
biān jì
  • limit;boundary;side;bound
边际 [biān jì]
  • (1) [boundary;limits]∶边缘;边界

  • 水国无边际

  • 不着边际

  • (2) [side]∶边上

边际[biān jì]
  1. 而它们的资本利用效率或者技术创新水平至少是没有明显提升(或是下降),还不足以抵消其资本边际生产率下降的趋势。

    Their capital utilization rate or technical innovation level has not been promoted obviously and it is insufficient to offset the drop of capital limit productivity .

  2. 最后,本文对出现的资本存量和劳动的边际回报率差异的变化趋势进行了初步的解释。

    Finally , the article put the metabolic trend of the difference of limit return rate of quantity and labor to undertake the abecedarian explains to occurrence capital .

  3. 对于低收入的工人来说,边际税率至少为75%。

    For low-paid workers , the marginal tax rate is at least 75 % .

  4. 高额的边际税率可能会对加班起到抑制作用。

    High marginal tax rates may act as a disincentive to working longer hours .

  5. 新古典边际生产率理论把生产要素同任何商品一样对待。

    The neoclassical marginal productivity doctrine freats the factors of production like any commodity .

  6. 不平等不仅涉及最高边际税率,而且还涉及我们的儿童获得粮食和人人享有正义的权利。

    Inequality is not just about the top marginal tax rate but also about our children 's access to food and the right to justice for all .

  7. 这座城堡巍然耸立在沙漠的边际,显得十分壮美。

    The castle rises in solitary splendour on the fringe of the desert .

  8. 在上述边际情况下自身经验会更进一步增加这种不确定感

    The precariousness is further increased by self-experiences in the aforementioned marginal situation .

  9. 而且服务进口与多数指标间的相关系数都要大于服务出口和服务贸易总额,对GDP增长的促进程度最大。第四,生产者服务贸易的积极经济效应显著,边际产出大。

    Fourthly , producer services trade brings about notable economic effect , and larger marginal output .

  10. 相对于GDP来说,利润边际接近50年来最高,因此有可能会下跌。

    Profit margins are close to a50-year high , relative to GDP , and thus seem likely to shrink .

  11. 多用户MIMO-OFDM下行链路传输的边际自适应

    Marginal self-adaptation to downlink transmission of multi-user MIMO-OFDM

  12. 基于Gibbs抽样法的边际密度估计

    Gibbs Sampling-Based Approaches in Estimating Marginal Densities

  13. 在合理施肥确定边际利润率值〔1〕的基础上,应用数学方法给出一种确定投资风险预测阈值K的方法。

    On the basis of determination of marginal profit rate in rational application of fertilizer , a mathematical model of determing threshold k , of investment risk is established .

  14. 本文介绍了边际多样性方法,并利用微卫星DNA遗传距离、灭绝概率等结果分析了中国北方11个绵羊品种的品种贡献率、边际多样性及保护潜力。

    This paper introduced an approach of marginal diversity , and evaluated the contribution , marginal diversity and conservation potency of each of the 11 sheep breeds from northern China based on genetic distance and extinction probability .

  15. 发现,如果边际成本相比于上网者的支付意愿来说较高,则ISP和非营利机构都只有选择计时收费模式;

    First , I have discovered that if the marginal cost is comparatively high , ISP and public institutions can only choose time-sensitive pricing pattern ;

  16. 整个工作基于现代边际机会成本(MarginalOpportunityCost,MOC)理论,应用绿色投入产出核算理论方法,建立与现实情况较吻合的存量流量型资源经济环境一体化绿色投入产出经济分析模型。

    On the basis of modem marginal opportunity cost theory , applying green input output accounting theory , the green input output economic analysis was conducted with the integration of resources , economy and environment .

  17. 清洁发展机制(CDM)是联合国根据减排温室气体的边际成本而实行的可转让的排污许可。

    The essence of Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) is carrying out transferable pollution discharge permission , based on the marginal cost of reducing exhaust greenhouse gas .

