
  • 网络Border price
  1. 在多哥,咖啡的产地价格是边境价格的三分之一。

    In Togo , the farm price for coffee was a third of the border price .

  2. 国内价格与边境价格之差不是作为关税收入被进口国政府得到,而可能被出口国拿去了。

    The difference between domestic and border prices may be captured by exporters rather than collected by the government as tariff revenue .

  3. 边际效用(价值说)当计算边境价格考虑到实际上升时,实际提高的奖励只有9%。

    When border prices are calculated taking the real appreciation into account , the actual increase in incentives was only 9 percent .

  4. 这进而意味着,我们需要制定一个边境碳价格,以反映进口商品中的碳含量。

    And this , in turn , means a border carbon price would need to be established , reflecting the carbon content of imports .

  5. 这将意味着俄罗斯天然气在到达中国边境时的价格是10-11美元/mBtu,这一价格符合中俄双方的估计。

    That would translate into $ 10 - $ 11 per mBtu at the Chinese border – a price that suits both Chinese and Russian calculations .