
  • 网络the trap of comparative advantage;the comparative advantage trap
  1. 比较优势陷阱及其对中国的实证分析

    Comparative Advantage Trap and it s Demon s ration in China

  2. 比较优势陷阱与中国贸易战略选择

    The Comparative Advantage Trap and the Choice of Strategy of Our Foreign Trade

  3. 然后,详细阐述了比较优势陷阱的内涵及分类。

    Afterwards , it interprets the connotation and classification of comparative advantage .

  4. 发展中国家出现了贸易条件恶化、贫困化增长的局面,陷入了比较优势陷阱。

    Developing countries ' terms of trade is deteriorating , thus forming comparative advantage pit .

  5. 具体到我国,如何跳出比较优势陷阱?

    As for our country , how can we clap " the trap of the comparative advantage " .

  6. 比较优势陷阱理论是以批判比较优势理论静态性质为自己立论的。

    The theory of " comparative advantage trap " is based on the animadversion of the static theory of comparative advantage .

  7. 前者面临的是如何跃出比较优势陷阱的问题,主要存在于珠三角地区;

    The first question then is how to get out from " the trap of comparative advantage ", which mainly occurs in Zhujiang Triangle ;

  8. 第二,政府以约束供给为主,其他政策效果不明显。白银价的稀土陷入比较优势陷阱。

    Secondly , government mainly restrains supply , while the effect of other policies is not obvious . " Sliver price " rare earth falls into comparative advantage trap .

  9. 本文从分析传统贸易理论的局限性入手,指出在发展对外贸易时要注意比较优势陷阱。

    This paper starts with analyzing the limitation of the traditional trade theory and points out that we should pay attention to " the comparative advantage trap " in development foreign trade .

  10. 第二、对发展中国家来说,全球价值链分工到底是比较优势陷阱还是比较优势馅饼,关键是看发展中国家是否充分发挥了本国的后发优势。

    Second , for the developing countries , the Global Value Chains Specialization is in the end comparative advantages traps or comparative advantage pie , the key is to see whether the developing countries can full play their own the advantage of later striking .

  11. 基于此,本文试图从价值观重构理论出发,破除西部经济发展中的自然资源比较优势“陷阱”,进而提高西部经济发展速度,实现东西部经济的协调发展。

    The thesis tries getting rid of the natural resource comparative superiority pitfall by reconstructing the value concept in order to raise the economy development rate and realize the coordinate economy development between the west and the east .

  12. 通过战略性贸易政策的实施,发展中国家可以给予一定的产业以适度的扶持,从而获得动态比较优势,以避免比较优势陷阱,提升所扶持产业获得国际竞争力。

    From the strategic trade policy , the developing country can get the dynamic comparative advantage , avoid the " the comparative advantage trap ", and improve the international competitiveness of industry .

  13. 经济发展水平较低的地区如果实行单纯的、外生的比较优势战略发展国际贸易,可能会陷入比较优势陷阱,不能缩小与经济发达地区的经济差距。

    If developing areas implement purely and comparative advantage strategy and develop international trade , have not narrowed the economic disparity with the developed country , has fallen into the comparative advantage trap instead .

  14. 长期坚持比较优势原则会给一国的经济发展带来许多负面影响,例如比较优势陷阱、出口贫困化增长等。

    It will take much bad influence if one country uses comparative advantage principle chronically , such as immiserizing growth etc.

  15. 另有一些产业经济学家则全盘否定比较优势理论的适用性,他们认为竞争优势和比较优势存在不可调和的矛盾,提出了比较优势陷阱、贫困化增长等概念。

    Other industrial economists completely deny comparative advantage theory and they figure there is irreconcilable conflict between competing advantage and comparative .