
  • Bitcoin;BTC;BitCoin,BTC
  1. 比特币(Bitcoin)是电子货币的一种形式,是专为互联网交易使用创造的货币。

    The Bitcoin is a form of electronic money which has been created specifically for use on the Internet .

  2. 金融市场监管部门就如何更好地规范虚拟货币比特币的交易征询意见,内部消息称,或将建立托管平台。

    China 's financial market regulators are seeking opinions about how to better regulate trading of bitcoin , the virtual currency . These steps may include setting up a depository platform , said sources with close knowledge of the matter .

  3. 而且,跟很多传统货币一样,比特币也有它自己的货币符号(像£,$,€等)和货币代码BTC(像GBP,USD,EUR等)。

    Like many traditional currencies , Bitcoins even have their own symbol ( compare £ , $ , € , etc ) and also a currency code , BTC ( compare GBP , USD , EUR , etc ) .

  4. 你也可在一些专门的交易网站将比特币兑换成传统货币。

    Bitcoins can also be converted back into conventional currency at dedicated trading sites .

  5. 那么,比特币是怎么流通的呢?

    So , how do Bitcoins work ?

  6. 要购买比特币,用户需要通过一个在线兑换服务将他们当地的货币换成这种虚拟货币。

    To purchase them , users go to an online exchange service where they can convert their local currency into virtual money .

  7. 然后,这些电子货币就会被存储在用户的账户中,这个账户也被称为电子钱包,而钱包中的比特币就可以在任何接受该币种的地方被用于网上交易。

    This electronic cash is then stored in a user account , often described as a digital wallet , which can then be used to make online purchases anywhere where Bitcoins are accepted .

  8. 上海一位数字交易平台人士对《中国日报》表示,监管部门上周约见了几个比特币交易平台的负责人,讨论了比特币行情波动时托管平台的运行方式。

    Authorities visited executives of a number of bitcoin trading platforms last week , and have inquired how the platform works when value of the virtual currency plunges and surges , a person at a Shanghai-based digital trading platform told China Daily .

  9. 饶舌歌手50cent也以比特币的形式收到他最新专辑的报酬。

    And rapper 50 Cent is accepting bitcoin as payment for his latest album .

  10. DigitalAssetHoldings表示想为比特币提供其亟需的透明度。

    DAH says it wants to provide much-needed transparency for bitcoin .

  11. 用户可以通过ATM买入或卖出比特币。

    ATM users can either buy or sell bitcoin through the machines .

  12. 英国央行(bankofEngland)表示,当前涉及比特币的经济活动和支付的规模都很小,不会影响到金融体系的稳定性。

    The Bank of England says the current levels of economic activity and payments involving Bitcoin are too light to have any impact on financial stability .

  13. 在展会上举办的其他活动集中在3D打印、移动应用程序、医疗保健相关设备、技术初创企业和虚拟货币比特币等领域。

    Other events at CES focus on sectors such as 3-D printing , mobile apps , health-related gadgets , technology startups and the virtual currency bitcoin .

  14. 《数字黄金:比特币背后不为人知的故事》(DigitalGold:TheUntoldStoryofBitcoin),作者纳塔涅尔波佩尔(NathanielPopper)审视了虚拟货币比特币的崛起;

    Digital Gold , Nathaniel Popper 's examination of the rise of bitcoin , the virtual currency ;

  15. 而最近随着主流电商Overstock.com和美职篮(NBA)的萨克拉门托国王队(SacramentoKings)公开宣布将接受数字货币作为支付方式,比特币热潮更是达到了顶点。

    COM and NBA team the Sacramento Kings would accept the digital currency as payment .

  16. 比特币还无法取代信用卡或贝宝(PayPal)。

    Bitcoin isn 't ready to replace credit cards or PayPal .

  17. 我生活的旧金山湾区(SanFranciscoBayArea)有超过60个商家接受比特币,但要找到一家值得花钱的地方仍要颇费一番周折。

    There are more than 60 in the San Francisco Bay Area where I live , but I still struggled to find places worth spending my bitcoin .

  18. 上个月中国央行要求国内一些支付公司停止为中国最大的比特币交易平台比特币中国(BTCChina)提供支付与结算服务。

    China 's central bank last month asked some domestic payment processors to stop trading with the country 's biggest bitcoin exchange , BTC China .

  19. 几个月前,克里森开始和麦凯莱布探讨这个想法。麦凯莱布曾帮人创建了Ripple公司,它后来成了比特币平台的对手。

    So several months ago , Collison began brainstorming with McCaleb , who had helped build Ripple , a Bitcoin rival .

  20. 消费者在网上或少数商店内可以使用比特币消费,包括放置比特币ATM机的海浪咖啡店。

    Users can buy products and services online or in a handful of stores , including the Waves coffee shop where the ATM is located .

  21. 上月,前摩根大通(JPMorgan)银行家布莱思•马斯特斯(BlytheMasters)将一家名叫DigitalAssetHoldings的公司带入公众视野之内,这家公司在开发比特币结算系统。

    Last month , Blythe Masters , the former JPMorgan banker , unveiled a company called Digital Asset Holdings to develop bitcoin-based settlement systems .

  22. 台湾网络游戏供应商华义国际数位娱乐股份有限公司(WayiInternationalDigitalEntertainmentCo.)表示,公司计划接受比特币,将来甚至可能成为一个交易平台。

    Wayi International Digital Entertainment Co. , a Taiwanese online game provider , has said it intends to accept bitcoin and may even become an exchange .

  23. 比尔o芬利在温哥华开的服装店HempCompany去年10月份开始接受比特币。他说,比特币消费每个月大概会出现三次。

    Bill Finley started accepting bitcoin last October at his clothing store Hemp Company in Vancouver , and gets about three bitcoin sales a month , he said .

  24. 使用比特币ATM机时,消费者要进行手掌扫描,以确认身份,然后再通过智能手机的虚拟钱包进行转账。

    With the bitcoin ATM , users scan their hand to confirm identity , then funds move to or from a virtual wallet on their smartphone .

  25. 两名调查丝绸之路(SilkRoad)的美国特工,被控在被派至调查这一地下市场的行动小组时,窃取价值数十万美元的比特币及其他数字化货币。

    Two US agents investigating Silk Road have been charged with stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in bitcoin and other digital currencies while assigned to a task force probing the underground marketplace .

  26. 比特币区块被讨论得最多的一项潜在用途,是去中心化的打车服务Uber。

    One of the most discussed potential use cases of the block chain is as a decentralized Uber .

  27. Overstock计划为比特币支付提供优惠。

    Overstock is planning to offer a financial incentive to paying with bitcoin .

  28. 与谷歌(GoogleInc.)的Chrome等浏览器连接后,暗黑钱包将把形成比特币的数字和字母串打乱。

    Attached to a browser such as Google Inc. 's Chrome , Dark Wallet will try to scramble the strings of numbers and letters that form bitcoins .

  29. 最近有传言称,峰堡投资集团(FortressInvestmentGroup)正在筹备自己的比特币基金,规模可能远远大于SecondMarket的同类产品。

    Now comes word that fortress investment group ( fig ) is prepping its own bitcoin fund , which likely will be much larger than the secondmarket offering .

  30. 该行业的顾问蒂姆斯旺森(TimSwanson)称,比特币太复杂,难以达成这一目标。

    Tim Swanson , a consultant to the industry , says bitcoin is too complex to achieve that goal .