
chǎn pǐn zhì liànɡ jiū fēn
  • product quality dispute
  1. 本文将从以下几方面对广告代言人的民事责任进行论述:首先通过介绍刘嘉玲代言SK-Ⅱ产品质量纠纷一案,提出我国虚假广告代言存在的问题。

    This article from the following aspects of civil liability to spokespersons for discussion : First , by introducing the SK - ⅱ product quality dispute case puts forward the problem of false endorsements .

  2. 利用仲裁检验解决铸造机械产品质量纠纷

    To Settle Disputes on Foundry Machinery Quality by Arbitration Inspection

  3. 面对复杂的产品质量纠纷,严格区分生产者和销售者应该承担的产品质量责任显得尤为重要。

    Distinction product liability disputes between producers and sellers which is become particularly important .

  4. 因此,合同双方发生产品质量纠纷时,可通过仲裁检验来维护企业合法权益。

    Therefore whenever a dispute rises between the two parties of a contract arbitration inspection may be done to protect the legitimate right of enterprise .

  5. 一起涉及产品质量责任医疗纠纷案的解析

    Analyzing a case of lawsuit involved to the responsibility of medical product quality

  6. 代理交通事故、医疗纠纷、产品质量等赔偿纠纷。

    Agent for traffic accident , medical dispute , the product quality and other compensation disputes .

  7. 我国社会主义市场经济不断地深入发展,产品质量问题显得越来越复杂,产品质量纠纷也越来越多。

    Our country markets and economic are developing continently . Issues of product quality standardization are increasing . The most important is product quality disputes are also increasing .

  8. 仲裁检验的对象是指有产品质量争议的产品,检验的目的是为解决产品质量纠纷提供科学公正的检验结论。

    The object of arbitration inspection refers to those products with disputes on their quality while its purpose is to provide inspection results with science and justice to settle disputes on product quality .