
  • 网络mpc;Marginal Propensity to Consume MPC;the marginal propensity to consume
  1. 利用我国居民边际消费倾向的估计值和货币流通速度的平均值数据,我们度量了我国财政支出变化对GDP变化的影响程度,得出我国实行的扩张性财政政策有效的结论。

    Making use of the estimate of the marginal propensity to consume and the mean value of the velocity of money , we measure the effect of changes of fiscal expenditure on the change of GDP , and conclude that the expansionary fiscal policies in China are effective .

  2. 第四部分对浙江省2006年的消费结构进行了研究,建立了扩展线性方程(ELES),并通过扩展线性支出系统对浙江省的居民边际消费倾向进行了分析。

    The fourth part of the consumption structure in 2006 in Zhejiang Province were studied to establish the extended linear equations ( ELES ), and through the extended linear expenditure system for the residents of Zhejiang province were analyzed marginal propensity to consume .

  3. 本文在一个简单的动态一般均衡模型中,通过分析利息税冲击的两种效应&提高边际消费倾向和降低资本存量,发现利息税冲击对稳态(steadystate)消费的瞬时是正的;

    By analyzing two effects of interest-tax shock , under a simple model of general equilibrium dynamics-the increasing marginal propensity to consumption and reducing capital stock-we find the effect of interest-tax shock on steady-state consumption and steady-state income in long-run .

  4. 本文利用状态空间模型估计出我国城镇居民所有收入阶层边际消费倾向(MPC)的波动趋势。

    By a state-space model , this paper measures the volatility ot urban inhabitants'propensity to consume ( MPC ) in China from the angle of different income classes .

  5. 在比较两者的消费特征时分为三个方面,即消费支出、消费倾向和消费结构来进行比较分析,并运用ELES模型得出城乡居民对八大类商品的边际消费倾向,对其进行比较分析。

    When analyzes the consumption characteristics between two groups , this paper considers three aspects : consumer spending ; consumption tendency and consumption structure , and uses ELES model obtain the urban and rural residents ' marginal propensity of consumption of eight categories of goods , and analyzes the results .

  6. 值的影响;边际消费倾向对财政政策效果的影响

    The Influence of Marginal Consumption on the Effectiveness of Financial Policy

  7. 对于我国边际消费倾向的分析及对策研究

    The Analysis on Marginal Propensity to Consume ( MPC ) of China

  8. 对中国现有的几种边际消费倾向计算方法的评析

    Appraisals of the Methods of Marginal Propensity to Consume

  9. 我国城镇居民边际消费倾向的变化

    Study of the changes in the marginal consumption propensity of Chinese town residents

  10. 贫困县和非贫困县的食用油边际消费倾向最大,边际支出份额也最高。

    The marginal propensity and expenditure proportion of edible oil are both highest .

  11. 因此,实行缩小收入差距的收入再分配政策,能有效地提高我国居民的总体边际消费倾向,扩大总消费需求,从而刺激经济增长。

    That is , the re-distribution of income can increase the aggregate consumption .

  12. 平均消费倾向和边际消费倾向。

    It has two forms : average propensity to consume and marginal propensity to consume .

  13. 股市的长期繁荣将改变边际消费倾向,扩大乘数效应;

    The long-term prosperity of stock market will change marginal consumption trend , enlarge multiplier effect .

  14. 基尼系数与边际消费倾向的函数关系分析

    An Analysis of the Function Relations between the Gini Coefficient and the Marginal Propensity to Consume

  15. 边际消费倾向对我国三次产业结构优化作用研究

    A Study of the Impact of Marginal Propensity to Consume on Optimizing China 's Three Industries Structure

  16. 事实上,我们先前已经假定资本家的边际消费倾向为零。

    In fact , we have already assumed capitalist 's Marginal propensity to consume is zero early .

  17. 边际消费倾向是可支配收入增加一美元对消费的影响。

    Marginal propensity to consume is the effect on consumption of an additional dollar in disposable income .

  18. 投资区域乘数的决定因素为投资流动到特定区域的比例和社会边际消费倾向,且与此两因素均呈正相关关系。

    AMI is decided by PIFA and SMCD , and has a positive correlation with the two factors .

  19. 全球金融危机下拉动内需的微观基础&中国居民边际消费倾向研究

    Microcosmic Base for Promoting Domestic Demand under the Global Financial Crisis & A Study on MPC of China Inhabitants

  20. 分析了恩格尔系数、各类商品的边际消费倾向和需求收入弹性的变化。

    Analyzing Engel 's coefficients , change of trend of marginal consumption of varieties of goods and demand income flexibility .

  21. 得出了阜新投资乘数不稳定,边际消费倾向偏低;

    Thereby it draws some conclusions that invest multiplier of FuXin is not stable , marginal propensity to consume lowly .

  22. 通过实证研究发现,在税收结构中,流转税(间接税)比重的增加对投资增长有激励作用,而对边际消费倾向没有显著影响;

    Empirical study found circulation tax ( indirect taxation ) proportion increased in tax structure can inspirit investment and restrain consumption .

  23. 从非均衡货币储蓄经济周期模型可以得到边际消费倾向的一维递归方程。

    From the economic cyclical model of nonequilibrium monetary savings we can get the one-dimension recursive equation of marginal consumption tendency .

  24. 这样才能提高人们的边际消费倾向,在多样化的消费市场中找到商机。

    In this way the marginal consuming tendency can be reinforced and the marketing opportunities can be obtained in a diversified market .

  25. 接着,文章对凯恩斯的高消费伦理思想的历史局限性进行了深入剖析,认为:1、凯恩斯先验的假设&边际消费倾向下降规律是不成立的;

    The author also thinks that the laws that the marginal consumption falling tendency of the former hypothesis of Keynes is impossible ;

  26. 所得税和其他税(代表了直接税)比重的增加,有利于抑制投资和过快的经济增长,相反,可以提高边际消费倾向,从而促进消费。

    While , Income tax and other taxes ( direct taxes ) proportion increased in tax structure will inspirit consumption and restrain investment .

  27. 我国农民收入增长缓慢且不稳定,致使农民边际消费倾向偏低,消费总量不足。

    Farmer 's income increases slowly and unsteadily in China . That has caused farmers ' marginal propensity of low and insufficient consumption .

  28. 边际消费倾向递减规律造成了消费不足,而资本边际效率递减和流动偏好规律造成了投资不足。

    Diminishing marginal propensity to consume resulted in insufficient consumption , while law of capital diminishing marginal utility and flow preferences caused insufficient investment .

  29. 例如,它要求储蓄应该与投资相当,边际消费倾向应该为正,以及库存不应为负值。

    It requires , for example , that saving equal investment , that the marginal propensity to consume be positive , and that inventories be non-negative .

  30. 针对投资流动到特定区域比例和社会边际消费倾向的变化,投资区域乘数有特定的波动区间。

    With the fluctuating of proportion of investment flows into an area ( PIFA ) and social marginal consumption trend ( SMCD ), AMI fluctuates in a special region .