给国内商业银行增添了资本,提高了资本充足率,公司治理结构也得以改善,海外资本运营也得以拓展。

    A large number of offshore funds into financial institutions , domestic commercial banks to add capital and improve the capital adequacy ratio , improved corporate governance structure , foreign capital operation has been expanded .

  21. 此举有助于提高香港方兴未艾的人民币市场的透明度。与此同时,一家中国企业首次获准直接从境外银行借入人民币资金,这是又一个里程碑式的事件。

    That move , which helps boost the transparency of the fledgling renminbi market in Hong Kong , came alongside another milestone , with the first-ever approval for a Chinese company to borrow renminbi directly from an offshore bank .

  22. 境外投资方与其所转让的境外控股公司在资金、经营、购销等方面的关系;

    The relationship between Foreign Investors and Offshore Holding Companies transferred by Foreign Investors regarding finance , operation , purchase and sale , etc ;

  23. 然后,结合具体企业境外上市的实际运作,并对此进行了必要的分析,探讨了当前环境下,民营企业通过境外上市解决资金问题的途径。

    Then , the article probes into the problem in combination with practical operation of overseas listing of specific enterprises , and presents solution to this problem under current circumstances .