  18. 对枣树最佳施肥方案、各肥料的主效应和边际产量效应进行探讨,确定了单独施肥的条件下,各肥料因素的增产效应为:NPK;

    Optimum fertilization scheme , major effects of each fertilizer and marginal yield effects were studied , increment effects of each fertilizer were determined : N P K ;

  19. 研究表明,以Hilbert边际谱传递函数为损伤指标和以支持向量机为损伤识别方法能够对大跨度斜拉桥进行损伤诊断。

    The research shows both the damage index of Hilbert Marginal Spectrum Transfer Function and the damage diagnosis method of Support Vector Machine can be used to the damage diagnosis of long span cable-stayed bridge .

  20. 通过分析对比得到的幅值谱,Hilbert-Huang谱图,以及边际谱图,成功的诊断出齿轮的磨损,以及齿轮之间存在调制影响的故障。

    According to analyze , compare the magnitude spectrum , the Hilbert-Huang spectrum , and the marginal spectrum , diagnosis the fault of gear abrasion and modulation effect between gears successfully .

  21. FPSO被广泛地用于浅海、深海和边际油气田的开发,油气资源通过穿梭油轮转运到岸上。

    FPSO has been widely used in shallow , deep water and marginal oil and gas field development . Oil and gas resources usually are transported to shore by shuttle tankers .

  22. 有些Gentoo用户已经认识到耗时的编译一个软件程序包带来的只是边际效益的速度和优化。

    Some Gentoo users have come to a realisation that the time-consuming compiling of software packages brings only marginal speed and optimisation benefits .

  23. 奥巴马最近已逐渐朝这一方向移动,提出了削减“税式支出”(taxexpenditures)即限制减免税额度的观点,但他对这个想法的强调,远远不及提高最高边际税率。

    Mr Obama has inched in this direction lately by mentioning the case for reducing " tax expenditures " ( ie , limiting the value of tax deductions ) , but the president has given the idea nothing like the prominence of higher top marginal rates .

  24. 以Keeley(1990)为代表的传统观点认为竞争会削弱银行的市场力量,减少银行的边际利润,也就是降低银行特许价值。

    The traditional view supports that greater bank competition reduces market power and profits margin , which essentially lowers the franchise value of banks .

  25. 3M公司,作为全球500强之一的制造企业,这几年来在中国的投资和发展是引人注目的,加强采购管理及对采购流程的优化也成为了提高3M中国有限公司边际利润率的关键所在。

    3M , as one of the biggest manufacturers in global 500 , during recent years its investment in China is very obvious , to manage and re-engineer the procurement procedure becomes the main issue of obtaining more profit to the company .

  26. 在比较两者的消费特征时分为三个方面,即消费支出、消费倾向和消费结构来进行比较分析,并运用ELES模型得出城乡居民对八大类商品的边际消费倾向,对其进行比较分析。

    When analyzes the consumption characteristics between two groups , this paper considers three aspects : consumer spending ; consumption tendency and consumption structure , and uses ELES model obtain the urban and rural residents ' marginal propensity of consumption of eight categories of goods , and analyzes the results .

  27. 主要借鉴Kancs(2007)的理论框架并结合中国实际情况,采用面板数据进行实证研究,考察出口市场规模、贸易成本、生产率、多边阻力、外商直接投资和金融危机因素对二元边际的影响机制。

    We draw on Kancs ( 2007 ) theoretical framework and current status of China and use panel data to carry on the empirical research to investigate the impact mechanisms of export market scale , trade cost , productivity , multilateral resistance , FDI and economic shock on dual margins .

  28. 当代台湾青年边际性政治人格特征解析

    The feature of marginal political personality for contemporary Taiwan 's youth

  29. 对竞争企业而言,边际收益等于物品的价格。

    The goal of a competitive firm is to maximize profit .

  30. 研究方法:制度经济学和新古典经济学边际分析方法。

    Methods of institutional economics and new-classic marginal analysis were employed .