
  • 网络Product satisfaction;PCSI
  1. 文章对经典Hotelling模型进行改进,引入产品满意度因素,并据此建立了基于满意度的Hotelling价格竞争模型。

    This paper improved classic Hotelling model , introducing product satisfaction factor established a price competition Hotelling model based on the satisfaction .

  2. 消费者寻找的结果导致了对产品满意度的提高。

    The result of this additional elaboration is increased satisfaction with the product .

  3. 基于最小二乘法的产品满意度预测模型

    Product Customer Satisfaction Predictive Model Based on LS

  4. 基于产品满意度的中小服装企业排料系统评价

    Evaluation of layout system in small and medium size garment enterprises based on product customer satisfaction

  5. 面向创新设计的机电产品满意度体系与测量方法研究

    Study on the Measuring Method and Customer Satisfaction System of Electronical and Mechanical Products Faced to Innovating Design

  6. 其中消费环境是影响刺激因素的主要因子;产出因素包括,购买后冲突、产品满意度、购买体验,其中产品满意度是影响产出因素的主要因子。

    Consumption environment is the main factor affecting stimulus ; output factors , including the purchase of post-conflict , product satisfaction and shopping experience , the product satisfaction is the main factor affecting the output factors .

  7. MC模式下基于个性化需求的产品顾客满意度评价研究

    The evaluation research on customer satisfaction to individual requirement products under the mode of mass customization

  8. 考虑到顾客需求与技术特性之间的关系矩阵及其技术特性间的相关矩阵是模糊矩阵,建立了一个QFD模糊线性规划模型,使顾客对所设计产品的满意度达到最大。

    Based on the relationships between customer requirement ( CR ) and engineer Character ( EC ), as well as correlations among the ECs are fuzzy in nature , a fuzzy linear programming model is proposed , which makes customer satisfaction maximize .

  9. 广西水泥产品客户满意度调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of customer satisfaction about Guangxi cement product

  10. 一种基于粗糙集的软件产品用户满意度评价方法

    A Rough Set-Based Model and Method for User Satisfaction Measurement of Software Products

  11. 住宅产品顾客满意度评价研究

    Research on Customer Satisfaction Measurement Concerning Housing Product

  12. 通过大样本调查数据进行实证研究,提出了木地板产品顾客满意度最终模型。

    The wood floor product customer satisfaction model is constructed by on the big sample .

  13. 建立评价集标度法和定义软件产品用户满意度问卷调查表。

    Then , building evaluating class and defining a questionnaire of user satisfaction to software products .

  14. 服务产品顾客满意度与顾客忠诚关系调节因素的实证分析

    Demonstration Analysis of the Regulating Factors about the Relations of Service Product 's Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty

  15. 求出产品总体满意度均值和产品总体满意度指数。

    Figure out the average mean of total satisfaction-degree of a product and total satisfaction index of a product .

  16. 再次,游客对雾灵山旅游产品的满意度较高;

    Third , the tourists ' celebrity attitude about the tourism product of Wuling Mountain wasn 't too high ;

  17. 采用了模糊综合评判方法对石油机械产品顾客满意度进行了定量评价。

    This paper adopted a fuzzy method of comprehensive assessment to have a quantitative assessment of Customer-Satisfaction on the petroleum machinery products .

  18. 此外,合作策略不仅使供应链系统利益最大化,而且消费者也从中收益,增加了其对产品的满意度。

    In addition , the cooperation strategy can not only maximize the interests of system , but also benefit the consumers and thus improve their satisfaction towards products .

  19. 通过引进综合表现度的概念来表征部件设计方案对成形产品顾客满意度的贡献。

    The concept of integrated performance indicator was introduced as a performance measure of design scheme to reveal contribution of parts design scheme to total customers ' satisfaction with product .

  20. 针对质量属性量化的问题,本文采用质量功能展开理论,运用质量屋,将顾客对产品的满意度转化为方案过程单元的优劣指标,再根据顾客调查项目的权重,得到方案的质量属性的优先度。

    Quality function deployment theory is used quality assessment quantitative . The customer satisfaction with the product transform into the merits of the program process indicators to get the program quality attributes indicators .

  21. 依照该模型,采用模糊数学的方法,构造了住宅产品顾客满意度指标测评体系,利用专家打分法确定出各指标的权重值。

    In accordance with this model , this paper designs an evaluation system of housing products of customer satisfaction by adopting the fuzzy math methods and identified the target weight by expert evaluation methods .

  22. 城市居民农产品质量满意度的下降,对市场经济秩序、社会稳定、城市居民的归属感等带来不利的影响。

    City residents of the satisfaction degree of the quality of agricultural products down , to the order of the market economy , social stability , urban residents of the belonging of the negative impact of the .

  23. 在对居民整体满意度分析的基础上,本文从性别、年龄、受教育程度、收入水平四个方面对不同消费群体对农产品质量满意度的差异化评价进行了对比分析。

    For residents in overall satisfaction on the basis of analysis , this dissertation , from gender , age , education , income level by level four aspects to different consumer groups produce quality satisfaction to the difference of the evaluation of a comparative analysis .

  24. 目前来说,通过进行客户满意度研究,提升客户对本公司产品的满意度,既能为公司节约竞争成本,同时又能带来巨大的收益,而且能吸引老客户介绍来的新客户。

    At present , through the study of customer satisfaction and improving the satisfaction rate of our product can save the competition cost and bring huge profits to us . At the same time it could attract new customers who are induced by previous ones .

  25. 基于顾客对产品的满意度评价,建立了一个分析和测量用户满意度的模糊机会约束规划模型,给出了模糊模拟处理目标函数的步骤和基于模糊模拟的遗传算法求解模型的过程。

    On the basis of evaluation of the customer satisfaction , the paper provided a fuzzy chance constrained programming model to analyze and measure customer satisfaction , then provided the steps of dealing with objective function on fuzzy simulation and the process of a fuzzy simulation based genetic algorithm .

  26. 大规模定制型产品的顾客满意度研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction Model of Mass Customization

  27. 论旅游产品的顾客满意度

    On Customer Satisfaction of Tourism Products

  28. 该系统的特点是既可以保证顾客对所采用的产品配置方案满意度最大,又便于产品产品和生产周期的计算。

    This method can mostly satisfy the customers'requirements and make the calculation of product costing and period easy .

  29. 本研究从顾客让渡价值的角度探讨家电产品的顾客满意度及影响因素。

    CSI about household electrical appliances and its influence factors were studied from the point of view of CDV .

  30. 诉诸法规策略与产品和财务满意度表现出正的相关性,并且有着正面的影响,与营销支持和社会满意度表现出负相关和负面的影响。

    Legalistic pleas are positively linked to production and financial satisfaction , which have negative correlation and impact on marketing support and social satisfaction .