
  • 网络Inter-Industry Trade;Inter- industry trade;Interindustry trade
  1. 随着生产力的发展与分工的深化,当前主流贸易模式已经从产业间贸易、产业内贸易发展到产品内分工贸易。

    With the development of productivity and division of labor , current pattern of trade evolutes from the Inter-industry trade , Intra-industry trade to the Intra-product specialization .

  2. 从前面的分析中可以看出双方贸易合作将从产业间贸易合作向产业内贸易合作发展,而且贸易合作领域将主要涉及服务、农业领域。

    It can be seen from the preceding analysis , bilateral trade cooperation will develop from inter-industry trade to intra-industry trade , the field of which will be involved in services , agriculture .

  3. 而服装类产品仍然以产业间贸易为主。

    While inter-industry still dominates garment products trade .

  4. 当今的国际贸易活动依据产品的可替换程度可划分为产业间贸易和产业内贸易两种形式。

    The international trade can be divided into the inter-industry and the intra-industry according to the alternative of goods .

  5. 随着国际贸易不断涌现新的形式,传统产业间贸易理论的解释力受到很大的挑战。

    As new international trade forms constantly emerge , the explanatory power of traditional theory of inter-industry trade is being challenged .

  6. 本文从产业间贸易、产业内贸易两个方面对广东外贸对产业结构调整进行了实证分析。

    The article analyzes empirically the foreign trade adjustment of Guangdong 's industrial structure based on intra-industry trade and inter-industry trade .

  7. 但是,除了欧盟,中国与其他三个经济体的贸易模式正在逐步由互补性的产业间贸易向产业间贸易与产业内贸易并重转变。

    However , except for Europe Union , China is transforming from inter-industrial trade to intra-industry trade with other three largest countries .

  8. 其中,产业间贸易是传统的贸易形式,而产业内贸易则是在二战后从发达国家兴起并迅速发展的新兴贸易形式。

    The inter-industry is the traditional form , the intra-industry is the new form which grew up after the World War II among the developed countries .

  9. 研究结果显示:中国与巴西之间巨额的农产品贸易主要以产业间贸易为主,产业内贸易水平不高。

    And the results are following , 1 , The main mode of agricultural products trade between China and Brazil is still inter industry trade and the IIT level is lower .

  10. 比较优势理论强调看不见的手的作用,推动了自由贸易的发展,并成功地解释了产业间贸易格局。

    The Theory of Comparative Advantage emphasizes on the function of " the invisible hand " . It enhances the development of the free trade and explains the industrial spatial structure successfully .

  11. 随着战后科技的进步和国际分工的深化,国际贸易的格局和模式也由以产业间贸易为主转变为以产业内贸易为主。

    With the development of science and technology improvement and deepening international division of labor , the intra-industry trade now takes a more important role than inter-industry trade in the pattern of international trade .

  12. 但我国贸易格局还基本上是以劳动密集型产品为比较优势的产业间贸易,产业内贸易总体竞争力与发达国家相比尚有一定的差距。

    But the structure of international trade of our country remains mainly the inter-industry trade on the basis of labor-concentrated products . The overall competitiveness of intra-industry trade is still lags behind the developed countries .

  13. 两国的商品贸易除了呈现出良好的产业间贸易之外,在塑料橡胶制品、贱金属制品等行业中还呈现出逐步增长的产业内贸易趋势。

    Merchandise trade between the two countries has shown a good addition to the trading industry , and also showing a gradual growth of intra-industry trade trends in plastic rubber products , base metal products industries .

  14. 无论产业间贸易理论(含古典、新古典贸易理论)、产业内贸易理论(新贸易理论)还是产品内贸易理论,都是比较成本优势理论在不同分工形态下的具体体现。

    No matter whether the inter-industry trade theory ( including classical , neoclassical trade theory ), the intra-industry trade theory ( the new trade theory ), or the intra-product trade theory embodies specifically comparative cost advantage in different patterns of division .

  15. 故本文又详细分析了中印贸易往来的主要行业的边际产业间贸易发展状况,其中边际产业间贸易中,初级产品占有28%的份额,54%的份额为制成品贸易。

    Therefore , the author made a detailed analysis on the development of the marginal industrial trade in the related major fields , in which the primary products share the 28 % proportion while the 54 % shared by the finished goods .

  16. 在双边贸易迅猛发展的同时,随着双方经济结构的升级,双方贸易结构已经发生了改变,双方从自然禀赋型的产业间贸易向工业制成品的产业内贸易转变。

    With the rapidly development of mutual trade between ASEAN and China , optimization of the economic structure , both parties ' trade structure has been changed , The both parties shift from Inter-industry trade of natural resources to intra-industry trade of manufactured goods .

