
  • 网络Border Trade;frontier trade;frontier traffic
  1. 中俄边境贸易60年历程是一个由小变大、由弱变强、不断拓展完善的发展史,是中俄60年经济转轨调整的真实写照。

    Sino-Russian border trade is a60-year journey from small to big and from weak to strong , and is a true portrayal of the economic transition adjustment .

  2. CAFTA对广西边境贸易的影响及对策思考

    Reflections on the Influence of CAFTA on the Border Trade of Guangxi and the Countermeasures

  3. 随着中国加入WTO和中国&东盟自由贸易区的即将启动,中越边境贸易将在中国对越南的贸易、甚至是中国与东盟的贸易中发挥更为重要的作用。

    With China entered the WTO and China-ASEAN free trade area being set up , the frontier trade between China and Vietnam will play an even more important role in the foreign trade between China and Vietnam .

  4. 但随着WTO相关规则和CAFTA政策的逐步推进,边境贸易将会逐步丧失其目前在政策上所具有的优势而被一般贸易所替代。

    But with the further implementation of related rules and polices , the border trade will be progressively taken place by general trade due to the lost of policy advantage .

  5. 云南中小企业凭借其特殊的地缘优势,经过长期的边境贸易,与GMS国家建立了良好的关系,更容易获准进入GMS国家的资源开发领域。

    The SME of Yunnan has established the good relationship with GMS countries by right of its special geographical location advantage and the long-term frontier trade . And it is easier to enter the resources exploitation of GMS countries .

  6. 国务院关于边境贸易有关问题的通知

    Circular of the State Council Regarding Relevant Issues on Frontier Trade

  7. 进一步发展黑龙江省对俄边境贸易的对策

    Policies for further advancing frontier trade between Heilongjiang Province and Russia

  8. 第四章运用边境贸易相关理论对中蒙边境贸易进行了实证分析。

    Chapter IV conducts an empirical analysis to Sino-Mongolian border trade .

  9. 两国间的边境贸易发展迅速。

    Border trade between the two countries is developing rapidly .

  10. 新形势下黑龙江省对俄边境贸易的经济地理透视

    Analysis for Border-trade between Heilongjiang and Russia under New Situation

  11. 新疆边境贸易发展绩效分析和对策

    Performance analysis and strategy development of border trade in Xinjiang

  12. 第二部分是边境贸易的基本理论;

    Part Two covers the basic theories of border trade ;

  13. 论边境贸易发展的资源战略与金融支持

    The Resource Strategy and Financial Support to the Cross - Border Trade

  14. 开展边境贸易,搞活商品经济。

    And to expand frontier trade and enliven the local commodity economy .

  15. 发展边境贸易应加快基础设施建设;

    For developing the business , we should improve building basic instruments ;

  16. 这些要素都是影响中蒙边境贸易的因素。

    These elements are the determinants in Sino-Mongolian border trade .

  17. 中俄边境贸易升级的战略对策研究

    Strategic measures of trade upgrade at the frontier of China and Russia

  18. 黑龙江省2个边境贸易口岸蚊类本底调查

    Investigation on Mosquitoes at Frontier Ports in Heilongjiang Province

  19. 边境贸易、加工贸易渐趋活跃;

    Frontier trade and machining trade became more active ;

  20. 边境贸易与边疆民族地区的经济发展

    Frontier trade and the economic development in ethnic minority areas in the borderland

  21. 边境贸易以低附加值商品和易货贸易为主;

    Frontier trade is centered on the low-cost consumable supplies and consignation trade .

  22. 想要做边境贸易,至少要会两个国家的语言。

    One must speak at least two languages to engage in border trade .

  23. 关于完善我国边境贸易争端解决机制的思考

    The Ponder of Improving China 's the Settlement Mechanism of Frontier Trade Disputes

  24. 中国边境贸易与地区经济增长

    The Border Trade and Regional Economic Growth in China

  25. 近代桂越区域性边境贸易圈探析

    An Analysis of the Modern Border Trade Regional Circle between Guangxi and Vietnam

  26. 中越边境贸易研究

    Study on the Frontier Trade between China and Vietnam

  27. 我国内陆边境贸易的区位研究

    A study on location of frontier trade in China

  28. 中越边境贸易发展的障碍因素探析

    On the Obstacle Factors in Development of Frontier Trade between China and Vietnam

  29. 关于新疆边境贸易发展的研究

    Study on the Development of Frontier Trade in Xinjiang

  30. 我国外汇管理与边境贸易的发展

    Exchange Control and the Border Trade Development in China