
  • 网络Value Stock
  1. 波顿一直关注于价值型股票,买进从事消费、服务和制药业务的公司股票。

    Mr Bolton has been concentrating on value stocks , buying companies exposed to consumption , services and pharmaceuticals .

  2. Fama&French(1998)指出,在世界范围内,价值型股票比成长型股票具有普遍的较高的收益率。

    As Fama & French ( 1998 ) pointed out , value stocks have higher returns than growth stocks in the markets around the world .

  3. 因此,可以以PPM模型为核心,结合其它多方面信息,最终确定可供投资的价值型股票,以期获得超额投资收益和降低投资风险。

    So , we can use PPM model as the core and combine with other information in many aspects , and confirm the value stock , which is suitable for making the investment .

  4. 与之相反,苹果公司目前的股价更像是一只价值型股票。

    In contrast , apple is trading more like a value stock right now .

  5. 高分红和价值型股票不一定完全相符,但往往互为因果。

    High dividends and value do not necessarily coincide , but one leads to the other .

  6. 经营价值型股票基金的经理人通常以帐面价值来衡量银行股,帐面价值是计算净资产的一项标准。

    Fund managers who run value-stock funds typically value banks by their book values , a measure of net assets .

  7. 采用多元回归分析方法,当股票价格基本反映其基本面情况时,对股票池中股票的价格与基本面数据之间关系进行回归分析,建立价值型股票相对内在价格的多因素模型。

    Found internal value multi-factors model of valuable stock through regress analysis when the price of stock is reflected the fundamental ;

  8. 他们回避所有看似有风险的股票,例如失宠的价值型股票,而急切地追求收益,会购买所有发放现金股息的股票。

    They shun anything that looks risky , such as an out of favour value stock , and are so desperate for yield that they will pay up for anyone offering cold hard cash .

  9. 他说,自3月下半月以来,有迹象显示表现强于大盘的股票(如人们过去非常青睐的互联网类股)现在相对于他们正在投资的价值型股票来说正落于下风。

    ' Since the second half of March , there are signs that [ outperformers ] like Internet stocks that people used to like so much * are now losing ground compared to the value stocks we are investing in , ' he said .

  10. 价值投资型股票估价方法研究

    The Approaches to Evaluating " Value Investment " Stocks

  11. 凯恩斯通过主要投资中小盘股、高分红股和其他“价值型”股票,还发现了被证明可持续的其他风险溢价。

    He also identified other risk premiums that have since proved durable , by investing mainly in small - or mid-cap stocks , high-dividend payers , and other " value " stocks .

  12. 文章研究了价值投资持股期限问题,并得出结论:对价值型股票,投资者不应长期持股;

    The article discusses investment horizon of value investment and comes to the conclusion that investors should not hold value-oriented stocks in the long run ;

  13. 本文对价值投资的研究为得出适合我国国情的价值型股票优选方法,最终帮助投资者选择具有超额投资收益和低风险的价值型股票。

    The study of value investing in the article is in order to get a method to choice valuable stock and help investor to choose the stock , which generates high return on investment with low financial risk .

  14. 当股票池中股票的基本面数据发生变化时,及时地通过多因素模型计算出股票的相对内在价值,通过与市场价格相对比,挑选出具有投资价值的价值型股票。

    Use the model to account the internal value of valuable stock when the fundamental changed and choose the stock which is undervalued relative to the market price . Internal value is the determinant factor .