
  • 网络packing mark
  1. 目前国内特殊钢制品表面质量、内材质量以及包装标志的控制、轧制缺陷的处理一般都是单机操作,没有完整的生产流水线。

    At present , all the operations from the control of surface quality , internal quality , packing mark to the rolling defect disposal of special steel products manufactured by domestic steel producers , are done by a single unit . There is no integrated production line .

  2. 避孕药品大包装标志及合格证情况的调查分析

    Investigation on Outside Packing Signs and Certification of Contraceptives

  3. GB190-1990危险货物包装标志

    Labels for packages of dangerous goods

  4. GB/T9750-1998涂料产品包装标志

    Marks for package of coating products

  5. 对于施工时需要稀释的涂料,包装标志上或产品说明书中应明确稀释比例。

    The dilution rate shall be marked on package or user manual if paints need to be diluted during manufacturing process .

  6. 船舶所装运的危险化学品,包装标志不符合有关规定;

    The packages or marks of the dangerous chemicals carried on the vessel are not in conformity with the relevant provisions ;

  7. 对于由双组分或多组分配套组成的涂料,包装标志上或产品说明书中应明确各组分的施工配比。

    For two-component coating or multi-component coating , the production formulation must mark on the product 's package and user manual .

  8. 结果:11.11%避孕药品的大包装标志齐全,100%避孕药品合格证的内容不全。

    Results : 11.11 % of outside packing signs were complete , and the certification contents of all the contraceptives were lacked of items .

  9. 方法对45批次避孕套进行尺寸、爆破强度、老化、针孔、包装标志等多项物理性能的测试。

    Method Important physical properties , such as dimension , inflation , aging , leakage and package , were performed for45 batches of condoms .

  10. 本标准适用于各类玩具用涂料,并规定了玩具用涂料中对人体和环境有害的物质容许限量的要求、试验方法、检验规则和包装标志等内容。

    This standard has stipulated the limits of hazard substances in toy coatings that are harmful to human and environment , testing methods , packaging and marking requirements etc.

  11. 2002中国之星全国包装及标志设计大奖金手指奖揭晓

    2002 " Stars of China " & Golden Finger Prize announced

  12. GB/T4694-1984皮革成品的包装、标志、运输和保管

    " Packing , marking , transportation and conservation of leather "

  13. 增加了包装、标志、贮存、运输要求。

    Requirements for packing , marking , storage and transport are supplemented .

  14. GB/T2102-1988钢管的验收、包装、标志和质量证明书

    " Acceptance , packing , marking , and certification of pipe "

  15. GB/T2104-1988钢丝绳包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定

    " Steel wire ropes Packing , marking and certificate General requirements "

  16. GB/T13297-1991精密合金包装、标志和质量证明书的一般规定

    " General rules for packaging , marking and certification of precision alloys "

  17. GB/T16546-1996定形耐火制品包装、标志、运输和储存

    " Shaped refractory products & Packing , marking , transportation and storage "

  18. GB/T8082-1987天然生胶标准橡胶包装、标志、贮存和运输

    " Raw natural rubber Standard rubber Packing , marks , storage and transportion "

  19. GB/T8180-1987钛及钛合金加工产品的包装、标志、运输和贮存

    " Wrought titanium and titanium alloy products packing , marking , transporting and storing "

  20. GB/T8888-1988重有色金属加工产品的包装、标志、运输和贮存

    " Wrought heavy non-ferrous metal products & Packing , marking , transporting and storing "

  21. GB15346-1994化学试剂包装及标志

    Chemical reagent & Packaging and marking

  22. GB/T3199-1996铝及铝合金加工产品包装、标志、运输、贮存

    " Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy products & Packing , marking , transporting and storing "

  23. GB/T3302-1982日用陶瓷器验收、包装、标志、运输、储存规则

    " Rule of acceptance , pack , mark , transport and reserve for domestic ceramic ware "

  24. GB/T4120.6-1992工业液体氯代甲烷类产品的包装、标志、贮存、运输和检验规则

    " Liquid chlorinated methanes for industrial use & Package , marking , storage , transport and acceptance methods "

  25. GB/T8719-1997炭素材料及其制品的包装、标志、储存、运输和质量证明书的一般规定

    " General rule for packing , marking , storage , transport and quality certificates of carbonaceous material and products "

  26. 本标准规定了蜂蜜的定义及其被从巢脾中分离出来后的品质、包装、标志、运输、贮存要求。

    This standard specifies the definition of honey and requirements of quality , packing , marking , transport and storage of the honey separated from combs .

  27. 质量体系包括确保所有产品诸如元器件,包装,标志,原材料,以及成品都经过批准使用的步骤。

    The quality system includes procedures for assuring that all products such as components , packaging , labeling , manufacturing materials , and finished devices have been approved for use ;

  28. 奥巴马在新发布的白宫视频中称,一些烟草公司抵制新香烟包装警示标志是因为他们不原诚实的告诉烟民吸烟的危害。

    Some tobacco companies , he says in a new White House web video , are fighting new cigarette warning labels because they don 't want to be honest about the consequences .

  29. 但是期望保证技术法规和标准,包括对包装、标志和标签的要求,以及对技术法规和标准的合格评定程序不给国际贸易制造不必要的障碍;

    Desiring however to ensure that technical regulations and standards , including packaging , marking and labelling requirements , and procedures for assessment of conformity with technical regulations and standards do not create unnecessary obstacles to international trade ;

  30. 根据实验和大田调查结果,制定了桑树种子和苗木国家标准,对质量指标、检验方法、检验规则、包装、标志和运输等进行了规范。

    Based on field investigation and experiment , the national standard of mulberry seed and sapling has been established , which prescribed quality standard , test method , test regulation , packaging , marker and transportation of mulberry seed and sapling .