
  • 网络debenture stock
  1. 一旦美国国债收益率再次上升,企业用借款进行股票回购的成本就会变得高昂。

    Once Treasury yields start to rise again , it will become more expensive for companies to buy back their own shares with borrowed money .

  2. 大部分人不会借款购买股票和债券,而当他们这么做时,杠杆率一般也只在投资价值一半左右的水平上徘徊。

    Most people do not borrow to buy shares and bonds , and if they do , the degree of leverage usually hovers around half the value of the investment .

  3. 和陷入困境的借款公司的股票一样,本已疲弱的银行类股又下挫了50%至70%。

    Already-weak bank stocks plunged another 50-70 per cent , as did the stocks of distressed borrowers .

  4. 筹资活动产生的现金流出主要包括作为股利向股东支付的现金、偿还借款和赎回股票所支付的现金。

    The main cash outflows included in this category are cash payments to stockholders as dividends , to redeem borrowing and reacquire capital stock .

  5. 企业筹资风险主要有银行借款筹资风险、股票筹资风险、债券筹资风险、租赁筹资风险、联营及引进外资筹资风险等。

    The financing risks of enterprises are mainly bank loan , stock , bond , tenancy , joint operation , importment of foreign fund and so on .

  6. 资本结构契约理论主要探讨当投资机会给定,企业需要从外部筹集资金时,证券和借款(债券或股票)契约的形式是如何决定的。

    Contracts theory of capital structure mainly research when investment opportunity is given and firm needs financing from the exterior , how contract forms of securities and loans ( bonds or stocks ) are decided .