
  1. 第二节意在阐明保底条款的法律效力问题。

    Section ⅱ is intended to clarify the legal effectiveness of terms guaranteeing the minimum .

  2. 保底条款的效力一直备受争议。

    Insurance clause has been controversial .

  3. 保底条款无效不应影响委托理财合同其他条款的效力,比如盈利分配约定应属有效。

    Invalidity of the minimum-guarantee clause should not affect the effect of other clauses of the entrusted wealth management contract , such as profit distribution clause .

  4. 该章认为在民商法的理论库中,无法找到支持委托理财保底条款无效的理论资源。

    This chapter holds that there are no theoretical resources supporting invalidity of minimum-guarantee clause of entrusted wealth management in the theory databank of civil and commercial laws .

  5. 因此从司法审判的角度出发,对委托理财合同中的保底条款的认定,应当持谨慎态度。

    So from the view of Judicial Judgment , we must adopt a cautious attitude to the affirmation of the effectiveness of the Guarantee Clause in the Trust-Management Contract .

  6. 首先,在厘清理保底条款律性质基础上确定应当对其进行严格监管,并严格控制保底率。

    First of all , in clarifying the minimum guarantee clause is determined based on the law of nature should be strict supervision , and strictly control the base rate .

  7. 同时,委托理财领域存在着日趋严重而急需解决的问题,保底条款的存在更是引发了大量委托理财合同纠纷。

    And , entrust conduct financial transactions areas there are serious and urgent need to resolve problems , the existence of the terms is sparked much entrust financial contract dispute .

  8. 委托理财是目前金融市场上较为普遍的一种金融现象,受托方为吸引资金往往在委托理财合同中设定保底条款。

    In the asset management contract , which is common in the financial market , the managers always set a floor return clause for the clients in order to attract money .

  9. 通过中外合作经营合同保底条款的效力的分析,可以比较各种解释方法的运用,探讨其在具体案件中的适用规则。

    By analyzing the validity of the " fixed profit " clause in a sino foreign joint venture contract this article compares different interpretation methods in order to disclose the rules therein .

  10. 其次,详细分析介绍了洪勋理财纠纷案,并与类似纠纷殷强案进行了比较研究,总结出委托理财合同纠纷案的争议焦点,即案由的确定、保底条款的效力、委托理财合同的效力。

    Secondly , detailed analysis Hong Xun financial dispute , and with a similar dispute " Yin qiang " case were compared . Sums up the entrust conduct financial transactions of the contract dispute the central issue .

  11. 针对金融理财活动中委托行为与普通民事委托活动本质不同的问题,可以研究对《证券法》委托理财的禁止性规定作出狭义的司法解释,以维护理财交易中保底条款的有效性。

    In view of the different natures between act of commission and common civil delegation , the author undertakes a judicial interpretation on the forbidden provision of the commission in a narrow way , so as to preserve the validity of articles on guaranteed minimal profit .

  12. 由于相关法律规定的缺失,此类案件一出现便在司法审理过程中产生了许多认识上的分岐,委托理财合同中保底条款法律效力的认定便是其中较为突出的问题。

    Because of the absence of relevant rules or laws , many major cognitive disparities emerged during the judicial proceedings as soon as such cases appear , and the affirmation of the effectiveness of the Guarantee Clause in the Trust-Management Contract is the most prominent topics .