
  • 网络decreasing marginal cost
  1. 在前人研究的基础上对信用卡产业的网络经济特性(网络外部性、双边市场特性、边际效益递增、边际成本递减)进行了论述。

    On the basis of previous studies on the credit card industry in network economy characteristics ( network externalities , bilateral market characteristics , increasing marginal benefit , decreasing marginal cost ) is discussed .

  2. 与此相适应,知识产品生产具有边际成本递减和边际收益递增机制。

    Accordingly , the production of knowledge products exhibits the mechanism of marginal cost regression and marginal revenue increasing .

  3. 家庭教育投资积极、学习勤奋则边际成本递减、边际收益递增;

    If family education investment is initiative and the family studies diligence , marginal cost decreases and marginal income increases by degrees .

  4. 边际交易成本为常数时,增加买方的初始水权不会影响水权市场的均衡结果,但当边际交易成本递增或递减时分别会使新的均衡点接近或远离理想均衡。

    Under a constant marginal transaction cost , the increase of the initial water right of purchasers has no impact on the result of equilibrium . With the increase or decrease of the marginal transaction cost , the new equilibrium point will approach or leave away from the ideal equilibrium .