
  • 网络Cost Budgeting;Budget
  1. 费用预算-总费用分配到单个工作项目上。

    Cost Budgeting - allocating the overall cost estimate to individual work items .

  2. 这本书的出版费用预算很低。

    The book was produced on a very small budget .

  3. 协助销售分析经理有效地控制部门费用预算。

    Assist Sales Analysis Manager to control HCB department budget effectively .

  4. 跨地区分销企业分销费用预算与控制

    The Budgetary Control Focus of Marketing Costs about Cross-regional Marketing Enterprises

  5. 制定,控制区域投资及费用预算。

    Prepare , monitor and control regional investment and operating expense budget .

  6. 合理分配、控制大区销售资源,制定费用预算。

    Distribute and monitor regional sales resource reasonably and formulate sales budget .

  7. 水利工程管理费用预算体系研究

    Study on Cost Estimate System of Water Resources Projects Management

  8. 除了供货费用预算,我们还有日常开支。

    Other than the supplies budget , we still have overhead costs .

  9. 学校每年的校舍维修费用预算为5000美元。

    The school budgeted $ 5000a year for building repair .

  10. 我们主要的计划工作项目包括费用预算和施工进度。

    159 our major planning items contain estimating of cost and construction schedule .

  11. 大庆油田总医院集团费用预算管理模式创新研究

    Bring Forth New Research for the Budget Management Model of Daqing Oilfield Head Hospital Group

  12. 第2章预算管理相关的基本理论,介绍了对于预算管理以及费用预算管理的理论,费用预算的编制方法和特点等。

    The second chapter is introducing the basic theory of budget and expense budget management .

  13. 回归-时间序列组合模型在石油企业费用预算编制中的应用

    An Application of Regression and Time Series Model for the Expense Budget of Petroleum Enterprises

  14. 而其中的费用预算又是影响企业销售量和利润的一个重要因素。

    And the expense budget is an important attribute affecting the enterprise sales volume and profit .

  15. 制造费用预算差异帐户

    Factory expense budget variation account

  16. P2:预算问题,在费用预算约束下使项目工期最短;

    P2 : the budget problem aims at minimizing the project duration without exceeding a given budget .

  17. 组织和协调部门成本预算的编制,制定部门费用预算的标准。

    Organize and coordinate departments to complete department cost budget . Establish standard of department cost budget .

  18. 他们在总的原则上同意我们的建议,但要求我们拿出详细的费用预算。

    They agreed with our proposal in principle , but have asked us to prepare some detailed costings .

  19. 指导项目管理团队并与其一起维护项目的费用预算、费用监控和费用汇报工作;

    Guide and work with the PMT to maintain budget , monitor and report on the project costs .

  20. 论文研究内容大致分为两部分,第一部分是针对新设备的大修费用预算预测。

    Paper roughly divided into two parts . The first part forecast the overhaul cost budget for new equipment .

  21. 从户外活动到头脑风暴和费用预算,所有推销中涉及的因素都包括在考试中了。

    From field trips to brainstorming and budgeting all the elements required for a promotion package are included in the exam .

  22. 赔偿费用预算与支付管理的具体办法由国务院规定。

    The specific measures for the management of budget and payment of compensation fees shall be formulated by the State Council .

  23. 在研究水利工程管理单位经费的预算和控制思路后,构建新的水利工程管理费用预算体系。

    After researching hydraulic project administrative funds budget and control plan , Constructs the new hydraulic project overhead charge budget system .

  24. 制订费用预算使用计划,确定费用开销方式,根据时间、市场及区域特点,合理协调、分配;

    Work out the development plan for the budget used to determine the cost allot according to time markets and regional characteristics ;

  25. 培训计划的内容包括培训课程、培训教师、培训对象、培训时间、培训地点、费用预算等。

    The training plan contains training courses , training teachers , training objects , training time , training place , expense budget , etc.

  26. 如果住房的花费占整个生活费用预算的三分之一,那就花费得太多了;

    If the amount spent for housing reaches one-third of the total budget for living expenses , the student is certainly spending too much ;

  27. 该调查还预测,今年电视广告费用预算将占媒体投入总预算的47%,比2010年增加了6%。

    The survey predicts that TV ad spending will account for 47 % of media budgets this year , a 6 % increase since 2010 .

  28. 然后从内部讲师管理、培训费用预算、培训考核管理三方面进行培训制度体系的构建。

    Then , the training regulation system is established in consideration of three parts-interior instructors ' management , training expense budget and training assessment management .

  29. 再就营销组织结构、营销人力资源管理、营销费用预算、方案实施步骤、营销绩效评价和控制进行了概述;

    The author gave an overview of marketing organization structure , marketing HR management , the marketing budget , and the evaluation and control of marketing achievement .

  30. 本文对石油销售企业的费用预算编制方法进行了研究,并根据费用的特点,提出回归-时间序列模型来进行费用预算编制,以提高企业的预算编制效率和科学水平。

    According to the basis expense characteristic , research to the petroleum enterprises expense budget establishment method is conducted , based on regression and time series model .