
  • 网络Cost Center;Expense Center
  1. 文章阐述了五大中心管理系统,即费用中心、用户质量管理中心、产品发展中心、市场拓展中心、人力资源开发中心等为核心的企业整个信息链系统。

    The article expands on " five centers " management system , the core of which is a company 's entire information chain system including cost center , center of quality control for customer , product development center , market development center and human resource center .

  2. 按照一定的标准,任何一种组织形式的企业都可以划分为由投资中心、利润中心、成本费用中心构成的预算责任网络。

    According to certain standard , enterprises have any kind of organization forms can all be divided into budget responsibility networks composed of investment center , profit center and cost center .

  3. 通过收入报告将当天所有的减免分配到部门的正确收入或成本、费用中心。

    Process the Rebates for the day allocating the cost to the correct revenue or expense cost centre through the processing of Revenue Report .

  4. 这样,就没有高的额外费用,在中心组件,有动态光纤连接的投资也可以计算出来。

    Due to this , no high additional costs are to be expected with investments in central components with active optical connections .

  5. 通过实际运行表明,开发的基于语音卡的费用催缴呼叫中心系统达到了预期目标,满足了用户需求。

    Through the actual operation that developed the cost of calls based on voice-card call center system to achieve the desired goal , to meet customer needs .

  6. 提出集团预算应以销售预算为起点,以成本费用预算为中心;在财务控制上应实行财务总监委派制、成立财务结算中心、加强内部审计、健全财务信息报告制度。

    For the financial controlling system , it should carry out the Financial Controller accreditation system , establish financial settlement center , and strengthen inside audit , perfect financial message reporting system .

  7. 这里的所发生的一切可以影响上百万人:一位曾在美国交换中心工作资深的网络工程师回忆到,在澳大利亚的巨大局域网中,曾有某个局域网拖欠费用,该中心就发出了“切断澳大利亚的网路”的指令。

    What happens in such places can affect millions of people : one veteran network engineer in an American exchange recalls " shut [ ting ] off Australia " when one of that country 's big networks was tardy with its bills .

  8. 收入中心是指只对收入和销售费用负责的责任中心。

    A revenue center is any responsibility center that responsible for revenue and , typical , for marketing cost .