
  • 网络packaged goods;package goods
  1. 在10个最大的广告客户中,宝洁(Procter&Gamble)牵头各包装商品集团增加支出。

    Of the 10 largest advertisers , Procter & Gamble led the growth in packaged goods groups ' spending .

  2. 第五部分定量包装商品&管理和执法

    PART V PACKAGED GOODS & Enforcement of control

  3. 包装商品生产商联合利华的欧洲负责人齐德维尔德(JanZijderveld)说,贫困正重返欧洲。

    ' Poverty is returning to Europe , ' says Jan Zijderveld , head of Europe for packaged-goods maker Unilever .

  4. 谈对定量包装商品计量检验管理的措施

    On Some Measures of Measurement and Inspection Management on Prepackaged Products

  5. 定量包装商品生产企业计量工作的现状分析

    Analysis on Metering Management of Quantification Packing Commodity Fabricate Enterprise

  6. 定量包装商品净含量不足的原因及对策

    The Countermeasure and Reason about the Poor Quantity of the Packaging Goods

  7. 嵌入式定量包装商品检定系统的软件开发

    Software design of checking system for ration of prepackaged goods based on embedded technology

  8. 自动查验包装商品的重量(是否合乎标准)。

    A checkweigher is an automatic machine for checking the weight of packaged commodities .

  9. 移动式现场定量包装商品净含量检定系统的研制

    Development of Portable in-situs Testing System for Net Content of Prepackaged Goods of Fixed Content

  10. 以体积标注净含量的定量包装商品测量结果不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement of Products in Prepackages with Fixed Content with Cube Nominal Quantity

  11. 对于特定包装商品的特别条款

    Special provision for certain packages

  12. 2012年年初,这位高管在一家大型包装商品公司获得了一个更有权力的职位。

    In early 2012 , the executive landed a more powerful post at a major packaged-goods concern .

  13. 定量包装商品之监管

    Quantitative Monitoring of Goods Packaging

  14. 定量包装商品是市场经济发展的需要,也是深受广大消费者喜欢的商品。

    Quantitatively-packed commodities are required by the development of market economy and they are well received by customers .

  15. 我儿子在一所中学读书时,在一家超级市场找到了一份包装商品的业余工作。

    When my son was a high-school sophomore , he got a part-time job sacking groceries at a supermarket .

  16. 定量包装商品净含量测量结果的不确定度评定(绝对体积法)

    Evalution of Uncertainly for Measurement Result of Net Content of Prepackaged Commodity with Fixed Content ( Method of Absolute Volume )

  17. 这样的增长速度前所未闻,尤其是对于包装商品行业的一家初创公司来说——即使在科技行业,这也非常罕见。

    This kind of growth is unheard of , particularly for a startup , in the packaged-goods business - and rare in the tech world .

  18. 这样的增长速度前所未闻,尤其是对于包装商品行业的一家初创公司来说&即使在科技行业,这也非常罕见。

    This kind of growth is unheard of , particularly for a startup , in the packaged-goods business & and rare in the tech world .

  19. 友情提示:我们所包装的商品均已去盒皮重是净重量。

    Tips : All our packed commodities are of net weight .

  20. 定型包装食品商品标志存在的问题

    Research on Problems of Shaped Packing Food Commodity Marking

  21. 包装是商品整体不可缺少的一部。

    The packing is commodity wholeessential .

  22. 包装是商品无声的推销员,对于商品的展示、运输、营销有着重大的作用。

    Package design play an important role for the display of goods , transport and marketing .

  23. 从市场上抽取定量包装的商品进行检测时,经常碰到的问题是如何合理地抽取被检测的商品数量。

    When on sale quantitative packing products are sampled and inspected , reasonable sampling amount is always necessary to be considered .

  24. 我方用于包装罐头商品的纸盒岂但实用于海运,其坚固性也脚以避免商品的损坏。

    Our cartons for canned food are not only seaworthy , but also strong enough to protect the goods from damage .

  25. 包装作为商品流通的产物,它与我们的日常生活息息相关,是我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。

    As a product of commodity circulation , Package is one of necessary in our lives , which is closely related with our daily lives .

  26. 正如拥有合适包装的商品会树立自己的品牌一样,只要了解自己所处的位置,就知道该如何包装自己。

    As long as one finds where one stands , one knows how to package oneself , just as a commodity establishes its brand by the right packaging .

  27. 19世纪下半叶,日本开始与西方世界进行贸易往来时,浮世绘木版画被用来包装出口商品。

    Ukiyo-e woodblock prints were used as wrapping paper for export wares when Japan began trading with the Western world in the second half of the 19th century .

  28. 包装是商品流通领域的重要环节,也是商品竞争的辅助手段之一,发展越来越迅速。

    Packaging is an important link of the circulation of commodities domain , and is also one of the assistance means of merchandise competition ; its development is faster and faster .

  29. 包装使商品的价值和使用价值得到充分实现,重视和完善产品的包装,对于保护商品,保证商品价值实现,促进商品生产和提高企业经济效益,都有十分重要的意义。

    The value of goods to be fully realized by Packaging , Enterprises should pay Attention to improve the product packaging . the promotion of commodity production and improving the socio-economic benefits are of great significance .

  30. 随着现代社会商品经济的飞速发展,商品在市场中的竞争日趋激烈,不断更新的商品正以更为快捷的方式吸引着消费者的眼球,包装成为商品不可分割的一部分。

    With the modern society the rapid development of commodity economy , commodities in the market increasingly competitive and constantly updated products is a more efficient way to attract the attention of consumers , packaged as an integral part of the goods .