
  • 网络borrowed capital;borrowed fund
  1. 毕竟,借款者在整个发行期内均通过使用借入资金而受益。

    After all , the borrower does benefit from the use of the borrowed funds throughout this entire period .

  2. 福布斯家族表示,为了融资买下另外15%的股权,本汇鲸从福布斯家族借入资金。

    To fund an additional 15 per cent stake , IWM borrowed funds from the Forbes family , according to the family .

  3. 金融稳定委员会(FinancialStabilityBoard)昨晚公布一个框架,对于这些实体通过以股票或债券为抵押的短期贷款,从银行借入资金时所需的抵押品作出最低要求规定。

    The Financial Stability Board last night published a framework imposing minimum requirements on the collateral needed when such groups borrow money from banks through short-term loans secured by stocks or bonds .

  4. 许多投资者一直质疑,该基金是否将获得AAA信用评级,这种评级意味着该基金能以最佳可能的利率借入资金。

    Many investors have doubted whether the fund would earn a triple A credit rating – a badge of credibility meaning that it could borrow at the best possible rate .

  5. 第二步:借入资金,将之投入风险资产。

    Step two : borrow money and invest it in risky assets .

  6. 长期借入资金的条件、风险和优点的分析比较

    Analysis the condition , risk , and advantages of long-term borrowed money

  7. 事实上,这些国家都在以外币借入资金。

    In effect , they borrow in foreign currency .

  8. 企业自有资金与借入资金结构研究

    A Research into the Structure of the Enterprise 's Own Fund and Borrowed Fund

  9. 开创事业不得不去借入资金。

    Starting an enterprise will necessitate borrowing money .

  10. 他们发展了一种金融中介体系,从各地的富人那里借入资金,再贷给君主。

    They developed a system of financial intermediation involving borrowing from wealth-owners everywhere and lending to monarchs .

  11. 允许亚洲企业以其它亚洲货币借入资金的改革,预计将促进跨境交易活动。

    Reforms allowing Asian companies to borrow in other Asian currencies are expected to promote cross-border activity .

  12. 外汇基金在管理投资组合的流动资金时,亦会向银行借入资金。

    The exchange fund also borrows money from banks in its own liquidity management for the investment portfolio .

  13. 至于负债方面,央行可自行发债或直接从银行借入资金。

    On the liability side , the central bank can issue its own debt or simply borrow from the banks .

  14. 指世界银行从有其存款的金融机构在存款到期以前借入资金。

    Borrowings of funds by Bank from institutions where deposits are held , prior to the maturity of the deposits .

  15. 国债:美国政府通过卖出国债大规模借入资金。

    Treasure Notes and Bonds : The U.S.government borrows funds in large part by selling Treasury notes and Treasury bonds .

  16. 其次,在对已有文献概括分析的基础上,分析可能影响农户民间借入资金规模的因素,提出本论文的理论假说。

    Then , factors that affecting the household 's demand of credit are analyzed ; finally , the theoretical hypotheses are drawn .

  17. 信贷成本并不是问题所在;那些能够借款的人已在以优厚条件借入资金。

    The cost of credit is not the problem ; those who can borrow are already doing so and on attractive terms .

  18. 筹资风险又称财务风险,是企业因借入资金而产生的丧失偿债能力的可能性和企业利润的可变性。

    Financing risk , or financial risk , is a possibility of losing solvency due to borrowing fund and variability of business profit .

  19. (三)以国有企业、事业单位的名义担保,全部以借入资金投资创办的企业所积累形成的净资产。

    Net assets that are accumulated by the enterprise that is founded with all the loaned fund guaranteed in the name of State-owned enterprise or institution .

  20. 以往在它们看来流动性是不成问题的,它们只要从银行间市场借入资金就行了,他表示。

    Before it seemed to them guaranteed that the liquidity would be there , and they could just borrow the money from the interbank market , he says .

  21. 新兴市场企业一直在通过其海外分支机构,以发达国家央行操纵下形成的超低利率借入资金,然后投资于国内资产。

    Through their overseas subsidiaries , they have been borrowing at the exceptionally low rates engineered by central bankers in the developed world to invest in domestic assets .

  22. 尽管我们负责任地在国际市场上借入资金,但我们现在不得不偿还贷给国有企业的贷款,其中许多我们都不知情。

    Although we borrowed responsibly in international markets , we now have to repay loans made to state-owned companies , many of which we did not know about .

  23. 这里面存在明显的套利因素,由于银行以危机发生之时政府前来纾困这一隐性担保作为抵押,因此它们可以低息借入资金。

    There is a significant element of arbitrage , as banks borrow at low rates against the implicit guarantee of a government bail-out in the event of a crisis .

  24. 商业银行信贷资金运动过程主要涉及商业银行与企业两个主体。企业是资金的使用者,对借入资金实际投资项目有较充分的信息从而处于信息优势地位。

    The movement of credit funds mainly involves commercial banks and enterprises , the enterprises are users of funds , and have sufficient information about the funds ' actual use .

  25. 它可以借入资金,或让财政部借钱,或者采取古老的办法:创造货币。

    The Fed can borrow the funds , or it can ask the Treasury to borrow the funds , or it can do it the old-fashioned way : create money .

  26. 中国官员也对最近数周各公司利用多余现金(甚至借入资金)投机股市、而非投资于新产能感到忧虑。

    Chinese officials have also fretted in recent weeks about com-panies using spare cash or even borrowing funds to speculate on the stock market , instead of investing in fresh capacity .

  27. 由于对经济萧条的担忧促使投资者纷纷解除用借入资金建立起的交易头寸,全球货币市场出现剧烈波动,导致大批企业、银行和个人深受其害。

    Companies , banks and individuals have been burned by sharp moves in global currency markets as fears of economic distress prompt an unwinding of trades that have depended on borrowed money .

  28. 通常,一个船公司是不可能有大量的流动资金用来购置一艘船,因此船舶所有人急需要向银行或其他资本市场借入资金。

    Usually , a ship company can ? T afford to buy a ship with its current funds , so the shipowner needs to borrow money form the banks or other capital markets .

  29. 在国际市场融资中借入资金是一种货币,而还款来源资金是另一种货币,两种货币间汇率的变化可能导致借贷成本增加。

    Financing in the international market to borrow funds in one currency , and repayment of funds is another source of currency exchange rate between two currencies may lead to changes in borrowing costs .

  30. 对全球经济衰退的担忧加剧,对冲基金用借入资金达成的交易逐渐解除,以及新兴经济体的不稳定,这些因素结合在一起,在贷款、债券和信用衍生品市场引发了被迫抛售。

    Rising worries over a global recession , the unwinding of trades made by hedge funds with borrowed money and instability in emerging economies combined to trigger forced selling in loan , bond and credit derivatives markets .