
  • 网络Inventory;Holdings;installation base
  1. 需要强调是,包头作为一个经济发展中城市,限制私家车的保有量是不明智的,不符合包头市的实际情况。

    Needs to be emphasized that , as an economic development of Baotou , limiting the holdings of private cars would be unwise , and not in line with the actual situation in the city of Baotou .

  2. 二十世纪九十年代开始,随着我国经济的持续快速发展,机动车保有量增速迅猛(年均20%以上),而道路的增幅远低于机动车的增幅,使得道路交通管理工作难度逐渐加大。

    With the continuous and rapid development of our economy since the 1990s , the holdings of the motor vehicles have increased fast ( more than 20 % annual average growth rate ) .

  3. 耕地面积减少不会对我国的粮食安全带来任何影响,因为现有耕地面积已超出了此前设定的12400万公顷耕地保有量目标。

    The decline of farmland will not bring any effect to the country 's food security , as the current area of farmland is safely above the 124-million-hectare line set for cultivated land .

  4. 基于遗传BP算法的我国汽车保有量预测

    Forecasting of Vehicle Population in China Based on Hereditary BP Algorithm

  5. 将神经网络技术用于汽车保有量预测,建立基于双BP神经网络的多相关因素汽车保有量预测模型。

    In the paper , the technique of neural network is applied in forecasting affected by multi-relative factors , and a two ?

  6. 灰色系统GM(1,1)模型在大中马力拖拉机市场保有量预测中的应用

    Grey System GM ( 1,1 ) Model and Its Application to the Maintenance Forecasting for Large-Medium Horsepower Tractor Market

  7. 将一种计算几何学方法θ(即n?n)应用于无线传感网络中能量保有量较低的节点。

    A kind of computation geometry methods θ( namely n ~ ( log ) n ) is applying in the low energy node of wireless sensor network .

  8. 让我们换个角度看看微软面临的艰难险阻,在美国市场,Android和iPhone的市场保有量目前分别为WindowsPhone7的7倍和5倍。

    To put the mountain-sized hurdle in perspective , Android now has 7 times more users in the US while iPhone has about 5 times more .

  9. 随着我国燃气汽车保有量的增加,开发与之相配套的天然气(NG)加热器就成为了必然。

    With the number of Nature Gas Vehicle increasing in our country , it is necessary to develop clean fuel heater for matching .

  10. 汽车制造行业对于一个国家国民经济的影响深远,纵观发达国家在汽车工业时代走过的历史,可以发现其GDP与汽车保有量之间有一个明显的正相关性。

    Automobile manufacturing has a far-reaching impact on the national economy , looking through the historical era in automobile industry of the developed countries , there is a positive correlation between GDP and car ownership .

  11. 该模型综合考虑了GDP数据、历史汽车保有量、汽车产量、客运量、人均粗钢、人均发电、人口与公路里程对汽车保有量的影响。

    The model takes into account the impact of the GDP , history automobile ownership , automobile production , passenger volume , crude steel per capita , power generation per capita , population and road mileage on car ownership .

  12. 随着全球汽车工业的高速发展和汽车保有量的增加,汽车尾气对大气造成越来越严重的污染,特别是NOx的危害越来越引起人们注意。

    With the fast development of global automobile industry , the pollution caused by automobile exhaust has become more and more severe , especially NOx pollution , so people pay more attention to decrease the emission of NOx .

  13. 还出台了很多公共政策扶持,但根据国际能源署(IEA)近期公布的权威调查显示,截至2014年底电动车保有量仅为66.5万辆。

    and much public policy support there were only 665000 electric vehicles in operation at the end of 2014 , according to a recent authoritative study by the International Energy Agency .

  14. 中国地方政府可能反对外国公司控制如此关键的基础设施,即便Uber承诺帮助中国污染严重且交通拥堵的城市解决私人汽车保有量增加所带来的一些问题。

    Local governments in China may resist foreign control of something so essential , even if Uber promises to help solve some of the problems caused by swelling personal car ownership for China 's polluted and traffic-clogged cities .

  15. 其中保有量预测是基于土地变化驱动力模型(DSR)和部门指标预留法两种方法进行预测,需求量是基于粮食完全自给和根据耕地综合生产能力不变两种方法进行预测。

    Land quantity was predicted based on changes in driving force of land-based model ( DSR ) and department index reserved target method , and the demand was predicted based on fully self-sufficient in food production and in accordance with unchanged land comprehensive productivity . 5 .

  16. 同时,全球汽车保有量也迅速上升。

    Meanwhile , the global car ownership is also rising rapidly .

  17. 广西耕地保有量与粮食安全分析

    Analysis of retaining cultivated land and food safety in Guangxi

  18. 道路交通伤害与机动车保有量变化的相关性分析

    Correlation between Road Traffic Injuries and the Change of Motor Vehicle Owned

  19. 成渝地区大型公共建筑的保有量巨大。

    The number of large-scale public buildings in Chengdu-Chongqing area is enormous .

  20. 基于马尔可夫链的产品市场保有量预测模型

    The Markov-Chain-Based Model for the Forecast of the Market Maintenance of Products

  21. 耕地保有量外部性探讨

    A Discussion of the Externality of the Amount of Cultivated Land Reserved

  22. 基于多相关因素的汽车保有量预测神经网络方法

    Multi-relative Factor Forecast of Vehicle Population by Neural Network

  23. 城市私人小汽车保有量预测

    Prediction on the private car quantity in the city

  24. 北京市的私人轿车保有量正以飞快的速度发展。

    Stock of private vehicle in Beijing is now increasing at rapid speed .

  25. 我国汽车保有量预测方法浅析

    Analysis of Prediction Methods on National Vehicles Possessing Capacity

  26. 在我国,机动车的个人保有量也呈急速增长状态。

    In our country , the individual vehicle occupancy volume was also growth rapidly .

  27. 据报道,目前世界汽车的保有量就已经达到8亿辆。

    It is reported that there are eight hundred million cars in the world .

  28. 社会汽车保有量告诉增长。

    Tell the growth of social car ownership .

  29. 我国耕地保有量的指数预测模型

    Index Prediction Model of Total Farmland in China

  30. 重庆市汽车保有量和维修需求量预测

    The Prediction of the Present Quantity of Vehicles and the Needs of Maintenance in Chongqing