  17. 本文首先从中日两国相互依存关系入手,分析了两者间的贸易状况和新的贸易特点:贸易结构的不断改变&从产业间贸易向产业内贸易转变。

    This paper first illustrates the independent relationship between China and Japan , detailed analyzing their trade situation and new characteristic : the continuous changes in trade structure , from inter-industry trade to intra-trade , and then points out the fundamental reasons for the trade conflicts between China and Japan .

  18. 中西部地区贸易模式偏向于传统产业的产业间贸易模式,而东部地区贸易模式偏向于高新技术产业的产业内贸易模式和产品内贸易模式。

    Mid-western trade pattern tends to the Inter-Industry trade . Eastern trade pattern tends to the Intra-Industry trade and Intra-products trade .

  19. 因此,表面上看是美中围绕知识产权保护问题之争,但实际上从根源上来讲反映的是美中产业间和产业内贸易的比较优势和竞争优势。

    Therefore , the Sino-US IPR dispute actually reflects the competitive and comparative advantage of intra-industry trade between these two countries .

  20. 传统的产业间、产业内贸易都无法对其进行很好的解释,实际上东亚最新出现的这种贸易模式是以产品生产环节分工为基础的产品内贸易模式。

    The traditional inter-industry , intra-industry trade could not explain it well , in fact the latest emerging trade pattern in East Asia that based on division of the production links is intra-production trade pattern .

  21. 传统的比较优势理论被认为只能解释通常发生在发达国家与发展中国家之间的产业间垂直分工和贸易,而主要在发达国家之间进行的产业内水平分工和贸易则需要用新贸易理论来说明。

    The traditional theory of Comparative Advantage is considered as only explaining the inter-industry vertical trade that commonly exists between developed countries and developing countries . The intra-industry horizontal trade that mainly takes place within developed countries is thought to be explained by the New Trade Theory .

  22. 在贸易效应的分析中,通过相关指数的计算以及巴拉萨模型的检验,发现中国和东盟国家在互补性产业当中会发生产业间贸易效应,在竞争性产业中会发生产业内贸易效应。

    In the analysis of the trade effects , it found that China and ASEAN countries have inter-industry trade in complementary industries , intra-industry trade in competitive industry .

  23. 在当今国际贸易发展中,产业内贸易模式逐渐取代传统产业间贸易模式,产业内贸易受到各国的重视。

    With the development of the international trade , the traditional inter-industry trade has been replaced by intra-industry trade . Intra-industry trade became very important to every country .

  24. 本文主要结论是:中美工业制成品产业内贸易指数普遍较低,产业间贸易仍旧是双边贸易的基本格局。

    Through much empirical analysis , the conclusions are : Sino-US intra-industry trade index is generally low , inter-industry trade is the basic pattern of bilateral trade .

  25. 产业内贸易是一种与传统产业间贸易不同的贸易形式,它首先发生在发达国家之间,后来扩展到发达国家与发展中国家之间。

    Intra-industry trade is different from the traditional inter-industry trade . It first occurred between developed countries , and later extended to developed countries . Their bases are not the same .

  26. 现有的产业内贸易理论认为:可以解释产业间贸易的比较优势理论难以解释产业内贸易。

    Present trade theory in the inside of industry considers the comparative superiority thory for which can be used for explanation of trade between industries is difficult to explain the trade in inside of industries .

  27. 结果显示中国农产品总体产业内贸易水平不高,还是以产业间贸易为主。

    The results show that the inter-industry trade level of agricultural products of China is not high , the inter-industry trade takes the dominant position .

  28. 但是两岸产业内贸易的总体水平仍然较低,产业间贸易仍然是两岸贸易的主要形式。

    But the overall level of intra-industry trade is still in low . Inter-industry trade is still the main form of the cross-strait trade .

  29. 规模经济效应和技术差异促进了战后产业内贸易的迅速发展,产业内贸易日益取代产业间贸易成为国际贸易的主要形式。

    S : Scale-economic-effect and technology differentiation have helped the fast development of postwar intra-industry trade and it has soon substitute inter-industry trade to be the main form of international trade .

  30. 对于低技术劳动密集的产业(例如,SITC82,83,84和85),这种转移是基于比较优势,而产生了产业间贸易。

    For low-skilled labor-intensive industries ( e.g. SITC 82 , 83 , 84 , and 85 ), the relocation is based on comparative advantage and resulted in inter-industry trade .