
  • 网络Funding limit;expenses quota
  1. 承包商应提交拟定的经费限额的详情及正当理由。

    The Contractor shall submit full details and justification of the proposed limit of expenditure .

  2. 经费限额应由承包商对其最终价进行最佳估算,估算时应考虑到工程实施期间的预期变更情况。

    The limit of expenditure shall be the contractor 's best estimate of the final price , which shall take into consideration expected variations during the performance of the work .

  3. 而共和党总统候选人约翰.麦凯恩则选择接受公共资金,现在麦凯恩在最后两个月的竞选活动中,只能花费来自公共财政系统的8千4百万美元的竞选经费限额。

    Republican candidate John McCain chose to take public funds , and is now limited to spending the $ 84 million he received from the public financing system during the final two months of the campaign .

  4. 承包商应填写经费申请表中要求的所有事项,中标价及经费限额。

    The Contractor shall complete the details required on the authority to expend form , the award price and a limit of expenditure price .