
jià ɡé ɡuǎn lǐ
  • Price Management;price control
  1. 我国药品价格管理现状及改革思路浅析

    Analysis of Present Situation Chinese Drug Price Control and Reformation

  2. 我国天然气价格管理体制及定价模式研究

    A Study on China 's Price Control System and Pricing Mode for Natural Gas

  3. J2EE和分布式数据库在军品价格管理交易系统中的应用

    The Online Price Managed Trading System of the Military Industry Manufacture by Using J2EE and DDB

  4. 改进石油价格管理办法建立新的价格调控机制

    Improving Oil Pricing Management and Construct-ing a New Regulatory Pricing Mechanism

  5. 提升卷烟价格管理信息化水平的思路探讨

    Discussion on the Promotion of Informationization Level of Cigarette Price Administration

  6. 土地市场管理的核心是土地价格管理。

    Land price management is the core of land market management .

  7. 西方发达国家药品价格管理模式比较

    Comparison of the Drug Price Administration Models Among Different Developed Countries

  8. 企业材料物资计划价格管理的思考

    Deep Think on the Enterprise Goods and Materials Plan Prices Management

  9. 我国现行药品价格管理模式研究

    Study of the Current Drug Price Management Model in China

  10. 供水网络技术经济特征及价格管理分析

    Analysis about the Techno-economy Characteristics of the Water Supply and Price Management

  11. 建筑产品价格管理改革探索

    The Explore of the Reform of Building Price 's Management

  12. 为克服市场机制的种种缺陷,政府价格管理显得十分必要。

    Government price management is undoubtedly necessary to overcome the market deficiencies .

  13. 航天企业价格管理模式之我见

    The Views for the Price Management Model of Space Industry

  14. 市场经济与卫生服务价格管理

    Health Services : Characteristics in Management of Market and Prices

  15. 价格管理形势与对策研究

    The Situation of Price Management and the research on Countermeasure

  16. 加强中国野生动植物进出口价格管理的必要性

    The Importance of Strengthening Price Management over China Wildlife Import and Export

  17. 自销产品价格管理&ERP深化应用的突破口

    Price Management of Self-marketing Product-Point of Break Through of ERP Deep Application

  18. 铁路工业产品价格管理改革与展望

    Price Management Reform and Prospect of Railway-orientated Industries ' Products

  19. 价格管理机关规定基准价格或浮动幅度。

    The price administration authorities stipulated either a basic price or floating ranges .

  20. 东风汽车公司协配件价格管理系统的开发

    The Development of DongFeng Motor Accessory Price Management System

  21. 欧盟药品价格管理经验及对我国的启示

    Enlightenment of Drug Pricing and Administration in European Countries

  22. 严格价格管理.对个体菜贩实行最高限价。

    Strictly administrating the prices and ting the highest price to individual dealers .

  23. 价格管理:现状、问题与深化改革思路

    Price Management : Current Situation , Problems and Thoughts on Deepening the Reform

  24. 尽管如此,价格管理局从未受到欢迎。

    Even so , the OPA was never popular .

  25. 负责全国的价格管理和综合平衡工作;

    Take responsibility for the control and overall balancing of prices throughout the country ;

  26. 建立市场和宏观调控相结合的价格管理机制

    A Study on Establishing Mechanism of Price Managment of Market Combined with Macroscopic Adjustment

  27. 医疗服务价格管理的经济学思考

    Economics Thought of Pricing Management for Medical Service

  28. 加拿大药品费用及药品价格管理介绍

    Drug Expenditure and Drug Price Regulation in Canada

  29. 工程价格管理改革的理论思考

    Theoretical deliberation of reform on engineering price management

  30. 大学收费标准的确定:是成本计量问题还是价格管理问题

    Determining criteria for university tuition : An issue of cost measuring or price control