
  • 网络Packing charges;packing expenses
  1. 投标文件中的报价应包括所有包装费用。

    Quotations in the bid document shall include all packing expenses .

  2. 包装费用按实际成本由买方负担。

    Packing charges are for the buyer 's account on cost basis .

  3. 对消费品实行有效的除低包装费用战略。

    Implementing effective cost-cutting strategies for the packaging of consumer products .

  4. 一般来说,买方应承担包装费用。

    Buyers , generally speaking , bear the change of packing .

  5. 包装费用未算在报价中。

    862 Packing charges are excluded in the quoted prices .

  6. 包装费用通常是由买方负担的。

    The charges of packing are usually borne by buyers .

  7. 合同价格中已经包括了包装费用。

    Packing charge is included in the contract price .

  8. 通常,包装费用应由买方负担。

    As a rule , the buyer ought to bear the charges of packaging .

  9. 好的包装费用很大。

    A nice packing helps finding a market .

  10. 包装费用占货物总值的百分之二。

    Packing charge is about 2 % of the total cost of the goods .

  11. 单价(包装费用包括在内)

    Unit Price ( packing charges included )

  12. 这样还能降低包装费用,加快装货和卸货。

    You can reduce packaging expense that way , and you get faster loading and unloading .

  13. 因为你跟莉莉已经谈好了价格,所以我们愿意承担多用的这些包装费用。

    Because you and lily has had talked about the price , so we are willing to bear the multi-purpose these packing .

  14. 假如你坚持,我们可以使用木箱,但包装费用就要高得多,而且发运也要延期。

    We 'll use wooden cases if you insist , but the charge for packing will be considerably higher , and it also slows delivery .

  15. 请您估计需要集装箱的数量和大概包装费用。您应务必把药品放在原来包装里,因为包装上通常有计量控制说明。

    For this reason you should always bring your medicine in the original container on which is usually found the description of the dosis administration .

  16. 如果贵方坚持,我们可以改用木箱,但包装费用比较高,而且装运时间也得延期。

    If you Insist , we can use wooden cases Instead . but the charge for packing will be higher and shipment will have to be delayed .

  17. 归纳得到了集装袋设计的原则及方法,简化了设计和试验程序,从而降低了包装费用和提高了设计效率。

    The principle and the method of FIBC design were obtained , which simplified design and experimental procedure , reduced cost of packaging and enhanced efficiency of design .

  18. 研究表明,在生产成本中,中间投入、沉没成本和环境成本所占比例较大。在流通费用中,绿色物流费用和绿色包装费用占流通费用支出的主要部分。

    The research shows that the intermediate inputs , sunk cost , environments cost make a larger proportion in the cost of production and green logistics , green packaging cost accounts for the main part of circulation in the circulation cost .

  19. 产品性能超过行业标准指标。据某卷烟企业核算,使用该产品后,其每箱卷烟降低包装费用61.15元,按10万箱的年产量,每年可节约费用611.5万元。

    It was evaluated by a tobacco corporation that the packaging expense of one box of tobacco was reduced by 61.15 yuan after using this product , that is , about 611.5 yuan will be saved if the annual output is 100,000 boxes .

  20. (三)由买方负担的包装材料费用和包装劳务费用;

    Expenses of packaging materials and packaging labour fees borne by the seller ;

  21. 这种包装的费用比较高。

    This kind of packing cost more .

  22. 如果你方要求手套按副包装,费用是300美元。

    If you require individual packing for the gloves , there will be a charge of us $ 300 .

  23. 请把原材料费用和原材料所使用的包装材料费用列在同一张发票上。

    Please put the raw and processed materials much and raw and processed materials ' wrapper much on one invoice .

  24. 这样,不仅可以降低包装运输费用、减少助剂使用量,而且延长存储周期、给施工带来方便。

    Making dry coatings in this way not only decrease the costs of package , transport , and dosage of assistants , but also prolong storage period , and bring convenient application .

  25. 你可为此包装收取流通费用,但不管如何为之,都不可表现的好像你在贩卖软体本身。

    You may charge a distribution fee for the package , but you must not represent in any way that you are selling the SOFTWARE itself .

  26. 浓缩显影液的浓度应尽量高,以节省包装和运输费用,但必须保证在低温下,所含成份不得结晶析出;

    Aimed at saving freight and packaging costs , concentrated developers should be prepared with a highest possible concentration , but none of their components will be allowed to crystallize out at low temperature .

  27. 在那之后不久,IKEA便发展出时至今日仍作为其规范的基本观念:以平整的包装、合适的费用运送低价、设计精巧的自组式家具。

    After that , it did not take IKEA long to develop the basic ideas that continue to define it today : low-priced , well-designed , self-assembly furniture shipped inexpensively in flat packaging .

  28. 我得说清楚,使用不同的包装材料,包装费用会有所不同。

    I must make it clear that for different materials , expenses will be different .

  29. 由于样品包装过重,空邮费用太高

    " As the package of sample is overweight , airmailing would be too expensive . "

  30. 从物流包装的功能和费用入手,阐述价值分析法在物流包装中应用的总思路及如何提高物流包装价值,并列举实例。

    S : The general way of thinking about the application of value analysis method in logistics packaging , and how to increase the value of logistics packaging were discussed beginning with the function and cost of logistics packaging . Some examples were enumerated .